What is up with ARMY?

  • So, Butter was finally released, and it turns out a noticeable amount of people don't think it's their cup of tea, including myself. I've checked and participated in the comment sections on Allkpop and that other forum that starts with an S, discussing this song, and some people expressed how disappointed they are with the song and the new direction that BTS is taking. Especially after that press conference where they admitted that one of the reasons this song turned out the way it turned out is because they thought it would give them a better chance at Grammys. And I get it, but this doesn't feel like the old BTS. I actually used to be a big fan, which is pretty obvious from the username I chose when I made this account over 3 years ago. I just sort of grew out of them, because their music style has changed a lot and doesn't suit my taste anymore. It's totally okay to change, but this change doesn't feel like an upgrade...

    All those people I mentioned also voiced similar opinions, and they were actually respectful. No insults were aimed at BTS, because I don't consider saying you don't like their recent releases and feel like they're lacking in comparison to their old stuff to be insults.

    A huge amount of ARMYs actually do like their new music, which is great, everyone is allowed to have their own opinion an music taste! Except if you're saying you don't like BTS' music, it seems... All those comments which aren't basically saying : 'OMG, best song of the year, slay kings!!', are being mass downvoted an reported. I understand downvoting, but I don't understand reporting. Those comments were never breaking the rules, didn't use profanity and certainly weren't hateful. Also, a lot of ARMYs can't accept that the majority of these people are ex-fans. No, they call us haters and say we were never fans in the first place because we think this way??

    What I find really hilarious, though, is that they're all saying: 'Whatever, keep hating, BTS don't care', and then proceed to report all of these comments. :-D

    So, what's up with this? Why can't we even be civil anymore?

  • Well, I am sorry that had to happen to you, as like you stated, everyone is allowed to have their own personal preferences, including music.

    But I think that the reason why this is getting such a reaction is because of how no one really cares if someone does not like a song.

  • Let BTS make the music they want to for whatever reason they want to.

    They look really happy and most fans are happy, so I don't see what the problem is. BTS cannot satisfy everyone with every release.

    You should listen to BE if you think BTS' priorities have changed.

    Here listen to this gem

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    I'm also not a huge fan of their more pop sound, but I just don't listen to it that much. It's not that deep that I have to dwell on it. I just listen to the stuff they've done that I like and move on.

  • I mean you stated your opinion respectfully. The thing is what is the most annoying part is when bts isn’t releasing anything people do not care about them and suddenly when they release there is an influx of “they changed bla bla i am a fan from day 1 but..“ threads and comments. This happened since like 2015 and people still not realize that BTS changes their style throughout the years. To not like a song is okay but people are holding BTS up to a standard that their own faves cannot even reach. Also the whole part “a lot of people are disappointed“ is so irritating. You can have your opinion but I hate it when people talk for a whole group like their words are facts.

  • I feel like I'm living in a dictatorship

    If I don't like a song, I just move on. Imagine writing a whole paragraph about a song you don't like and how their fandom react to it. Why do you care so much anyway? :/

    It's not about the song, that's the point! It could've been any other song, tbh, and the people weren't talking just about Butter but a couple of their most recent releases. It doesn't even matter whether you like it or not, it's just stupid that people's comments are getting mass reported just because they're not bowing down to BTS.

  • I feel like I'm living in a dictatorship

    It's not about the song, that's the point! It could've been any other song, tbh, and the people weren't talking just about Butter but a couple of their most recent releases. It doesn't even matter whether you like it or not, it's just stupid that people's comments are getting mass reported just because they're not bowing down to BTS.

    how do you know it's mass reported? I don't think mods will delete your comments if you just have an opinion unless you're obvious a troll.

  • I mean you stated your opinion respectfully. The thing is what is the most annoying part is when bts isn’t releasing anything people do not care about them and suddenly when they release there is an influx of “they changed bla bla i am a fan from day 1 but..“ threads and comments. This happened since like 2015 and people still not realize that BTS changes their style throughout the years. To not like a song is okay but people are holding BTS up to a standard that their own faves cannot even reach. Also the whole part “a lot of people are disappointed“ is so irritating. You can have your opinion but I hate it when people talk for a whole group like their words are facts.

    Yeah, I get that it can be annoying to hear that, but I wasn't really aware of that. I'd guess those sort of comments and opinions started perhaps in 2020, but you might be right, I honestly don't know. The thing is, this was actually the first time I decided to express my opinion on BTS' recent music and was honestly baffled at the reaction it received.

