SM putting the most efforts into aespa NFTs than whatever they are doing right now

  • What are the prices of these nfts? Aren’t they usually quite expensive? Do these companies expect to get a lot of money from these or what?

    So far I’ve seen SM, Cube and Hybe do this nonsense and I would love to know what they expect from getting into the nft business considering the amount of backlash it’s gotten already.

    the bidding haven't start yet so we don't know. We can only assume from the benefits

    NFT is a place to make money . Every company that loves money wouldn't want to miss the chance

    Yeah basically most people are saying that NFT best way to do money laundering and bad on environment . Thankfully aespa NFTs are low on energy consumption it has been confirmed.

  • I agree. But I wish they could've pushed this project in the future when the technology is improved and we have even lower energy consumption NFTs.

    actually it already been lower. Youtube cost more ;(


    Not really, the underlying blockchain is Etherium (via Polygon), which, yes, has switched to Proof of Stake, but consider:

    1) A recent study showed that its implementation of proof of stake is the least energy efficient out of the six chains examined

    2) Will always be less energy efficient than a centralised system.

    "Lower" energy consumption is not the same as "low" energy consumption.

    Based at the link that I attached on the first page it had been stated:

    the artist and the company who are collaborating with aespa's NFT are said to be using a platform with less carbon emission and the energy consumption being reduced by 99%

  • Based at the link that I attached on the first page it had been stated:

    the artist and the company who are collaborating with aespa's NFT are said to be using a platform with less carbon emission and the energy consumption being reduced by 99%

    That figure is based on Eth pre and post "merge", IE, the switch to proof of stake.

    They reduced their energy consumption by 99%. They were able to do this because their energy consumption was FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

    If I eat 500 burgers a day and then reduce that to just 5, doesn't mean I've started eating healthily.

    Even with proof-of-stake, a blockchain will never be as energy efficient as a centralised system. It is literally impossible for that to be the case. If SM or whoever, want to make environmentally-friendly digital collections a thing, they should host their own authentication. Otherwise, spare me the greenwash.

  • That figure is based on Eth pre and post "merge", IE, the switch to proof of stake.

    They reduced their energy consumption by 99%. They were able to do this because their energy consumption was FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

    If I eat 500 burgers a day and then reduce that to just 5, doesn't mean I've started eating healthily.

    Even with proof-of-stake, a blockchain will never be as energy efficient as a centralised system. It is literally impossible for that to be the case. If SM or whoever, want to make environmentally-friendly digital collections a thing, they should host their own authentication. Otherwise, spare me the greenwash.

    actually eth reduced energy consumption 99,95% so if you normally eat 500 burgers that is 0,25 = 1/4 of burger every day. Sounds pretty healthy to me :pepe-big-brain:

  • actually it already been lower. Youtube cost more ;(


    It makes more sense for YouTube to have such an annual energy consumption considering it occupies 10% of the global internet traffic. How much ever you lower an NFT's energy consumption, for now the technology is no where near where we can decrease it's energy consumption comparable to ordinary electronic devices.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 ♡ 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 ♡ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐚


  • That figure is based on Eth pre and post "merge", IE, the switch to proof of stake.

    They reduced their energy consumption by 99%. They were able to do this because their energy consumption was FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

    If I eat 500 burgers a day and then reduce that to just 5, doesn't mean I've started eating healthily.

    Even with proof-of-stake, a blockchain will never be as energy efficient as a centralised system. It is literally impossible for that to be the case. If SM or whoever, want to make environmentally-friendly digital collections a thing, they should host their own authentication. Otherwise, spare me the greenwash.

    Yeah you could be skeptical in everything. Maybe it's not 99% but 97%. I said what it was stated.

    There are energy crisis looming, if the data was completely ridiculous I think they will riot but no I see majority aren't complaining anymore unlike before.

    forgot to tell that there was live viewing party during the merge and how the process the proof etc etc

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    Edited once, last by www1717 ().

  • actually eth reduced energy consumption 99,95% so if you normally eat 500 burgers that is 0,25 = 1/4 of burger every day. Sounds pretty healthy to me :pepe-big-brain:

    I didn't do the math!!

    tbf, I am being a bit dogmatic about this.

    It irks me because I feel that the additional energy being used (IE, systems being run 24/7 for no purpose other than to validate the blockchain) is wasted energy. But that's ideological on my part: I don't believe "trustless authentication" has value.

    But if you DO believe it has value, then that energy isn't being wasted and is simply the cost-of-doing-business, so to speak.

    I will say tho,

    that chart looks dodgy af

    I found Alphabet's claimed energy consumption in the 2020-2021 financial year:

    Alphabet (Google): energy consumption 2020 | Statista
    Google’s energy consumption has increased over the last few years, reaching 15.4 terawatt hours in 2020, up from 12.7 terawatt hours in 2019.

