Jyp what the fk is this that’s why I like quality than quantity this is stupid company how can you do this to my girls especially itzy wtf how did you release wannabe then these songs wtf!!!!!!!!! I will never forgive this shit company even nmixx debuted with that shit song oh my ghaddd!!!! I want to burn that company so bad!!!! And that scientists fk this company I swear

Jyp needs to postpone itzy’s comeback
Fking disappointed fling dumbass company needs to shut down
It will all get good once twice disbands have patience
some translate the op for me
disband itzy
chaeryeong to twice ( old friends )
yuna to loona ( they need a tall member )
yeji to ive ( they need a monolid member )
ryujin to blacpink ( she looks the part and thats what matters )
lia to red velvet ( they need a personality )
easy fix
Every English lyric of a Kpop song is cringe. Literally name me one that is good from “I’m a fucking tomboy” to “star no Patrick” bullshit. Judging a Kpop song by its English lyrics isn’t the best. Like can you imagine any serious adult artists in America saying the above lines? Nah it’s about the Korean lyrics and we gotta wait for those
No way! She cant live the broke lifestyle, she likes to buy sportscars
spoiled kid needs to learn humility
Just like a b-side song. I think they're going to shoot half a screen for tik tok in the MV. Jyp does it on purpose. I hope his company goes bankrupt. Itzy already wanted to leave the company, they all signaled at Knowing Bros last year that they wanted to leave the company when their contract end. It was not without reason.
where lmao? twitter is raging
i dont care about gp approval
just about it fitting my taste
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