If i thought your faves were better than mine, i would have stanned them instead

  • This is a very simple concept but it seems like many don't understand it.

    It's like some fans can not accept that their own subjective preferences aren't universal facts, they act as if they think you secretly BELIEVE that their faves are better but you don't want to admit it so they keep trying to force you to admit. and it is like????? why would anyone settle for something they think is subpar? why would they DEPRIVE themselves from stanning an artist they think is better just to slight YOU? it does not make any sense lol

    for example when you pick you faves' song in a comparison thread or when you give your faves' song a high rating and people start dismissing it or figuratively rolling their eyes as if it doesn't make sense for you to do so, or when you criticise a song from a group you don't stan and you get bombarded with comments such as "but you like X song from your faves!1!1!11!" yeah, and? that's exactly why i stan them, because i like them and I like their music duh, if i thought your faves were better and released better music then i would stan them instead, It's not rocket science.

    tbh i don't even know why i decided to make this thread :pepe-joy: but it has always annoyed me how some kpop fans act like you are just REFUSING TO ADMIT that their faves are better than yours, instead of simply accepting the fact that you genuinely think your faves are better and that's why you stan them instead.

  • “My faves are more successful than yours, so you obviously stan the wrong Group” :-)

    “ Critics say my faves music is good, who are you to say it’s bad, your opinion doesn’t matter “ :-)

    it doesn't even necessarily have to be about success stanning, since that's a different land mine all together.

    i always like to make analogies with food preferences when it comes to this. you can't just walk to someone and tell them that they are wrong for preferring spicy food over mild food or for liking tomatoes. you can't just say tomatoes suck because i hate them and therefore you are wrong. it is just stupid right? we all have different palates and would rather eat things that please and satisfy our palates. music is the same, there is literally no reason why anyone would stop themselves from listening to music they genuinely like just to annoy a certain fandom lol

  • "And please let me explain to you in an essay why they are superior to your favourites and why everyone loves them" (everyone except people who aren't their fans, yourself included)

    “And if that essay still didn’t convince you, you’re just ignorant and pressed and got no taste.” (Apparently around 8 billion people ain’t got taste than)

  • I’ve never understood why people use critics opinions to downplay and invalidate other peoples opinions. At the end of the day, it’s still someone’s opinion, whether it comes from a kpop fan or the queen of England herself. The only reason people use critics opinions is because it matches their narrative, if that critic had said something negative, you know fans would be ripping their views apart and ignoring them. I see it all the time, I’ll use the example of western media.


    When western media says something negative about a kpop artist: WTF THEIR OPINION DOESN’T MATTER ANYWAY WE DONT NEED WESTERN VALIDATION OUR FAVS ARE AMAZING


  • 160+ of my song battles in the old forum ended up with zero fanwars I must be the chosen prophet or something

    stop rubbing it on :pepefacepalm:

    the other day you made a thread about songs we thought are the worst kpop songs, no one was offended (at least not openly) and there were no fights or fanwars, just people seeing the thread for the harmless fun it was supposed to be and at most bickering friendly.

    BUT THEN someone decided to single me out and make a whole different thread about one of my posts in your thread and got me dragged and read for filth :pepe-cut:

  • “My faves are more successful than yours, so you obviously stan the wrong Group” :-)


  • thank you very much, everything you said is very well spot on. critics are not other wordly beings or deities. they are just humans like the rest of us and therefore their opinions are naturally influenced with bias among other things.

    besides, many artists aren't even relevant or known enough to get their music evaluated by "critics" which makes this whole argument obsolete

  • it doesn't even necessarily have to be about success stanning, since that's a different land mine all together.

    i always like to make analogies with food preferences when it comes to this. you can't just walk to someone and tell them that they are wrong for preferring spicy food over mild food or for liking tomatoes. you can't just say tomatoes suck because i hate them and therefore you are wrong. it is just stupid right? we all have different palates and would rather eat things that please and satisfy our palates. music is the same, there is literally no reason why anyone would stop themselves from listening to music they genuinely like just to annoy a certain fandom lol

    No not talking about success stanning here. People often use this to prove that their faves music quality is superior cause they are more successful with it. So if you stan a Group who isn’t that successful, they assume it’s because people don’t like their music. So in other words… you’re stanning Groups who’s music is qualitative inferior cause they ain’t really successful with it, so you’re having bad taste and no right to criticize the music of others more successful than your faves….

    But yea… you see this being used by success stans as well.

  • No not talking about success stanning here. People often use this to prove that their faves music quality is superior cause they are more successful with it. So if you stan a Group who isn’t that successful, they assume it’s because people don’t like their music. So in other words… you’re stanning Groups who’s music is qualitative inferior cause they ain’t really successful with it, so you’re having bad taste and no right to criticize the music of others more successful than your faves….

    But yea… you see this being used by success stans as well.

    when people use that argument i genuinely wonder if they themselves like their faves most successful songs more than the less successful ones. Unless their favorite songs list literally has the exact same order as the list of their faves best selling songs then they themselves prove their own argument wrong lol.

  • No not talking about success stanning here. People often use this to prove that their faves music quality is superior cause they are more successful with it. So if you stan a Group who isn’t that successful, they assume it’s because people don’t like their music. So in other words… you’re stanning Groups who’s music is qualitative inferior cause they ain’t really successful with it, so you’re having bad taste and no right to criticize the music of others more successful than your faves….

    But yea… you see this being used by success stans as well.

    Those people are probably the ones who think that Rollin was a trash song in 2017 because it flopped so hard in the charts, and is now a god-tier songs because it now has the most PAKs out of any KPOP GG songs.