    That's 15.439t/w hours.

    SIGIFICANTLY less than what's on that chart.

    Coupled with the fact that they have something entirely unquantifiable on there ("gaming"), I think they're guessing based on not just the systems themselves but the consumption of media. IE, the energy people use when they view Netflix or whatever. Well. That's something that's pretty much impossible to even put a vague figure on.

    It's also unfair on another level: Of course storing and hosting video takes more energy than simply storing a database. The thing is, I don't need a mainframe or a network of computers to store and manage a database even 2tb in size. But you do need that level of (distributed) computing power to secure a blockchain. See? Lets compare apples to apples.

    Edit: For example. It takes 20Wh of energy to register a transaction on Eth according to this. It almost certainly takes less than a watt for AKP's server to register this post, which contains significantly more data than a transaction. So then Eth is at least 20 times less efficient. Innit?

    Edited 2 times, last by tenfour ().

  • It makes more sense for YouTube to have such an annual energy consumption considering it occupies 10% of the global internet traffic. How much ever you lower an NFT's energy consumption, for now the technology is no where near where we can decrease it's energy consumption comparable to ordinary electronic devices.

    yeah it hard to believe it but the data already out and they stated that the ETH post merge making NFTs even more green. I see majority aren't complaining about the realness of the data.

  • "Equivalent to the carbon footprint of 22 VISA transactions or 2 hours of watching Youtube."

    that is not much at all imo.

    I think eth is pretty cool project because they are making it deflationary asset by burning eth by every transaction. That encourage people to frugality and save money. Current monetary system is constantly losing value due inflation which encourage people overconsume, which hurt environment more than anything. You can also take risk and invest into stock market and hope constant grow like people with capitalist mindset usually do. Anyway I think this is way too deep topic to talk in this thread.

  • "Equivalent to the carbon footprint of 22 VISA transactions or 2 hours of watching Youtube."

    that is not much at all imo.

    It is the exact same thing as a VISA transaction (a database update), and it uses 22 times more energy. That's a single transaction. Factor that to scale: VISA does 24,000 transactions per second. This stuff adds up. At the moment, the energy use might be negligible, but if we actually used this for anything, then a 22 times difference in energy usage is a huge, huge problem.

    I think eth is pretty cool project because they are making it deflationary asset by burning eth by every transaction. That encourage people to frugality and save money. Current monetary system is constantly losing value due inflation which encourage people overconsume, which hurt environment more than anything.

    So, this isn't how inflation works.

    Inflation isn't entirely driven by fiscal or monetary policy. In most countries in the world, you're seeing an effort to drive inflation down through monetary policy, and yet it's still not under control.

    Because inflation is an effect of the broader economy, and is not divorced from it.

    IE: If an essential item becomes more scarce, it will become more expensive. At scale, this can be a driver of inflation. And arguably, that is the main driver of inflation at the current moment in time considering energy is the base resource of our entire economy and recent world events have made it more expensive.

    Eth has depreciated more than 600% since its peak. Nobody wants to call this inflation, but its effective buying power has undoubtedly diminished. The effect to the holder is the same: Their "money" is losing value on a daily basis.

    That's even ignoring the crux: Yes, most countries target around 2-3% inflation to drive consumption. To keep the economy going. The alternative is usually a deflationary currency. A deflationary currency is economic suicide: Nobody would spend today if their money would be worth significantly more in future.

    From an extremely hardcore environmentalist perspective, maybe this makes sense: Send us back to the stone age and you end climate change. From a tech bro perspective, it makes no sense at all: Their magical panacea runs on fucking computers.

    But yeah, it's a big topic.

    Edited once, last by tenfour ().

  • variety show/reality show, is a show based on a single group where they travel or chill or play games, show a bit of their work/personal life like for example Red Velvet's Level Up, Blackpink's Blackpink House, BTS's Run BTS, Seventeen's Going Seventeen etc

    I want them to travel somewhere and make a show, for example RV's Level Up 1st season was in Thailand, 2nd and 4th in Korea and 3rd in Slovenia, 5th in Jeju, BP House also had episodes in Thailand or even documentary like reality show.

    Just want to add, for travel episodes, BTS has BTS Bon Voyage shows - 1 season in 2016 BTS in Northern Europe, 2nd season in Hawaii, 3rd Malta, 4th New Zealand..

    Here are an article of each season and it’s highlights

    The Best Moments from All Four Seasons of BTS Bon Voyage |
    In this article, we take a look at some of the most memorable moments from the four seasons of Bon Voyage, K-pop superband BTS' travel series.

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