TO1 (former TOO) member caught throwing out fan letters + dating a minor

  • How can these people treat the few fans they have like trash...? What would they be doing and saying if they had big3 levels of fandoms?

    I just feel bad for the fans tbh. Imagine sending encouraging letters and gifts thinking you're supporting your nugu idol only for them to throw it in the trash and call you annoying.

  • I have seen that the artists who are really successful never talk trash about their fans and say such rude stuff...

    if you cant respect the ones loving and helping you earn money, then you simply don't deserve the success and it will fall apart one way or the other..

    these kind of controversies about idols speaking trash of fans always happens with the nugu ones who think they are some big deal..

  • The whole idea of writing an idol a letter seems odd to me. Hell I love my idols as much as the next person but thinking they need to read some personal letter from me is....I don't know.... Weird to me.

    It seems too personal to me. Same with giving gifts.

    There's no personal relationship. And letters seem so personal.

    Anyway.... I know it's a thing.


    My take.

    Depending on the volume of letters you're getting. Reading every single one is an unrealistic ask. Let's be honest.

    But for the love of god don't get caught tossing them out.

    And fansigns are probably annoying. I can see that.

    But again. Putting down the people who provide you fame is not a good look.


  • If hes dating the girl theb yikes to her. Shes 17 she's not a idiot or a kid she chose to date an older guy. That's on her. As for the fangifts? People should be more upset that saseangs are supported instead of denounced for violating their privacy who the fuck goes through someone's trash to see if you used something or not? WTF.

    Also hate that bullshit double standard of women being coddled like helpless dimwits when it comes to relationships. As people always are against a older guy dating a younger woman. But fully support older women dating younger men. Either both are yikes or neither are .

  • I don't mind if idols throw the gifts away, but ripping and tearing them purposely seems a little too much. Still does anyone know how they caught this group doing this? Did some employee expose it or something?

    Saseangs going through their trash. People sitting debating about the idols instead of denouncing these saseangs and reporting them is a blanket statement of support, which is one of the reasons these people do this

  • So we are here judging an Idol throwing away a few fan letters, but won’t talk about a saseang going through trash to see what their faves are throwing away, them allegedly having text messages of the idol and his gf… which is stalking!

    Ok… interesting!

  • If hes dating the girl theb yikes to her. Shes 17 she's not a idiot or a kid she chose to date an older guy. That's on her. As for the fangifts? People should be more upset that saseangs are supported instead of denounced for violating their privacy who the fuck goes through someone's trash to see if you used something or not? WTF.

    Also hate that bullshit double standard of women being coddled like helpless dimwits when it comes to relationships. As people always are against a older guy dating a younger woman. But fully support older women dating younger men. Either both are yikes or neither are .

    The point isn't that he's dating a younger girl, it's that he's dating a minor.

    Also, minors cannot give consent because they're not mature enough to realise the negative ramifications of dating someone older. I can't believe you're trying to pin this on her.

  • The point isn't that he's dating a younger girl, it's that he's dating a minor.

    Also, minors cannot give consent because they're not mature enough to realise the negative ramifications of dating someone older. I can't believe you're trying to pin this on her.

    An adult here is 20. So you really believe someone from 17 to 19 is too dumb to make a life choice? Yet can join the military,etc but can't date? Seriously clown 🤡 logic.

  • How did they txt conversation got leaked? :eyes: And shame on that saesang who digs through the trash to find sh*t. How low can they get?!

    Obviously throwing away the letters are not right either but I’m pretty sure he is not the only one doing it but he is the one who got caught for it. Even if you have so much fan letter that you don’t have anywhere to put it at least give your fans the respect to bin it once you are home or in the company.

    The dating part? I was dating with a 21 year old when I was 17. The age difference is not that much of a problem.

  • How did they txt conversation got leaked? :eyes: And shame on that saesang who digs through the trash to find sh*t. How low can they get?!

    Obviously throwing away the letters are not right either but I’m pretty sure he is not the only one doing it but he is the one who got caught for it. Even if you have so much fan letter that you don’t have anywhere to put it at least give your fans the respect to bin it once you are home or in the company.

    The dating part? I was dating with a 21 year old when I was 17. The age difference is not that much of a problem.

    That's what they usually do though trash it at home or at the agency. The problem is saseangs and others invading their privacy. People should be more upset about that and those "fans" than the members throwing stuff away. How can you not get caught when you have absolute fucking weirdos that will trespass on your or your companies property and start going through the fucking garbage dumpsters. You have to have some screws loose to be this way. Please seek mental help you crazy people that do this shit

  • That's what they usually do though trash it at home or at the agency. The problem is saseangs and others invading their privacy. People should be more upset about that and those "fans" than the members throwing stuff away. How can you not get caught when you have absolute fucking weirdos that will trespass on your or your companies property and start going through the fucking garbage dumpsters. You have to have some screws loose to be this way. Please seek mental help you crazy people that do this shit

    Honestly if the saesang went in the company building then the company is at fault to because they failed to protect the artists. Same goes for broadcasting company. Why were these crazy people allowed to roam around and dig around them.

  • Honestly if the saesang went in the company building then the company is at fault to because they failed to protect the artists. Same goes for broadcasting company. Why were these crazy people allowed to roam around and dig around them.

    No they don't go inside lol they go into the garage bin outside its not that hard lol go outside and look at any business or house around you the dumpster is usually just behind the building most often not behind any locked gates or locked themselves. This is an obvious affordance for ease of disposal and for trash pick up by the garbage men. So it's no surprise these people get into it

  • No they don't go inside lol they go into the garage bin outside its not that hard lol go outside and look at any business or house around you the dumpster is usually just behind the building most often not behind any locked gates or locked themselves. This is an obvious affordance for ease of disposal and for trash pick up by the garbage men. So it's no surprise these people get into it

    Geeez… the sh*t these people do.


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