Jihyo speaks on Once fighting
But Fancy hit the top of the RT chart and 100% lost out on being a number 1 due to competition.
Age plays a factor sure, but you don't have your most successful song on Spotify in your career, The Feels and also one of your least in Scientist all in the space of the same month and blame that on age or activity. It was a pure reflection of song quality.
They never leaned into the sound that fans loved. How many of their actual releases over the last year sound like The Feels, Pop or Fancy and I Can't Stop Me?
I mean they had 2.2m streams on D1 3 weeks ago for a song that didn't get a shred of promo. If IGY sounded like Pop or the Feels Kpop fans and Once would have hyped the shit out of it. It would have charted on the Hot100 and still would have been on Spotify global today, probably in the top 100. But it was boring and mid and Kpop fans tuned out and lost almost all interest in One Spark. They dropped to 1.3m streams. That's nearly a million plays gone in 3 weeks.
That's on the music. Twice lack hype and interest from Kpop fans, and now even Once, as they have garnered a reputation...rather a deserved reputation at that, for releasing bad music like Moonlight Sunrise, Set Me Free, One Spark, I Got You, etc.
I mean how can we expect One Spark to do well when it was a song rejected from several older albums and been hanging around for several years.
It wasn't focused or tailored made for Twice or the current Kpop status quo, it was an old song lying around. Cheap and easy to pump out and hide behind it being "a song for Once"....which is really them just saying it's a song we know has no appeal.
No big investigation or excuses needed. People have got to be honest, Twice aren't known for good music anymore. No one cares to tune in because they know we're getting crap.
Ok fair enough. I do agree the music choice could be better.
As I'm thinking it through, I think age affects popularity/trendiness. Most charting songs has two elements. One is the trendiest of the group. We've all seen mediocre songs chart simply due to group name. The second is obviously how good a song is, we've all seen nugus own the chart with great song.
Twice no longer being trendy means the song really has to be that much better than everything else to compete.
Adjust your tiers
It was never about the music. There were several trash Twice singles that got way overhyped and ended up national hits or very successful, even though they were at best a 5 out of 10 or below. TT, Likey, Fancy among others. Meanwhile other megabops like Scientist and More and More got treated like crap by fans and GP alike.
Twice is going through what every GG has gone through except BP, with Red Velvet hanging on the precipice. At a certain point in time, the GP just STOPS CARING about them, and they fall off a cliff. Gfriend, Mamamoo, Oh My Girl have all gone through it in recent years along with Twice.
It's the natural cycle of things. Kings and queens rise, they have their time to rule, and then they fall. Nobody is immune to it.
Onces that are getting mad over charting just show that they're success stans. I understand bitching about the music, i dont understand getting mad at JYP or at other fans or even at the group for charting failures - that is completely out of everyone's control. Twice coulda put out a literal clone of Ditto and it wouldnt have done anywhere near as what NJ did in terms of charting.
This is 4th gen's time.
Exactly, use that as copium, forget spotify or the Korean charts, just enjoy the music and go to their concerts.
Exactly, use that as copium, forget spotify or the Korean charts, just enjoy the music and go to their concerts.
Don't worry, Twice and their bank accounts forgot about Spotify & Korean charts a long time ago. It's not difficult. We keep telling y'all what actually makes them money and you don't listen.
Twice's popularity went down the shitter outside of their fandom over the last few years and now over the last year it's gone down with their own fans too. This is due to how garbage Twice's music is now. Once, for the most part dont enjoy the crap being released anymore and animosity has only grown in the fandom more and more as the continued release of trash tier music no one wants, Once or otherwise.
Unfortunately the girls are the ones picking this dog shit. Now the backlash and disdain for the way things are going has started to directly hit the members.
They may not give a shit about the numbers, but numbers never lie. High music consumption rate typically means a lot of people enjoy your music. Enjoy the comebacks. Low numbers show the direct opposite. Not having any care about the numbers or quality of the music in an industry driven by...guess what, music only means fans will continue to tune out as bad numbers mean no one is listening to the songs. No one wants them.
do you think Indie artists only make shit music? Does popularity and quality mean the same thing to you? Finally do you base your like of something only on how well it does on charts?
Also I am genuinely asking you these questions. It's totally ok to not like Twice's music direction and wish it to change. I agree somewhat that they dont really follow there trend these days. But I see it more as natural as there already built a descent fanbase and they are looking to grow in other areas.
do you think Indie artists only make shit music? Does popularity and quality mean the same thing to you? Finally do you base your like of something only on how well it does on charts?
Also I am genuinely asking you these questions. It's totally ok to not like Twice's music direction and wish it to change. I agree somewhat that they dont really follow there trend these days. But I see it more as natural as there already built a descent fanbase and they are looking to grow in other areas.
A redundant point. Indie music struggles to grow for several reasons. Lack of promotions or industry connections lowers visibility hugely. Also indie artist generally tend to release music that isbt mainstream focused and put the art of it first.
Twice are a Kpop group, this is the most commercial focused music genre in the world. Every group is attempting to released chart focused popular music. Twice is a giant group from, as JYP would say, the second biggest company on Kpop. So what on earth does indie music not having chart success matter?
Also we are beyond the point of chart success, now even Once and fans aren't tuning in. They dropped a million D1 streams in 3 weeks.
Ok fair enough. I do agree the music choice could be better.
As I'm thinking it through, I think age affects popularity/trendiness. Most charting songs has two elements. One is the trendiest of the group. We've all seen mediocre songs chart simply due to group name. The second is obviously how good a song is, we've all seen nugus own the chart with great song.
Twice no longer being trendy means the song really has to be that much better than everything else to compete.
100% agree.
Which is why JYPE resurrecting a song from several years ago, a rejected song for at least 2 albums prior, was always going to flop.
JYP seem to think that Once will just lap up any old crap. A song can still be for fans and y'know, actually be good.
I really think groups are deluting the hype for songs by doing pre-releases before a title song comes out.
By all means, make an MV for every song on an album if you like, but do it after the title track has come out.
I like One Spark but as a non-Once, I was under the impression that 'I got You' was the comeback and I only learned about One Spark here. If I hadn't read about it here, I wouldn't have tuned in for it as I didn't expect it coming out.
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