Does it even matter if a group underperform on digital charts when they have these numbers?

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    I mean the end goal is to make money right?

    If NMIXX are getting well paid then I think fans should be happy about that right?

    and it's funny that people downplay them and say they are flopping, obviously they are not!

    and I think they have a strong stable career ahead of them

  • you are right

    even if we consider that whole team would get just 1 USD from each sold copy of album

    then after calculations each member would still get more than 700k USD from total sales :)

  • for midsize company? no. but for big company? yes.

    you can be the most selling girl group in your generation but people will put the less selling girl group ahead of you...

  • I couldn't care less about sales. What I do with a number? Feel like I'm better because my faves sell more than others? Pff, what a loser and stupid thing to do. Even if the numbers were very low, I still can't do shit about it. Why care then?

    With Nmixx I'm fine with their content and their music (70 % at least) Things I can enjoy with my senses.

    Care about sales that don't have any impact in my life? I leave that to the idiots.

  • This. Is that enough? I don't know. I don't have access to their financials to know. It looks like a lot. I can't say for sure though.

    I guess we have to look at external factors sometimes to consider how much money a group has made

    things like what's their living status

    do they live on their own in their own apartments or in dorm rooms do they have to share rooms or do they have their own rooms

    even factors such as their variety shows - what kind of foods they consume and the locations of the variety shows whether they go to jeju (which is a popular location for variety content) or even overseas

    little things like that

  • If money is what you are after, then no. And as long as they are happy with that thats fine.

    but most artist want their arts to be appreciated by more people and have legacy. And i think labels won't bother to sajaegi and payola if they think charts don't matter

  • You are not including the promotion JYPE pays to get people to buy NMIXX's product.

    NMIXX is from a Big 4 company. They should be doing way better than these album sales numbers.

    NMIXX are a flop group because they are from Big 4 company but if they would be from a small company, those numbers would be impressive.

    They also don't have a big fandom either and the gp doesn't like their music.

    Overall, NMIXX are not doing good at all. They are just existing at this point.

  • Exactly. Even for this album sales list. Does this include all album sales, even re-sales? Does this consider albums returned to vendor after purchase? I guess the answer would be on the site, but these are just a few things that I think about when looking at album sales numbers.

  • I couldn't care less about sales. What I do with a number? Feel like I'm better because my faves sell more than others? Pff, what a loser and stupid thing to do. Even if the numbers were very low, I still can't do shit about it. Why care then?

    With Nmixx I'm fine with their content and their music (70 % at least) Things I can enjoy with my senses.

    Care about sales that don't have any impact in my life? I leave that to the idiots.

    Question is if charts (low charting) are important if sales are good. What exactly is your answer?

  • Yes, it matters, and I shouldn't have to explain why.

    It doesn't ALWAYS matter, but for a group wanting to establish itself and build a lasting legacy in the industry, it absolutely does until that mission is accomplished. Then it matters less.

  • You are obviously lying otherwise you wouldn't be here. Tho your reply/rant had nothing to do with the topic, you just felt the need to praise yourself and show you are better than everyone else. You aren't tho.

    No, i just watch the thread and i like to take any chance to point out how stupid the regular kpop stan is.:wellr:

    And my respond have to do with the thread. "Does it even matter if a group underperfom on DCH when they have sales?" I give my answer as kpop fan.

    I mean, think about it. Your aprecciation about your faves would change if the sales were 1/4 of what are now? 1/8, 1/16? It wouldnt change mine. Because if that happen then i would be stanning money, and that is fucking stupid.

    PD: I think im not that stupid. Maybe that makes me better. So yeah, im better :ragec:

  • When the uls are like 200k, it doesn't matter anymore.

    What a downfall for the industry when it's summer.

    What matter is global performance on a bigger level.


    :boredr: :siptear:

  • If they are happy with their results then other things don’t matter at all! Anyways they get paid much more than us, and that’s for sure!

    But if Nmixx girls want a legacy and legendary status, then low album sales and low charting won’t help them a lot!

    In fact digital charting also brings a lot of money! So why are we disregarding this?

    Example Aespa’s supernova have exceeded 550k digital sales in China alone, and the second place has less than 2 times of sales of Supernova!

    I don’t have info about other countries tho!

    So if they want to have a legacy and gain legendary status then those metric should be high, if they don’t want that status then their fandom will make them happy

  • Exactly. Even for this album sales list. Does this include all album sales, even re-sales? Does this consider albums returned to vendor after purchase? I guess the answer would be on the site, but these are just a few things that I think about when looking at album sales numbers.

