What Do You Think? Should We Do It? 11
Yes, this sounds like a great idea! (3) 27%
Definitely not, that sounds like a terrible idea. (3) 27%
Yes, as long as none of my posts are screenshotted and spread on there. (2) 18%
I don't like this idea, but if we end up doing it, I'll survive. (2) 18%
Yes, and I'm interested in helping if possible! (1) 9%
I need to know more information before I know for sure what I think. (0) 0%
I'm unsure, let me think about it for a bit. (0) 0%
Other (0) 0%
Hello! So, this is an idea I got a while back, but now that I'm bored and have the time to type it up, I figure I might as well do it now. I know everyone has their own reasons for joining or not, but I do think a huge reason why some people don't join this place is simply because they do not know about it. I think posting about it and spreading awareness of this place would help a lot, and hopefully bring more people here (but I obviously don't know for sure, nothing is a guarantee).
Here's the basic gist of the idea: a few times a day, we post screenshots of posts made on here, so people can see what it is like, and invite people to join us. Pretty straightforward. Preferably there would be a huge variety of fandoms represented, or as many as we could reasonably get. This way, people can know that this place exists and see us interact and get a feel for what it would be like. We can also use that image as an incentive to get people to join in on the conversation here. Something like: "Come and tell us your thoughts on x!" and maybe a link to join, so they can find it easily. Short and to the point, so they don't need to read a wall of text, but just a nice way to seem more inviting.
However, a lot of other different platforms are much bigger, and because of that, inherently more dangerous. What someone may be completely fine with saying on here, they might not be comfortable saying on Twitter or Instagram, where there is a much bigger audience. To protect all of the users on here, I will exercise a few precautions for what screenshots will and will not be used. First of all, no screenshots will ever be used unless all consenting parties involved approve of it being used in that way. People can also say what they do and do not want to be blurred/cut off in the screenshot (badges, gender, signature, username, etc).
Asie from that, the screenshots must contain nothing negative and no fanwars or arguing. We want people to want to join, not to have a bad/even worse impression. Screenshots must be strictly K-Pop related (or I think it would be best if they were), to avoid comments such as "I thought this was a K-Pop forum, why are you posting about x?" and "That seems like an inside joke. It's probably a small and close-knit place, I don't know if they'd welcome/like me or not". The screenshots can be funny or serious, and ideally, I'd like a good mix of both if possible.
The account can also post about badges, as those are a huge draw, and announce groups that are getting badges soon, either new or revamped. Maybe someone will join or be interested because of them. Same for potentially announcing forum events and such. I do think the main focus should be screenshots though.
Anyway, that's the idea so far. What do you think? Should we do it or not? Why or why not? If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Also, in case I get asked questions about this, there are a few things I still have left to decide, but we'll discuss and come to an agreement on them as a forum if we end up doing this (stuff like what platform to post on, what to name the account, when we will launch the account, who will help me with it and so on). If this ends up being a bad idea or getting shut own, just forget I said anything at all. Have a great day/night!