(Trigger Warning) : Telling Your Fave Idol On WEVERSE That You Wanna Unalive Yourself & Been Chopping It Up...
I'm surprised it took this long for this kind of stuff to surface in weverse. The covid-video call era was filled with fans trauma-dumping on idols and expecting them to play therapist.
I get finding comfortable in entertainment and celebrities but a no point should you actually use them to treat depression, it's going to do nothing but make it worse. I'd honestly trust and find comfort in friends I've made within fandoms online than any of my actual fr
how yall feel about this
It's a shit thing to do and everyone who does this should feel ashamed. The idols are NOT your hero, Savior etc. They are normal people like you and they too have their own problems, both physical and mental to deal with in their own lives. Kpop is NOT therapy go get some actual fuckin help! Go see a doctor!!! Or a therapist who's trained in suicide/crisis management.
Trauma dumping is always bad, you are giving people things they now have to carry that may negatively affect their own lives, your fave should not feel responsible for your own life. Stop doing this shit
This is highly inappropriate. I hope these people get the professional help they so desperately need - those are not idols.
Between the idol/fans interaction there is clearly a line that shouldn't be crossed and this comment crashed that line.
It's a shit thing to do and everyone who does this should feel ashamed. The idols are NOT your hero, Savior etc. They are normal people like you and they too have their own problems, both physical and mental to deal with in their own lives. Kpop is NOT therapy go get some actual fuckin help! Go see a doctor!!! Or a therapist who's trained in suicide/crisis management.
Trauma dumping is always bad, you are giving people things they now have to carry that may negatively affect their own lives, your fave should not feel responsible for your own life. Stop doing this shit
crazy, because theres so many fans who has openly admitted on Twitter that they go to their faves Instagram DM and "write down their problems + insecurities", because it helps them release and maybe their fave will "see one day".
the whole thing is psycho.
Those c🤡🤡🤡 need therapy. I have noticed this trend waaay tooo many invested/overly emotional fans in kpop and act like their life depends on it and I know why? Because they use this as therapy when they should seek legitimate real help. Kpop won't cure your depression or fix your health. This is something YOU as a person must do yourself and with the help of professionals NOT a kpop idol. A hard pill some people don't want to swallow is your mental health in some part requires YOU to actually want a change, no amount of help will make you change if you don't want to. Like the old saying." You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink regardless of how thirsty it is" it has to willingly drink it
Mmm, they should put an automatic message recommendig seek professional help. Also some phone lines against suicide. Then hide or delete this posts.
Yeah true!
Either way, not engage personally at all
Mmm, they should put an automatic message recommendig seek professional help. Also some phone lines against suicide. Then hide or delete this posts.
Wait, thats really a good idea💫
Add those phone lines and other resources once certain "words" pop up after they hit send.
And then like you said have the post automatically deleted OR shadowban it, so that way its "posted" on that persons page, but the Artist nor other users in the community cant see it.
I also get sceptical of this kind of message from some fans as its dangerously manipulative. It's trying to force the idol to give them attention, much the same as an emotionally abusive partner threatens self harm if a partner/object of their affection ever leaves them...
"I love you so much, if you break up with me I'll k**l myself"
It's awful, manipulative behaviour and I am always a bit sceptical of seeing people use it, it seems weaponised.
"Trauma dumping" LOL
I can't. I just can't.
Kids these days are more concerned with avoiding being "triggered" by everything than they are with being empathetic to those experiencing the ugly side of life. Everything has to have a "trigger warning," because they'd rather be blissfully ignorant. Saying you're "triggered" is like closing your eyes & putting your fingers in your ears and saying "la la la la I can't hear you." Grow up. If reading stuff like this genuinely causes that strong of an emotional reaction, then the person who wrote it is not the only one in serious need of professional help (and yes, that means you need to get off the Internet, just for starters. Don't ask others to help if you're unwilling to help yourself.)
That being said, there's really no point in posting this sort of thing on such a platform, unless you truly have NO ONE in your life who can help and you think telling some random celebrity about it is your best option. Unless they're unusually empathetic, they're not going to reach out to you, and even if they do, it's no substitute for a support system of people you actually know and can depend on, even if it's literally just a mental health professional.
I also get sceptical of this kind of message from some fans as its dangerously manipulative. It's trying to force the idol to give them attention, much the same as an emotionally abusive partner threatens self harm if a partner/object of their affection ever leaves them...
"I love you so much, if you break up with me I'll k**l myself"
It's awful, manipulative behaviour and I am always a bit sceptical of seeing people use it, it seems weaponised.
Literally I was thinking the same, so I'm glad you said.
Yes, it could be that this person is really struggling and needed to vent to their fave.
BUT like you said, it also could be manipulation just to be able to get a idol to reply to you, because that idol would feel guilty if they don't or feel "your life is in their hands" if they don't respond.
Mmm, they should put an automatic message recommending seek professional help. Also some phone lines against suicide. Then hide or delete this posts.
Thank you! As much as I am against trauma dumping and pushing the parasocial relationship this far, some of the replies seem too cold for me. I don't think they'd ever do it but it's a great idea.
Like they shouldn't do that but there are people that actually needs help, not all are psychopaths or manipulative. They are just seeking help the wrong way.
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