Should Big Hit publicly speak out about the racism Asians are facing?

  • Should Big Hit publicly speak out about the racism Asians are facing? 40

    1. Yes (9) 23%
    2. No (31) 78%

    A lot of people are asking for BH to make a statement not just about the racist remarks against their idols but also about the wave of anti-Asian racism that has increased exponentially in the past year. Big Hit made a statement supporting #BLM and donated 1 million do that cause. People are concerned a prominent company with idols who suffered racism are remaining silent when it comes to Asians.

    Others opposed to BH saying anything argue that since BH is an Asian company they can’t do anything about racism to Asians. I don’t really understand that logic. I’m sure BH, regardless of their race, have a much larger voice to assist bringing injustices to focus like they did for BLM.

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  • BH are Koreans themselves, theyre not obligated to comment on the same racism they themselves experience.

    By that same logic, why havent any Korean artist other than Tiger JK spoken out?

  • I mean, they could. It just doesn't have the intended effect. The only people who care about BigHit are kpop fans and SK. Its not like they are a respected international company. Its almost preaching to the choir. I guess it might create some buzz since BTS agency speaking out against it will be seen as a big deal in the media.

    BigHit/BTS talking about BLM wasn't really preaching to the choir, since their a SK company and the BLM movement was very American based. Different audiences.

    Either way, saying something is better than saying nothing in this situation.

  • I mean, they could. It just doesn't have the intended effect. The only people who care about BigHit are kpop fans and SK. Its not like they are a respected international company. Its almost preaching to the choir. I guess it might create some buzz since BTS agency speaking out against it will be seen as a big deal in the media.

    BigHit/BTS talking about BLM wasn't really preaching to the choir, since their a SK company and the BLM movement was very American based. Different audiences.

    Either way, saying something is better than saying nothing in this situation.

    A lot of international media is covering the racist incident with BTS. They do have a platform beyond koreaboos

  • I can see both sides, but ultimately I don't think they should.

    Some people are already trying to dismiss this issue as 'fandom bullshit', instead of a larger movement against asian discrimination, especially in the US but more generally everywhere as COVID really sucked for them even more than for the rest of the world - something that has been going on for a few weeks/months. It needs to be clear that the issue is with the racism, not with a radio host not liking BTS.

    BH are a korean society, so them speaking out about it would really focus the attention on the 'BTS' part of the issue.

    ( Also they might be accused to 'send' ARMY against this radio host, and if anything bad happen, it could backfire and hurt BTS/BH's image in the west. )

  • I think staying silent is worst because it's sending out the wrong message of Asians being a "model minority" that stay quiet and don't rock the boat in favor of the establishment. This is a worldwide issue, ever since the corona pandemic started East Asians and SEAs have become a target for race crimes at alarming rates. Doesn't matter if its in Europe or United States. Governments and the news media are paying little attention to it, only just recently has it started gaining attention from a small part of social media. Doesn't matter if its Koreans, Chinese, white people, black peoples, all voices are needed to bring attention to it. A lot of kpop fans don't even know Asians are getting attacked and killed almost daily over their race. There was another incident just recently in New York, and a bunch of others in California. Unfortunately many BH and kpop fans want BTS and idols in general to appear as "good little boys" and not go against the establishment because they thirst more for recognition than for doing the right thing.

  • I think staying silent is worst because it's sending out the wrong message of Asians being a "model minority" that stay quiet and don't rock the boat in favor of the establishment. This is a worldwide issue, ever since the corona pandemic started East Asians and SEAs have become a target for race crimes at alarming rates. Doesn't matter if its in Europe or United States. Governments and the news media are paying little attention to it, only just recently has it started gaining attention from a small part of social media. Doesn't matter if its Koreans, Chinese, white people, black peoples, all voices are needed to bring attention to it. A lot of kpop fans don't even know Asians are getting attacked and killed almost daily over their race. There was another incident just recently in New York, and a bunch of others in California. Unfortunately many BH and kpop fans want BTS and idols in general to appear as "good little boys" and not go against the establishment because they thirst more for recognition than for doing the right thing.

    Please let's not blame Asian people for the way they react when they are victim of racism. The issue isn't lying with them. I get the frustration, but they don't have to feel pressured to speak out about it - they aren't Asian ambassadors in the US.

    And criticing Asians for being seen as 'model minority' weirdly sounds like you are reporting the blame on them and their behaviour.

  • Hmmm I may be wrong but I think when BigHit, the one who has their artiste being involved makes a statement about this, their point will be brushed off and viewed as a victim complex from the other side(the racist side) and won’t take them seriously.

    But it’s quite different when someone who isn’t affected by the situation in anyway is able to still take BTS side and make the same point as what BigHit might have said. That goes more to show how concerning the situation is and that other non-Koreans or Asians can still see how vile the German host was.