  • I feel like I'm living in a dictatorship

    It's not about the song, that's the point! It could've been any other song, tbh, and the people weren't talking just about Butter but a couple of their most recent releases. It doesn't even matter whether you like it or not, it's just stupid that people's comments are getting mass reported just because they're not bowing down to BTS.

    Wow. The fucking drama. Would you like some cheese with all that whine

  • i mean, you've got to understand that the dramatics of people who used to be fans going on and on about how bts has "changed" every cb is annoying af to armys. sure some people are more immature about it than maybe they should be, but no one rlly cares for unsolicited negativity from non-fans on all of bts' new releases. you can say you don't like a song without writing an essay length think piece on why you stoped being a fan 3 years ago. bc we rlly just dont care. bts is literally one of the only groups that still has ex fans from years ago flocking to their new music to provide opinions no one asked for.

    and honestly speaking as someone who's been a fan of them since 2013, i just don't get people who act like they should have kept making the same music they were making circa hyyh era forever. they grew up. they decided to talk about different things, to change their general image, to try different things. thinking an artists should stay stagnant is weird af to me. like you said, its fine to grow out of an artyist. but why are you still writing think pieces on their cbs if you don't like or care about them anymore? their old music is still there if you're feeling that nostalgic.

  • I will be honest here. My most fave era of BTS were 2014/15/16 musically speaking, but I never stopped to check on them bc they always deliver quality in my opinion. There were some songs that I didn't like and tbh I didn't thought it was necessary to write essays about it bc I know BTS already suffers a lot of hate and criticism and that armys are sensible bc armys know how much BTS suffered and still suffers bc of this super exaggerated hate they get so why do I need to voice out my "disappoinment" when I know that somehow trolls and antis will take my opinion as a bait and hate them even more?

    Second, people need to understand that groups, artists, musicians will change their sound according to their experience in life, situations and more. They won't make just a style for the rest of their lives. This is illogical when they are soooo artistically involved and have so many things to share with the fans. BTS doesn't need to go back to nothing. They beeing happy about their songs is enough.

    If you don't like it, ok, but saying things like how they are constantly downgrading is a risk thing when this is just your opinion, not the absolutely true.

  • I think a lot of people are missing the point here, or not even bothering to read the whole post (I get it, it's a bit too long). It's not about the song. It's about being allowed to have an opinion.

  • Yeah, I get that it can be annoying to hear that, but I wasn't really aware of that. I'd guess those sort of comments and opinions started perhaps in 2020, but you might be right, I honestly don't know. The thing is, this was actually the first time I decided to express my opinion on BTS' recent music and was honestly baffled at the reaction it received.

    I am a long time BTS and Kpop fan and fans have always been like that. You just have to find platforms where you can talk with people about it. Also it depends on how you state it. A lot of people use the “I am an older army“ card which is annoying and act like that jealous ex partner that still wants to be a part of your life

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    every new song that drops there's a fan like yourself writing this essay

    I've seen it since I joined this fandom

    and it didn't stop them at all from rising to the level that they have

    tbh I have run out of things to say to comfort you


    lets just go with this



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    I think a lot of people are missing the point here, or not even bothering to read the whole post (I get it, it's a bit too long). It's not about the song. It's about being allowed to have an opinion.

    You cannot expect people to be all nice on the internet. You willingly posted your opinion on the internet and will just have to deal with whatever people say to you. I get annoyed too so I make a choice whether or not I wanna deal with backlash.

  • I am a long time BTS and Kpop fan and fans have always been like that. You just have to find platforms where you can talk with people about it. Also it depends on how you state it. A lot of people use the “I am an older army“ card which is annoying and act like that jealous ex partner that still wants to be a part of your life

    I get your perspective now, but I feel like you guys don't get mine, lol. I know I sound crazy and stuck on this topic, like I have nothing better to do, writing essays about songs I don't like, lmao. But I honestly just put out today what has been bubbling in me for some time. I guess I forgot we're talking about Kpop here, so a lot of immature people are bound to be here (not talking about you guys), and 'civil' discussions are quite rare.

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    that's actually cute

  • You cannot expect people to be all nice on the internet. You willingly posted your opinion on the internet and will just have to deal with whatever people say to you. I get annoyed too so I make a choice whether or not I wanna deal with backlash.

    I'd be stupid not to expect backlash, but I thought I was allowed to write about it?

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