Jihyo speaks on Once fighting

  • Jihyo speaks briefly on seeing Onces being mad all the time

    JH: Hello are you enjoying the album well
    JH: Hehe

    JH: What's your favorite thing out of this album, ONCEs?

    JH: Glad that there are things you like!!!

    JH: I'm glad you all like the b-sides too~~
    JH: Is the title song sad??

    JH: It was really hard while preparing for this album~~
    JH: So I couldn't come to B*bble after release even I wanted ㅋㅋㅋ

    JH: Have you see the interview Jeongyeon did few days ago?
    JH: That she said we don't know how much longer we can make more TWICE albums

    JH: Not necessarily about renewal, I really value and feel grateful to each and every album and schedule of ours ㅠ I really value this time
    JH: So I want ONCEs to value it too
    JH: Even though we are going to do this as long as possible~~

    JH: Before debut I didn't know we would be idols for this long

    JH: But it's really fortune to be able to work this long, and consistently

    JH: So I don't want to make ONCEs sad or mad and make such events to members too! Because time right now is really one's youth and will never come back
    JH: So please say good things and think good things, ONCEs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    JH: I'm not saying this because TWICE is going to end or anything, it's just because I'm upset I've only seen ONCEs mad these daysJH: You know us that we try our best to do what ONCEs like, and our company knows how it feels and works hard, so let's do happy ONCE, TWICE ~~ that's what I mean

    JH: I'm scared you'll be saying something negative again after this but ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    JH: I said it because I thought I'd get upset and fester!

    JH: Since I can't make everyone happy !! Anyways I'm glad the album is out ~! I’m happy And even it's just for a week, I'm glad I get to meet ONCEs so please think of it in a positive way ~

    JH: Nooo don't say sorry ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I'm not doing this because I don't understand how ONCEs feel. I'm a person who can't just take one's side ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅜ because this is something complicated!!!

    JH: If I wish to take ONCEs' side, I've got lots of things to say. We aren't staying silent of what ONCEs wish to say too! So let's win over it~
    JH: Shall we stop talking about this?!

    JH: Anyway thank you ONCEs ~~ for always cheering us up and even though we are same human, for making us always feel special!!!
    JH: It's all thanks to ONCEs, for everything!

    Cred: https://twitter.com/OT9TRANS

  • I mean she has a point like... this group has been in the game too long and literally renewed their contracts but some once continue acting like new stans if yk what I'm saying

    Oh my baby sweet like bubble gum!


  • so basically it's like k-once's are split into those who enjoying everything

    and those who dislike musical route or english songs

    and here we are

    leader-nim of group which debuted in 2015 needs to go online to speak up about it ehhhhh

  • JH: If I wish to take ONCEs' side, I've got lots of things to say. We aren't staying silent of what ONCEs wish to say too! So let's win over it~

    what does this even mean? what do onces want to say? what do y'all want to win over?

  • yeah i wish people would just be happy that they're releasing albums and not worry about the numbers

    i think it's clear that twice no longer cares about the numbers or even how well their songs do, they just want to enjoy being idols and putting out songs for onces

    they're clearly not trying to compete anymore. like they've had their time and made their money and now they're just enjoying it

    people really need to stop it's obviously just making twice upset

  • Twice's popularity went down the shitter outside of their fandom over the last few years and now over the last year it's gone down with their own fans too. This is due to how garbage Twice's music is now. Once, for the most part dont enjoy the crap being released anymore and animosity has only grown in the fandom more and more as the continued release of trash tier music no one wants, Once or otherwise.

    Unfortunately the girls are the ones picking this dog shit. Now the backlash and disdain for the way things are going has started to directly hit the members.

    They may not give a shit about the numbers, but numbers never lie. High music consumption rate typically means a lot of people enjoy your music. Enjoy the comebacks. Low numbers show the direct opposite. Not having any care about the numbers or quality of the music in an industry driven by...guess what, music only means fans will continue to tune out as bad numbers mean no one is listening to the songs. No one wants them.

  • Twice's popularity went down the shitter outside of their fandom over the last few years and now over the last year it's gone down with their own fans too. This is due to how garbage Twice's music is now. Once, for the most part dont enjoy the crap being released anymore and animosity has only grown in the fandom more and more as the continued release of trash tier music no one wants, Once or otherwise.

    Unfortunately the girls are the ones picking this dog shit. Now the backlash and disdain for the way things are going has started to directly hit the members.

    They may not give a shit about the numbers, but numbers never lie. High music consumption rate typically means a lot of people enjoy your music. Enjoy the comebacks. Low numbers show the direct opposite. Not having any care about the numbers or quality of the music in an industry driven by...guess what, music only means fans will continue to tune out as bad numbers mean no one is listening to the songs. No one wants them.

