Fiffty Fifty debt is paid off? Keena to be the only member to receive first payment from company

  • So FiftyFifty no longer has debt and will receive their first pay but only Keena of course since the other three were terminated :eyes:

    [단독]"감사합니다" 피프티 피프티 키나, 7년 연습생+법적 갈등 딛고 '첫 정산'[★FOCUS]
    걸그룹 피프티 피프티 멤버 키나가 히트곡 'Cupid'로 첫 음원 정산의 기쁨을 맞이하게 됐다. 소속사 어트랙트 관계자는 9일 스타뉴스에 "피프티 피프티의 음원 수익 정산이 곧 이뤄질 예정"이라고 밝혔다. 이와 관련

  • I get that keena is getting paid since she is the only one whose contract is still valid but won't it be kinda illegal to not pay rest of the 3 members since those 3 also have worked too even though they ain't in company anymore?

  • I get that keena is getting paid since she is the only one whose contract is still valid but won't it be kinda illegal to not pay rest of the 3 members since those 3 also have worked too even though they ain't in company anymore?

    If they win the court yes, but otherwise it'll ve deducted from damages. Which will likely be the case.

  • I get that keena is getting paid since she is the only one whose contract is still valid but won't it be kinda illegal to not pay rest of the 3 members since those 3 also have worked too even though they ain't in company anymore?

    Will your company pay you your yearly bonus when you quit before 31st Dec or a specified date as in your employment contract?

  • interesting what does the article say exactly???

    do they no longer have debt because Attrakt forgave such debts or are they debt free because they've paid it off????

  • So FiftyFifty no longer has debt and will receive their first pay but only Keena of course since the other three were terminated :eyes:

    Even if terminated, they earned the money and should get paid.

    Probably will be rolled into the lawsuits.

  • Will your company pay you your yearly bonus when you quit before 31st Dec or a specified date as in your employment contract?

    They better pay me my regular paycheck if the fire me before the day they get sent out.

    They can't just withhold my wages, unless as minion said above, there are damages that I need to pay them.

    Any money earned before the contract was terminated needs to be shared according to the contract.

    Even royalties and such could still be shared after contracts are over, disbanded groups can still collect if their albums keep selling, or songs are still being streamed after disbandment.

  • interesting what does the article say exactly???

    do they no longer have debt because Attrakt forgave such debts or are they debt free because they've paid it off????

    If Keena is getting paid, is because the revenues now are greater than the debt.

    But withholding the money until lawsuits are settled could be normal practice.

  • I was running thru the numbers in a prior thread. I'd say he's already at least ~$2M in the positive from Fifty Fifty investment even if he loses in court (and he's not able to make the girls pay him "damages" or from claims that debt wasn't already fully repaid):

  • Why do you multiple the revenue form streaming times 10?

    10 months weeks worth of streams?

  • Fifty Fifty gets paid for the first time, only Keena


    Article: [Exclusive] Fifty Fifty receives first pay... Keena looking to solely profit tens of millions of won

    Source: YTN via Nate

    [+157, -1] Wow, first paycheck is tens of millions of won?? Keena won the game ㅋㅋㅋ life is all about timing, another lesson learned

    [+91, -2] Look at how much you have to gain if you just close your eyes once and apologize. You couldn't possibly be this stupid.

    [+46, -0] No one's telling them to apologize for something they didn't do. Just apologize for what you did wrong and come back, but that was apparently so hard~?? These kids seem to be under some grave misunderstanding but they are nowhere near Black Pink's level

    [+43, -0] They could be making so much money if they didn't get into this mess with Ahn Sung Il. Good riddance to the remaining three.

    [+24, -2] So the rest won't be getting anything. Even if they did get their share, they're going to have to lose it all to the penalties and maybe even pay more back.

    [+3, -0] If she's getting paid this much with just one digital song, what a grave the rest have dug themselves into ㅋㅋㅋ

    [+3, -0] Wow~ and that's only on one digital song.. ㅋㅋ imagine if they just kept going with promos with CF deals and TV appearances, imagine the total ㅋㅋㅋ

    [+2, -0] The rest kicked a Han River view apartment out the window ㅋㅋㅋ

    [+2, -0] The rest will be spending their days working part-time jobs for minimum wage wondering why they did what they did..

    [+0, -0] Acting on your gut feeling is so important. Congrats to Keena on her first paycheck.. wishing her happiness..

    [+0, -0] Well, I'm sure Keena wouldn't be getting nearly as much if she had to split it among four, but you also have to consider that all of them could've made even more than this if they had just stuck together

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