The Legend Of Kim Seolhyun: The Most Beautiful Woman In Joseon
A Korean Grandmother told me this story.
One day in the Kingdom of Joseon. King Sejeong asked his team of scholars and astrologists and wizards.
Find me the most beautiful woman!
All the advisors gathered all the prettiest women in the Kingdom and brought them to the court.
But the King wasn't convinced.
He got angry and yelled! Find me the most beautiful woman! Or I'll banish you all to slavery!
So the advisors ran away to try to find the prettiest Korean girl. Or else they might die!
The wisest of his advisors, and old wizard with a long beard, knew what he must do.
So he ran to his study and looked through all his old books and magical items. He prayed to the gods and chanted spells for hours! Witnesses said they saw smoke and lightning thundering out of his chamber way into the night.
In he morning, when King Sejeong gathered all his advisors together in the throne room. All the other wizards and scholars looked scared to death! Could any of them find the most beautiful Korean woman and avoid their fates?
The wisest wizard, calm and looking pleased with himself, walked slowly up and kneeled before the Great King, a single rolled scroll in his outstretched hands in offer to the king.
"Here's the Most Beautiful Woman in all of Joseon, Your Majesty."
The Great King looked happy, and opened the scroll he was given.
On the piece of parchment was a single name.
(Kim Seol-Hyun)
King Sejeong stood up and cheered happily! Kim Seolhyun! The Most Beautiful Woman in Joseon!
Bring her to me! The King ordered!
The wise wizard who had been so confident suddenly turned pale...
"You...your maj...esty....". He stuttered in fear.
"Speak Wizard! Where is Kim Seolhyun?" The King demanded.
The wizard fell to his knees in submission!
Finally the wizard cried out!
"She's in South Korea. In a place called Kpop!!! 570 years in the future!"
The Great King's smile turned to scowl.
At that moment. The court was so quiet you could hear the cooks making kimchi in the Palace kitchen.
All knew their sad fates.
Scholars say King Sejeong spent the rest of his reign ordering his wizards to find him a way to live to be 600.
All so he could meet the Most Beautiful Girl In Korea.
Kim Seolhyun.
The End.