    I think I found the minion's alt account.

  • On a serious note. Fans have to grow up and enjoy the group, or if you dont like it anymore then move on. I mean, Twice could disband in the next years and all you will remember of this time is being angry because your favorite group last works dont go as you expected. Nah, waste of energy if you ask me. Fans have to be more positive, also they have to stop taking kpop so serious, is not worth it.

  • Twice's popularity went down the shitter outside of their fandom over the last few years and now over the last year it's gone down with their own fans too. This is due to how garbage Twice's music is now. Once, for the most part dont enjoy the crap being released anymore and animosity has only grown in the fandom more and more as the continued release of trash tier music no one wants, Once or otherwise.

    Unfortunately the girls are the ones picking this dog shit. Now the backlash and disdain for the way things are going has started to directly hit the members.

    They may not give a shit about the numbers, but numbers never lie. High music consumption rate typically means a lot of people enjoy your music. Enjoy the comebacks. Low numbers show the direct opposite. Not having any care about the numbers or quality of the music in an industry driven by...guess what, music only means fans will continue to tune out as bad numbers mean no one is listening to the songs. No one wants them.

    Im not denying popularity and overall numbers are down but how much of this is factors you can control and factors you can't?

    We also have to weigh nature progression of a group into the equation. As a group gets older, it's natural numbers go down. Unfortunately there's no group who's stay as active as TWICE for this long to use as a reference point.

    Fancy is arguably one of the favorites amongst the fandom and that failed to top the charts. At that point forward you really have to ask if its the song or just natural aging.

    I won't go into detail as I know you all have seen me say it many times. Onces is the most divided fanfom. It's almost an impossible task right now to release a song that satisfy the pre Fancy Onces and post Fancy Onces.

    For example, I absolutely love the recent two tracks but I also know a bunch of Onces who also hates the two tracks. If Twice released a "new jeans" like track, maybe a bunch of Onces will love it but then I'll be on the side that doesn't.

    The only way is if Twice resets and stick to one side and either lost all of the fans of one sound or the other and spend time rebuilding the fandom for that style but that tales time and Twice doesn't have time on their side.

  • But Fancy hit the top of the RT chart and 100% lost out on being a number 1 due to competition.

    Age plays a factor sure, but you don't have your most successful song on Spotify in your career, The Feels and also one of your least in Scientist all in the space of the same month and blame that on age or activity. It was a pure reflection of song quality.

    They never leaned into the sound that fans loved. How many of their actual releases over the last year sound like The Feels, Pop or Fancy and I Can't Stop Me?

    I mean they had 2.2m streams on D1 3 weeks ago for a song that didn't get a shred of promo. If IGY sounded like Pop or the Feels Kpop fans and Once would have hyped the shit out of it. It would have charted on the Hot100 and still would have been on Spotify global today, probably in the top 100. But it was boring and mid and Kpop fans tuned out and lost almost all interest in One Spark. They dropped to 1.3m streams. That's nearly a million plays gone in 3 weeks.

    That's on the music. Twice lack hype and interest from Kpop fans, and now even Once, as they have garnered a reputation...rather a deserved reputation at that, for releasing bad music like Moonlight Sunrise, Set Me Free, One Spark, I Got You, etc.

    I mean how can we expect One Spark to do well when it was a song rejected from several older albums and been hanging around for several years.

    It wasn't focused or tailored made for Twice or the current Kpop status quo, it was an old song lying around. Cheap and easy to pump out and hide behind it being "a song for Once"....which is really them just saying it's a song we know has no appeal.

    No big investigation or excuses needed. People have got to be honest, Twice aren't known for good music anymore. No one cares to tune in because they know we're getting crap.

  • I mean I get it. Arts over charts. But the thing is that onces are pissed because other onces aren’t invested but I mean you can’t force someone to stream etc if they aren’t in fond of the cb. Yeah JYP sucks but it’s not the core of the problem.

    I have 2020 war flashbacks but at least onces were kinda happy. :sadr:

  • Honestly twice is the only group where the success of the song is due to the quality. Other groups get tragic title but fans always mass stream they don’t care about the music or whatever while twice doesn’t have that type of cult + they actually have a lot of casual listeners so if the music doesn’t click it affects them.

    Fancy is considered as one of the best K-pop songs yeah it didn’t hit number one but it was a hit in Korea and their first breakthrough song internationally.

    While their charting in Korea is more due to miss management or burn out from gen GP.

    They cultivated a large fanbase overseas to the increase of the quality of their songs.

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