bypannchoaJuly 23, 2022
    "Seriously I can understand why Korea became the nation of plastic surgery"

    If you look at people, they're all busy judging others' faces
    If there's one person who's the prettiest, in order to praise that person, people will bash on others to raise them up...
    I've been in that situation, and without knowing, I started looking for plastic surgery clinicsㅜ

    - Honestly, there's even job placement plastic surgery... Sighㅠ
    - That's true the judging of faces is severe
    - I agree. I didn't necessarily care about appearance so I didn't know, but people around me always nitpick my face or my body's 'lacking' parts so I ended up thinking 'so those are my weaknesses' and started caring about it. You don't need to ask Koreans to tell you, they'll tell you straight up and they're so severe when it comes to nitpicking on your appearance. I feel like it comes from a place of competitiveness and inferiority complex from a lot of people
    - Honestly...ㅜ Let's just live the way we are... As long as I don't look disgusting..

    original post: here

    1. I'm honestly ashamed that Korea has become the land of plastic surgery
    The moment you say you're Korean, people ask you "did you fix yourself too?"
    And "Is it true that you guys have plastic surgery clinics ads on the streets?"

    2. We rank everything, but the way we rank visuals is almost a morbid

    3. And there are so many ignorant people... I got into an accident so my face got hurt because of that. Normal people would never ask about it and it's the right thing to do right? But ever since I was in elementary school, I've had people ask me "Why did you turn out like that?" up until today, I've had so many people pointing out stuff to me... And when they don't say it in front of me, they'd talk behind my back about it or I would end up hearing them talk about me when I pass by. I thought to myself 'I need to receive surgery again'. It's painful to look different

    4. Let aside the moment you gain a tiny bit of weight, they will point it out, but there are even more crazy b*tches who will straight up tell you to go lose weight. I don't understand the need to be this rude. Instead of spending the time caring about others' faces, go care about your own

    5. And how different people treat others based on their faces... I didn't want to fit in the beauty standards, so I never touched my face but at one point, I'll end up looking like the 'dumb' one because you can live such a comfortable life if only you were pretty...

    6. Especially for women, beauty standards are so severe. They're f*cking pitiful seriously

    7. People even refuse to watch dramas because the actors are too ugly...

    8. Celebrities are something else, but even just looking at IG, you will barely find anyone without double eyelids. Our country's natural possibility to develop double eyelids is only 30% but if you look outside, it's almost 99%ㅋㅋ
    Of course, if I look at my daily life, including me, there are barely anyone who did it, but on SNS and in the media, almost everyone has it to the point it's normal....

    9. Mocking idols for their looks and bashing them for it is f*cking severe. My bias never even got themselves in a controversy. Seriously they make me want to barf

    10. But even if you did surgery and got prettier, people will now rank you lower than natural beautiesㅋㅋ There's no end to it


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • It's severe. Just saw a post about Chaeryeong that really had me upset. Chaeryeong is such a lovely girl, but since she lives in a society like that, she is talked about in such a mean way.

    If she mentions being insecure, people say she's fishing for compliments. If she acts confident, they say she's not pretty enough to be pretentious.

    It makes me so sad and concerned, and I hope she has the support and love she needs to survive in that world.



  • Korean society= constant judgements and unsolicited advice from strangers, constant competition, constant crab mentality where jealous people tear down those more successful.

    The worst part is that Koreans are brainwashed at a young age to care obssessively about what other people think, their entire self worth and self esteem is derived from the collective, the praise and awards you receive from others. That's why stuff we think is meaningless (like music show awards) is actually a BIG DEAL to idols, especially the newbies. That's why you see idols constantly apologizing for everything, even for the dumbest non apology worthy shit.

    So you create a society where individuals' self esteem is entirely based on what other people think and mix that with a hypercompetitive society that is merciless to folks who fail to live up to some bs standards, and then Koreans wonder why there are so many suicides in the country. :pepefacepalm:

  • Korean society= constant judgements and unsolicited advice from strangers, constant competition, constant crab mentality where jealous people tear down those more successful.

    The worst part is that Koreans are brainwashed at a young age to care obssessively about what other people think, their entire self worth and self esteem is derived from the collective, the praise and awards you receive from others. That's why stuff we think is meaningless (like music show awards) is actually a BIG DEAL to idols, especially the newbies. That's why you see idols constantly apologizing for everything, even for the dumbest non apology worthy shit.

    So you create a society where individuals' self esteem is entirely based on what other people think and mix that with a hypercompetitive society that is merciless to folks who fail to live up to some bs standards, and then Koreans wonder why there are so many suicides in the country. :pepefacepalm:

    A nation build by blood and Iron. compaired to other countries it got them very far in the last 30 years.

    It doesnt go without a lot of casulties.

    Its getin better. When they started to build up their country they Had nothing but workforce. So they made money with prostitutes who served the US troops stationed in the country. And they sold their soldiers to the US to be used in the Vietnam war.

    This Beautyfetish is a serious problem in the Showbusiness. Maybe its serious in Seoul. But in the countryside or busan i met plenty of fat or ugly people living daily life like all the others. While there are differences in the mentality it seems the younger generations are allready a lot more westernised.

    There is a big gap between the generations and like it happend in the west decades ago they have to fight it out within the society.

  • A nation build by blood and Iron. compaired to other countries it got them very far in the last 30 years.

    It doesnt go without a lot of casulties.

    Its getin better. When they started to build up their country they Had nothing but workforce. So they made money with prostitutes who served the US troops stationed in the country. And they sold their soldiers to the US to be used in the Vietnam war.

    This Beautyfetish is a serious problem in the Showbusiness. Maybe its serious in Seoul. But in the countryside or busan i met plenty of fat or ugly people living daily life like all the others. While there are differences in the mentality it seems the younger generations are allready a lot more westernised.

    There is a big gap between the generations and like it happend in the west decades ago they have to fight it out within the society.

    Thsnks for this i hate the fact so many i clowns talk about my country without understanding a single fuckin thing about it. Good thing you did your research and understand some of the issues here and what lead Korea to be what it is today. Irks me even more when these same people cry about people being ignorant and knowing xyz because its 2022 and Internet 🤡🤡 yet they spend every day being in our kpop but won't learn shit about us other than oppa

  • Thsnks for this i hate the fact so many i clowns talk about my country without understanding a single fuckin thing about it. Good thing you did your research and understand some of the issues here and what lead Korea to be what it is today. Irks me even more when these same people cry about people being ignorant and knowing xyz because its 2022 and Internet 🤡🤡 yet they spend every day being in our kpop but won't learn shit about us other than oppa

    Maybe most i fans only know kpop. It gives a very different view of what you see in busan.

    i cant really blame them. kpop is the centre of the world and everything else including korea have to orbits around it.^^

    i can only speak about my experience. its only a small picture of a small part of the country.

    But at least i know what im talking about.

    In 2018 i was for weeks in Busan and never recognised anything kpop related. Only learned about it in 2019 when we drove around a lot while an old cd with t-ara songs was playing. After 100 times roly-poly and bopeep i was addicted.

    People just have different POVs and arent interested in others. its the same all the time.^^

  • We can blame them because they want to talk about us but won't learn a thing about us. Yet in the same vain these same fans will demonize you as ignorant for not understanding xyz cause or some other alphabet named incident. yet be hypocrites when talking about someone else's country history culture etc .

    Plus all of the kpop orbit around Korea not the other way around regardless of what these ifans think, those idols are Korean in the end and won't be receptive of their ignorance

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