Yes or nah ? 22
Yes (17) 77%
No (5) 23%
I'm kinda torn on the question so i want to hear other people opinion about it
I watched Blackpink and Lesserafim 1st documentary and 1-2 episode of RIIZE documentary and i really liked them
I like seeing how the group form and bond with each other, see their hard work during training and learn some behind the scene story
But the 2nd lesserafim documentary left me torn
- on one hand i like it to see them talk about their struggle and see them being this fragile probably make them look more humans to some people
- but on another hand HYBE pushing so much the fragility and struggle of the girls on the front scene
Made me feel uncomfortable
It made feel like HYBE was weaponizing the girls emotions to gain sympathy
If lesserafim aren't good sinder etc .. it's only because of HYBE who wasn't able to give them a good training vocal team
And they receive a tons of blacklash because of this and never apologize for their lack of profesionalism by not giving their idols the proper training and expose them to such hurtful comment ( which would never happen if they did their job well)
And in contrary of apologizing for their incompetence
I felt like they just thought let put the girls in front of a camera and make them cry so we gain sympathy back and people stop bashing us
It might be my opinion but that's why i felt so torn watching the last Lesserafim documentary