    Like the quality of the song magically increased 4 years later


  • Those people are probably the ones who think that Rollin was a trash song in 2017 because it flopped so hard in the charts, and is now a god-tier songs because it now has the most PAKs out of any KPOP GG songs.

    Like the quality of the song magically increased 4 years later


    me writing this argument down to use it in the future 3x

    something else, those same people wouldn't apply the same logic to groups they dislike or theur faves' rivals (often the same thing in kpop lol). The definitely won't start suddenly praising or "admitting" that a group they dislike suddenly started having good music once a song of theirs top the charts

  • Yea many are really weird about music.

    Despite being very much a subjective human phenomenon, lots of people treat it as if it is more objective than it is. Further skewed by a tendency to assert subjective preference as some kind of objective fact.

    Are there certain constructions and traits in music that have a tendency to have widespread support as being seen as exemplary of musical talent and excellence? Or even more fundamentally being music at all? Yes. Similarly are there common traits and constructions that seem to be pleasing to humans in a widespread fashion? Yes.

    But people tend to think of this as being indicative of objectivity.

    I think it's closer to see the above as indicative of widespread alignment of subjective view. In other words it indicates many people hold a similar subjective view.

    I see popular music assessment as struggle of competing factions. All vying to convince enough other people to support their subjective opinion.

    An easy example of the elusiveness of objectivity.

    Is Bob Dylan a bad singer or good?

    He faced many critics both professional and of the masses who would deem his voice and delivery to be terrible, nasally, and not indicative of being a good singer.

    While others find his delivery and approach to be transcendent and perfectly suited to his music.

    Who's right?

    Well. I don't think anyone really is. In any objective sense.

    Depends on your view and what you like in music.

    Similarly in kpop. I think people would be better served to acknowledge the subjective nature of music. And accept that not everyone is going to see it your way. And you may not see it theirs.

    And that's okay.

  • A very satisfying paragraph, as usual from you.

    it is particularly weird to me because it is never like that in real life. i have never in my whole life once had a fight or a heated argument with someone else because of music preference or because either of us likes an artist that the other dislikes, and i know MANY people who dislike artists i stan and stan artists i dislike, but it somehow never was a problem or caused any kind of discourse aside from "do you really like this song? i hate it", "really? i love it so much" the end.


  • when people use that argument i genuinely wonder if they themselves like their faves most successful songs more than the less successful ones. Unless their favorite songs list literally has the exact same order as the list of their faves best selling songs then they themselves prove their own argument wrong lol.

    I mean… I have seen several people already proving themself wrong several times… if they get asked to post their favorite Songs from their faves it’s often a list of the more successful ones. Barely mention any B-sides… unless it was charting well.

  • Also, the fact that it even went to what 11 pages without any quarrels even I was shocked


  • totally agree with you, music is subjective

    but about the rating songs point, i do believe that people or kpop fans most of the time tend to be biased when rating their faves music maybe not intentionally, or maybe they can't get themselves to admit that their fave can put out a bad song

  • Those people are probably the ones who think that Rollin was a trash song in 2017 because it flopped so hard in the charts, and is now a god-tier songs because it now has the most PAKs out of any KPOP GG songs.

    Like the quality of the song magically increased 4 years later


    Rollin is now quality music now that it got the PAK… that’s how easy it is to detect quality music.


  • Rollin is now quality music now that it got the PAK… that’s how easy it is to detect quality music.


    Forget Rollin

    Now we have Coolin

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  • I also have thought like this for long time. I would never say someone music is bad, I would say I dislike it. The concept is simple, I don't know what is best and how best is exactly being counted. If best is refer to chart, so that mean the song that low on chart or not charting at all is so bad? No, they also song that sounds good even if it does not top the chart.

    It just like OP said, I would have stanned xxxx instead of mine if I like xxxx song.

  • besides, many artists aren't even relevant or known enough to get their music evaluated by "critics" which makes this whole argument obsolete

    You might think it’s common sense. It’s great to use in an Appreciation Thread. But in an argument over which music you prefer, I think it’s useless to bring it up.

    That’s why I don’t use good critic reviews as an argument as to why I prefer my faves music over others.

    Cause I know they only got those critic reviews because they are popular and relevant enough to do so. Cause they didn’t bother to review their older stuff (before they got popular). It would be unfair to use it against act’s who ain’t as popular as them.

  • totally agree with you, music is subjective

    but about the rating songs point, i do believe that people or kpop fans most of the time tend to be biased when rating their faves music maybe not intentionally, or maybe they can't get themselves to admit that their fave can put out a bad song

    You're right but it's not always like that. Picking a song from your faves in a poll doesn't always mean you did it because or the identity of the artists and not because it really reflects your opinion.

    You might think it’s common sense. It’s great to use in an Appreciation Thread. But in an argument over which music you prefer, I think it’s useless to bring it up.

    That’s why I don’t use good critic reviews as an argument as to why I prefer my faves music over others.

    Cause I know they only got those critic reviews because they are popular and relevant enough to do so. Cause they didn’t bother to review their older stuff (before they got popular). It would be unfair to use it against act’s who ain’t as popular as them.

    I am too opinionated to use someone else's opinion on a song to validate my taste. That's embarrassing.

  • Also a further note.

    Even critical reception, often the go to authority invoked as proof of objective quality, is actually more a consensus of subjectivity.

    If critical reception was an indication of objective quality.

    Why do critics differ in opinion?

    Even if the majority of critics congregate around a certain assessment at a given time, why do we have examples of critical opinion changing over the years? (Something widely critically panned or lauded may see a reversal of critical opinion after decades, etc.)

    Subjectivity holds a much larger sway than many would let on.

  • I totally agree. Tell that to dan lol

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