    I have no idea about the intricacies of album sales and such

  • If money is what you are after, then no. And as long as they are happy with that thats fine.

    but most artist want their arts to be appreciated by more people and have legacy. And i think labels won't bother to sajaegi and payola if they think charts don't matter


    legacy and relevance and so forth only matter if you can afford a decent standard of living

    yes this is kpop but at the end of the day we must remember that to the idol it's their job - their livelihood

    obviously this doesn't apply to nmixxx as they are fairly successful in the grand scheme of things but consider all the nugu/less successful groups that debut and barely eek out a living only to disband when the money runs out

    I've said it before but kpop is the ultimate commission based job - you only get paid as much you bring in

  • If i was an idol i think my main goal wouldn't be the money but to be recognised by fans/gp not only in Korea but internationally, be as successful as i could leave a legacy and then the money. These albums which probably half of them are not even legit won't be enough

  • It's better to have a steady fan base than have gp hits like fifty fifty or brave girls. Legacy? It's good to have it but if you don't have it it's no5 the end of the world.

    Not necessarily, but I believe as a musician, you want to be reminded somehow ? Also with legacy you have a longevity that could be profitable once you retire too. There are still musicians out there who still make money from a one hit wonder 20-30 years ago, because people still play their song on the radio here and there or royalties because their Songs are used in movies and commercials etc.

    Having a stable fanbase is great as long as you’re active. But once you become inactive for too long or even wanna retire that’s where the financial struggle start.

    And since you also didn’t had any recognition outside of your fanbase, you probably won’t have brand deals and all these other stuff. So I would say if you don’t chart, at least have some accomplishments outside of your music career otherwise it can be tough once you retire.

  • OK. Thinking more about it. I want to add something.

    In my time as nswer i saw people very exciting about the girls and their talents, not so much about the music. I believe with more public friendly music they would have more fans.

    They have a fandom, is just not as big as others. I believe is a combination between JYP stans and nswers.

    But i must say Nmixx is losing popularity. Yeah, they are doing kinda decent in Korea, but abroad they are doing bad. The numbers are as bad as Party O Clock album, which is their worst album in term of digital sales. I think have to do with the quality of the album, the last album was kinda meh, not as good as the previous album.

    I believe what is going to sustain their career in the next years is their fandom (They are doing it right now), but they need the support of the Gp too to keep some relevance, since their fandom is small. They need to make enough money to keep some quality in their music and have profits.
    Ofc, this don't matter shit to me as fan, because:

    1.- Their numbers don't affect my view of the girls.

    2.- JYP is going to do what they want, and they are going to fuck up like always and i can't do anything about it. :crys: (Just look Itzy)

  • Not necessarily, but I believe as a musician, you want to be reminded somehow ? Also with legacy you have a longevity that could be profitable once you retire too. There are still musicians out there who still make money from a one hit wonder 20-30 years ago, because people still play their song on the radio here and there or royalties because their Songs are used in movies and commercials etc.

    Having a stable fanbase is great as long as you’re active. But once you become inactive for too long or even wanna retire that’s where the financial struggle start.

    And since you also didn’t had any recognition outside of your fanbase, you probably won’t have brand deals and all these other stuff. So I would say if you don’t chart, at least have some accomplishments outside of your music career otherwise it can be tough once you retire.

    Idols are musicians? I mean, you have to do music to be a musician right? If others make the music, you are still a musician?
    Mmm, i believe idols are entertainers (singer+dancer), not exactly musicians.

  • well if the numbers are real, then nop I guess, the point is making money, the way their making is not

    The whole point of these kpop groups is trying to make them as successful as possible. It's not about making some money, it is about making the most money.

    When the company cannot do that, there is something wrong, especially when you come from the Big 4.

    JYPE needs the next twice, the same way they will need the next stray kids. They need that big group for media play proposes.

    Even the investors a staring to doubt JYPE's ''strategy''. From the big 4, JYPE is the one the lost the most value for the past 6 months.

  • Nmixx is an experimental team, they were never meant to be famous among gp. It was just jyp's way of showing everyone they can do something other than *catchy hooks* and *cute* stuff they were becoming famous for lately

  • Even the investors a staring to doubt JYPE's ''strategy''. From the big 4, JYPE is the one the lost the most value for the past 6 months.

    I don't think JYPE lost the most, look at YG

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  • It wouldn't matter If the huge album sales were a reflection of a big fandom for the girls, but they aren't.

    They aren't selling tickets in arenas, much less stadiums. The fans aren't streaming neither internationally nor domestically, their last release numbers were closer to Fifty Fifty's re-debut than other 4th gen BIG4 groups on Spotify, for example. They aren't getting opportunities through a big fandom either, such as CFs/Endorsements. The album sales are just... there. And I don't even know If they are getting the $$ when they aren't even composing the songs.

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