Simple question. The answer doesn't necessarily have to be simple

What do you love most about K-Pop?
The music, I really like listening to kpop.
Simple question. The answer doesn't necessarily have to be simple
Well, don't expect me write an essay. I hate essays!
With that being said, KPOP being known more and more worldwide with every generation is what I love most.
There's my simple answer.
My faves
Firstly the music - it's just pure pop perfection and it's not as tryhard as western music is these days. The production is just so high quality and I also personally love how groups are the main attraction. The diversity of vocal tones makes every song so much more enjoyable than listening to the same person singing a whole song. Korean is also a language that sounds amazing in music compared to say Japanese for example.
Second is the copious amounts of entertainment value. Variety shows, youtube clips, behind the scenes recordings etc etc. We just get so fed. Even how they do comebacks. Been ages since I listened to western music properly but they used to drop an album every one or two years (or more!) only but promo a few tracks from the same album. Whereas with Kpop we'll often get around 3 comebacks a year plus 6-10 b-sides per album, collabs and covers as well. Like where has Rihanna been?
Not "love", but what keeps me interested in Kpop is the "fan culture"
People follow things like IPL, NFL, NBA, La Liga, Euro Cup etc., and follow artists for music.
Kpop is the one industry where the fandom behaves like sports fans, while the subject is music. That is very interesting to me.
Otherwise music is music, it is found in every culture, some I like, some I don't.
stealing that LMFAOO
1. Music.
It's called kpop but you can get so much variety from one group to another (or even from one group with different albums). It also feels fresh and unique, compared to western music.
2. Variety shows/the entertainment side of it - so both the variety shows the idols attend and their private content. I'm lucky to now follow the groups who release a lot of it and it always brightens up my mood. Time to Twice series is one of the good things that came out of the pandemic.
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