  • BTS were the victims of that man's racist tirade, they should not have the burden of responding to it.

    BTS have already been very vocal about racism and prejudice; they spoke about BLM and they have spoken about the prejudice they personally experience(d) in the West for their various schedules. A great number of their music touches upon such subjects.

    If they want to personally address that man, they are free to do so, but to "expect" them to do so is incredibly selfish and moronic.

    Any POC knows how demeaning it is to constantly have to explain when they're being racially targeted "Well, why don't they speak up? Why won't they say anything?" That's fucking exhausting.

  • Please let's not blame Asian people for the way they react when they are victim of racism. The issue isn't lying with them. I get the frustration, but they don't have to feel pressured to speak out about it - they aren't Asian ambassadors in the US.

    And criticing Asians for being seen as 'model minority' weirdly sounds like you are reporting the blame on them and their behaviour.

    It feels like you are more concerned with people criticizing Big Hit (or BTS indirectly), but you're parlaying that as "blaming Asians". Nobody is blaming Asians. People are urging a billion dollar company (BH) to use their platform to help bring awareness to a problem that is being deliberately ignored by many.

    And here BH has the perfect timing to speak up about because they have witnessed it happen to their own artists. They have the opportunity now to bring attention to the wider issue at hand. But if they remain silent the company seems more like they are following the "model minority" trope of not making any noise.

    What I don't understand is when the #BLM movement was happening the belief was "silence is violence". But when it comes to issues with Asians they bring up a bunch of excuses to keep staying silent.

  • It feels like you are more concerned with people criticizing Big Hit (or BTS indirectly), but you're parlaying that as "blaming Asians". Nobody is blaming Asians. People are urging a billion dollar company (BH) to use their platform to help bring awareness to a problem that is being deliberately ignored by many.

    And here BH has the perfect timing to speak up about because they have witnessed it happen to their own artists. The have the opportunity now to bring attention to the wider issue at hand. But if they remain silent the company seems more like they are following the "model minority" trope of not making any noise.

    What I don't understand is when the #BLM movement was happening the belief was "silence is violence". But when it comes to issues with Asians they bring up a bunch of excuses to keep staying silent.

    For the last time, this is not the victim's duty to educate the rest of the population. This idea of a 'model minority' trope is disgusting.

    They don't owe anyone a comment about this issue. They are the victims.

  • For the last time, this is not the victim's duty to educate the rest of the population. This idea of a 'model minority' trope is disgusting.

    They don't owe anyone a comment about this issue. They are the victims.

    BH wasn't a victim. But even victims can advocate for themselves. And anyone can speak about social injustices. Nobody says black people can't talk about #BLM because a racist incident happened to someone in their community. You are twisting weird logic to shield BH, but that's unnecessary because they are just getting urged to help raise awareness as a large company, they are not being condemned.

  • BH wasn't a victim. But even victims can advocate for themselves. And anyone can speak about social injustices. Nobody says black people can't talk about #BLM because a racist incident happened to someone in their community. You are twisting weird logic to shield BH, but that's unnecessary because they are just getting urged to help raise awareness as a large company, they are not being condemned.

    I'm pretty sure BH is a korean company, and thus that the people working for this company suffer from anti-asian racism too.

    Anyway, I'm not interested in this conversation anymore. The fact that it's totally normal for hundreds of people to go and harass and BTS and BH about it, asking them to speak up to 'support' the Asian community is disgusting, but I'm not surprised.

    Think what you want. I disagree.

  • I'm on the fence about it. On the one hand they definitely don't need to or should be expected to but as a fan, i am tired of seeing racist folks think they can open their mouth to speak on BTS

    But BTS is used to dealing with racism now, as shitty as that sounds. So i'm sure they're doing whatever they do on their end to deal

  • the thread should of ended with this comment

  • Its a korean company in Korea where they face no racism?

    It doesn’t make sense? Maybe to educate koreans who think because they’re asian they’ll have it easier....alot of koreans and japanese are under the impression that white and asians are treated the same and only blacks and possible non white latinos are treated badly, highkey living in their own delusion.

    Someone needs to tell them they ought to stop treatinf white people better tjinking that’s how it is in the west....🙄

    But it aint gonna be me....they won’t listen to half-nword and half low-class korean self....

    Edit: let me specify....EAST ASIAN because they think SE and South asians are lower than them


  • Interesting how bias can give people some really weird takes on things. There's no victim / non-victim dichotomy in the fight for justice, everyone can help against a struggle.

    Just like #BLM, everyone should speak up about it because it's the decent thing to do

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  • Please let's not blame Asian people for the way they react when they are victim of racism. The issue isn't lying with them. I get the frustration, but they don't have to feel pressured to speak out about it - they aren't Asian ambassadors in the US.

