Do you wear contacts or glasses?
I have to wear computer glasses, or blue light blocking glasses without any correction whenever I’m in front of a screen for a prolonged period of time or else my eyes get unfocused and I have headaches. Besides that, I don’t wear any type of glasses or contacts
Glasses most of the time. Contact lenses if I want to look more chic, but I bought some fine round glasses and I look chic with them as well
contacts, glasses hurt my nose bridge after a while
Glasses, I prefer not to poke myself in the eye twice a day. Also contacts require cleaning and responsibility and I'm lazy. And they are more expensive and I'm cheap.
Neither,I have perfect eyesight.. Which is weird considering all my family wear glasses.
glasses, I'm blind as a bat
Glasses. My reaction to things my near my eye rules out contacts.
I've thought about Lasik, but there's a lot of things I could do with the money that would cost.
Thankfully neither, but I had glasses as a child and it was torture, so definitely contacts if my eyes ever get worse again.
I would wear contacts, but to be honest I love the styles of glasses I can have! Even though I stick to the same style sometimes.
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