Google translate.
As government and ruling party officials continue to attract BTS to publicity for inauguration ceremonies and to defend against controversy, public suspicion that 'President Seok-Yeol Yoon hates BTS' is gradually becoming a fact. It is these people who frequently mobilize the still BTS.
Why the 'BTS feud' with President Yoon spreads (Oh My News)

윤 대통령과 'BTS 불화설'이 퍼지는 이유
박주선부터 권성동까지... 잊을만 하면 BTS 소환하는 정치권 은 <오마이뉴스> 상근기자들이 취재과정에서 겪은 후일담이나 비화, 에피소드 등을 자유롭게 쓰는 코너입니다. <편집자말> ▲ 권성동 국민의힘 원내대표가 6
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