    And criticing Asians for being seen as 'model minority' weirdly sounds like you are reporting the blame on them and their behaviour.

    To be fair you will find more asians who think they deserve the title “model minority”, then not, and therefore they’re better than other minorities. As an asian, asians are partly to blame of its continuation, but not why it came to existence. Far FAR too many asian Americans believe they’re superior. Especially the older generation and millennials believe they title is worthy. Generation Z seems to be getting better. This even affects asians outside of America, in my experience a lot of Koreans and Japanese think asians have it real good and they’re considered the “best” out of the minorities, they think they’ll be treated like a white person because of these deluded “benefits”. This is just my general opinion, I don’t agree with what the other person said but this is my take, america really did some psychological manipulation on asian americans imo, this was also apart of the “model minority”, completely orchestrated to me, they did this for a purpose and that purpose has worked.

    Edit: Of course one could agree every race thinks they’re better but the dynamics of the “model minority” myth takes play into the view/perceptions of asians in america, it’s almost the complete opposite of the forced perception of black people in America and abroad.

  • It feels like you are more concerned with people criticizing Big Hit (or BTS indirectly), but you're parlaying that as "blaming Asians". Nobody is blaming Asians. People are urging a billion dollar company (BH) to use their platform to help bring awareness to a problem that is being deliberately ignored by many.

    And here BH has the perfect timing to speak up about because they have witnessed it happen to their own artists. They have the opportunity now to bring attention to the wider issue at hand. But if they remain silent the company seems more like they are following the "model minority" trope of not making any noise.

    And I feel you're more 'concerned' with criticizing Big Hit under the pretense of concern.

    Got that feeling from the first post already and this makes it more obvious.

  • It’s honestly so disgusting and hurtful what some people have been saying (always but more recently) about Asians and Asian Americans.

    I understand people wanting them to speak up about this because they have a large platform and it could help with raising awareness, but I also think it should be completely up to BTS whether they want to address it and get political in this matter. They didn’t sign up to be a spokesperson for any race, so at the end of the day if they feel comfortable speaking up about it they should, and if they don’t want to bring it up that should also be justified because as others have mentioned they don’t owe anyone anything.

    It’s just so frustrating that this kind of crap comes out of peoples’ mouths. No one deserves that.

  • The moment they speak out, they will get tons of criticism that it isn't racist, they shouldn't speak for everyone, they're complaining etc.

    Even in this recent topic, there is already someone claiming the radio host wasn't racist:

  • Apart from complaining that others didn't speak out, what have you done about it, OP?

    I think I'm literally the only first one to have made threads about the racial violence against Asians in the forum.

    Yet I don't have the capabilities to:

    - make things trend on social media

    - don't have almost 20 million followers

    - don't have the attention of international media

    - don't have billion dollars worth of resources

    - don't have connections with large corporations

    I can't reason with people who think that, asking for those who have all those capabilities to tweet one little hashtag, is the same as viciously attacking them. I just can't

  • No they shouldn't. It's a wider issue. This will make it BTS and fandom focused which would defeat the point.

    BTS just happen to be the Korean boy band that he made the comments against with the big enough fandom to cause a stir.

    Others speaking out is much more powerful.

    And this would infer that everytime a racist comment is targeted at BTS (there will be more) that they have to formally address it.

    How draining. I believe there is power in numbers and reactions from publications so far are proving that and helping raise awareness.

  • That's how it comes off 100%

    OP doesn't sound genuine at all

    There's nothing wrong with respectfully asking a company to help raise awareness about a greater issue. Yet the reaction from twitter stans has been "OMG, how dare you blame BH, they are victims" just for asking. I can't comprehend those kinds of hysterics. How far has stan culture fallen that the immediate knee jerk reaction is to white knight for a billion dollar company that made it's money posturing about caring with "love yourself" when many of their fans are Asians who don't live in gated communities, don't have their own private security and have to endure racism in their daily lives.

    I can show you the threads I made where I was bringing awareness to the situation that's becoming worse. And it had nothing to do wither either BH or BTS.

  • There's nothing wrong with respectfully asking a company to help raise awareness about a greater issue. Yet the reaction from twitter stans has been "OMG, how dare you blame BH, they are victims" just for asking. I can't comprehend those kinds of hysterics. How far has stan culture fallen that the immediate knee jerk reaction is to white knight for a billion dollar company that made it's money posturing about caring with "love yourself" when many of their fans are Asians who don't live in gated communities, don't have their own private security and have to endure racism in their daily lives.

    I can show you the threads I made where I was bringing awareness to the situation that's becoming worse. And it had nothing to do wither either BH or BTS.

    My opinion remains the same

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