What are some toxic things fandoms that are known to not be very toxic have done?
welcome back my friend
Don’t a lot of Twice fans get cunty anytime the Japanese girls do or say anything Japanese on social media
It doesnt look that way online but Twice fans can be pretty barbaric offline. You would see so many people cutting lines (using their friends to hold the spots on the queue for them) to the US pop up store and stealing many people's opportunities to meet Twice irl. Also lowkey creepy, that it was always the same 30 or so grownass dudes, meeting Twice everytime on fanmeets, not to mention the stalking of Mina or Nayeon, stealing Sana's water bottle.
It could be wrong but I was seeing these online
It doesnt look that way online but Twice fans can be pretty barbaric offline. You would see so many people cutting lines (using their friends to hold the spots on the queue for them) to the US pop up store and stealing many people's opportunities to meet Twice irl. Also lowkey creepy, that it was always the same 30 or so grownass dudes, meeting Twice everytime on fanmeets, not to mention the stalking of Mina or Nayeon, stealing Sana's water bottle.
It could be wrong but I was seeing these online
The weird ones I've seen are male onces especially when they say horrible things about other female idols
I was DEEPLY unimpressed with some Insomnia and their reactions to the Itaewon Halloween tragedy
Dreamcatcher had concerts in Seoul the night the tragedy happened and one the next night, and the show was called Broken Halloween
The morning after the tragedy, many other events in Korea were being cancelled and there was a lot of apprehension from Insomnias, both online and in real life who were attending the concert, about if the show was to be cancelled. I was there as well, had tickets but would have totally understood if the show was cancelled. There was a Dreamcatcher cafe going in Seoul that a bunch on Insomnias were meeting at each day.
ANYWAY the toxicity comes from the fact that some Insomnia, both online and offline, just seemed really blase and selfish about the situation. That the show should go ahead regardless, that Koreans were over-reacting to it all, that it wasn't fair to cancel the show... one German Insomnia even pulled out "people die all the time I dont see the big deal". There was some similar sentiment on social media from some Insomnia. There was stuff like "I'm sure the girls want to do the concert and not upset their fans" (I dislike the whole kpop thing of making assumptions about idols feelings to make them suit your own point of view)
Others in person (including the German) were happily wearing their concert/pop up cafe merch around the streets of Hongdae... merch with big "Broken Halloween" logos with dripping blood design around (I purposely left all my merch at the hotel that morning because you know).
The concert ended up going ahead with a last minute name change, but the attitudes of a lot of people I saw that day was really gross and disppointing.
The way Reveluvs treated that stylist was horrifying
I meme
Ugh don't remind me, poor Naeun didn't deserve that
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