Do grammatical errors in English lyrics of kpop songs bother you?
Nah they just make me laugh sometimes
Yep. Especially if they are easily fixable so the song still scans and makes sense.
Yes.. There is alot of cringy/bad english in kpop songs and I really dislike it. I wish companies would hire native english speakers to make sure all of the lyrics make sense and are good to release. There are some songs that I like but hate the lyrical content of, and it makes it hard to sing along to those parts.
It's fine
Sometimes, depending on the error
not really, sometime it make me cringe but most of the time im pretending im not hearing any english
you know what’s funny, i’m pretty sure the lyrics i pasted aren’t even in the original song which means they added them into the cover
a strange move on the producers’ part but maybe they were going for a meme type of thing?
As a native English speaker, sometimes. It’s usually the lyrics that can be easily fixed that bother me the most. “Red five diamonds in my bag” just needed to be “five red diamonds in my bag”.
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