TO1 (former TOO) member caught throwing out fan letters + dating a minor

  • There's so much shit that went down in the TO1 fandom these past 24 hours lmaoo.

    So, some of you may remember TOO from Road to Kingdom. They recently changed companies and rebranded as TO1.

    Recently, the members have been in tons of controversies (going out to drink at 2am and showing up at performances hungover etc etc), sharing fancams of female idols in their group chats (that they're rumored to have taken themselves).

    This all started because one member in particular, Chihoon, threw away fan letters after ripping them -…way-fan-gifts-and-letters. The saesang who found this said he kept all the designer gifts he got but threw away all the letters. Apparently all the members do this.

    But, that's not the real tea. He's also apparently dating Produce 48's Kim Doah. Issue is, Doah is born in 2003 and he's born in 1999 - so she's 17 and he's 22. In their leaked texts (…&rankingType=total&page=1), he calls her 'aegi' which means 'baby'. Context, in Korean, aegi isn't really something you call your significant other like 'baby' in English. He's literally calling her that because of how young she is (yikes).

    In the texts, Doah also says how she just wants her fansign to be over because she can't stand her fans or something which obviously isn't going over well.

    Both of them and their groups are pretty nugu so it hasn't reached the international side, but it's blowing up on Pann. People are saying both Chihoon and Doah don't have a lot of fans but they can't even appreciate the ones they have.

    I don't really have any thoughts on this, it's just tea lol.

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    Yesterday it was a member named Kyungho, now it's someone else??

    So I heard the Twitter account that made the claims is only a day or so old and possibly connected to a known anti.

    idk about the dating thing but the trash thing is a red flag. Like if you're willing to go through my trash I'm throwing anything associated with you away no questions asked.

  • I've seen numerous articles about this on pann so it was about time for it to spread internationally. They really screwed up in big way with this. That's why I think it's good when idols tell their fans to stop giving them gifts etc bcoz fans are oversensitive over these stuffs.

    I understand throwing things away but he shouldn't have done it so openly lol. If he wanted to throw letters away he should've burnt them or something.

    Also, most idols who don't accept fangifts still accept letters.

  • Yesterday it was a member named Kyungho, now it's someone else??

    So I heard the Twitter account that made the claims is only a day or so old and possibly connected to a known anti.

    idk about the dating thing but the trash thing is a red flag. Like if you're willing to go through my trash I'm throwing anything associated with you away no questions asked.

    Wasn't Kyungho the guy who was accused of school bullying?

  • I understand throwing things away but he shouldn't have done it so openly lol. If he wanted to throw letters away he should've burnt them or something.

    Also, most idols who don't accept fangifts still accept letters.

    That's true too, he should have been smart about it. I'm not surprised to see this type of behavior from idols, most idols are probably like this, sick of their fans irl but still a bit appreciative bcoz fans are the source of their earning. He just got unlucky that he got caught.

    About dating thing, I don't know, he's not like 25 something dating a 17 yrs old. Still creepy if we think about it but in my school back when I was 17-18 many were dating guys near the age of 20-21 so its not too shocking to me either. They shot themselves in the foot with this so now they have to deal with its consequences.

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    but idols should not become idols if it's not be able to be thankful for people cheering for you, throwing fans letter and then say that they annoy you '-'

    But the person who went through the trash said the letters that were thrown away were their letters. Again... that's a stalker, not a fan. I'd throw away anything they sent me too. You don't have to be thankful for people who terrorize you.

  • But the person who went through the trash said the letters that were thrown away were their letters. Again... that's a stalker, not a fan. I'd throw away anything they sent me too. You don't have to be thankful for people who terrorize you.

    no it's hypocrite behaviour

    to say i throw away the letter that my sasaeng send me because they terrorize me

    but then keep all the designer outfit that they gift you

    so you don't want to keep their letter because they are from sasaeng but you keep all the expensive gift they give you even if they are the same person

    Please don't give me this bs '-'

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

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    In the AKP article linked it doesn't say anything about designer clothes. It says they also threw away the accessories the "fan" sent.

    The OP's whole post is sus because the member accused of throwing items away is Kyungho (as written in the akp article and the tweet with the proof literally uses his name), but the OP of this thread says it was Chihoon.


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