Exclusive: Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows
"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled," Justice Alito writes in an initial majority draft circulated inside the court.
Birth control, gay marriage, Medicare, and Social Security will be next.
So, what exactly happened, did they ban abortion or not?
This debate gives me mixed feelings.
One one hand you have people who believe that live begins at conception and therefore every life deserves to live, which I also believe…and on the other hand you have women who want to decide what to do with their bodies, especially those who got pregnant through extreme situations. I can understand both sides cause i don’t see any of these opinions as morally corrupt.
This debate gives me mixed feelings.
One one hand you have people who believe that live begins at conception and therefore every life deserves to live, which I also believe…and on the other hand you have women who want to decide what to do with their bodies, especially those who got pregnant through extreme situations. I can understand both sides cause i don’t see any of these opinions as morally corrupt.
oh, I hope they are making a good decision. My cousin knew someone who got pregnant because they were r**ed. If abortion didn't exist her life in Indian society would have pretty much been over.
I really don't know what they think they are doing. These boomers are trying so hard to clutch on but they do realize it's only a matter of a few more years before Millenials replace them? God bless the day when these ancient dust particles finally pass on and the younger generation can finally set the country in the right direction again. Hopefully, by then, it won't be too late. In the meantime, I'll still be making my plans to pack my bag and get out of this place.
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
oh, I hope they are making a good decision. My cousin knew someone who got pregnant because they were r**ed. If abortion didn't exist her life in Indian society would have pretty much been over.
I personally think abortion should be your last option if absolutely nothing work and shouldn’t be used as some sort of contraceptive… but women who got pregnant under extreme circumstances or are in extreme circumstances should be giving the chance to choose. like your cousin for example.
they weren't a friend but I agree.
it's not a nightmare, it's real life unfortuently
What in The Handmaid's Tale?
Birth control, gay marriage, Medicare, and Social Security will be next.
already signalling Republicans to go after that next
A conservative Congress, which is probably going to happen again next year, can move to ban it nationally as well.
it's not a nightmare, it's real life unfortuently
I shall pinch you through screen
protest already forming in front of the supreme Court
That was horrible manner of handling it, hence the Roe case happening in the first place.
We can't have officials deciding every 2 years whether or not women have basic bodily autonomy
That was horrible manner of handling it, hence the Roe case happening in the first place.
We can't have officials deciding every 2 years whether or not women have basic bodily autonomy
that's not happening unless you happen to live in one of the few swing states...and it would be every 4 years not 2.
Disappointed but not surprised.
Regardless it's still a terrible way. The majority of people most impacted by this are the ones disenfranchised in those same states. The United States does not run by or for the people and hasn't for a very long time
This debate gives me mixed feelings.
One one hand you have people who believe that live begins at conception and therefore every life deserves to live, which I also believe…and on the other hand you have women who want to decide what to do with their bodies, especially those who got pregnant through extreme situations. I can understand both sides cause i don’t see any of these opinions as morally corrupt.
I would be a bit more generous with the pro-life stance if it was coupled with a drive to teach proper sex education, boost the usage of safe sex tools, and more assistance for low-income families once those babies are born. However, the stance is more that if you were kept ignorant you will be blessed with a child you are forced to carry to term. That's something that will keep you in the lower income threshold as having children when you're not ready is a fatal blow to your life's success chances.
It's meant to keep mainly minority or low socieconomic people in the same place and grow the class for cheap labor. The most effective deterrent for abortions is having people understand the risks of sex and know how to properly use contraceptives. If you ban abortions on an official level, the amount of back-alley or difficult abortions will rise too. The upper classes could skirt some of those difficulties with money but lower classes are likely to be trapped.
honestly what is the point of living anymore. Everything is terrible
I would be a bit more generous with the pro-life stance if it was coupled with a drive to teach proper sex education, boost the usage of safe sex tools, and more assistance for low-income families once those babies are born. However, the stance is more that if you were kept ignorant you will be blessed with a child you are forced to carry to term. That's something that will keep you in the lower income threshold as having children when you're not ready is a fatal blow to your life's success chances.
It's meant to keep mainly minority or low socieconomic people in the same place and grow the class for cheap labor. The most effective deterrent for abortions is having people understand the risks of sex and know how to properly use contraceptives. If you ban abortions on an official level, the amount of back-alley or difficult abortions will rise too. The upper classes could skirt some of those difficulties with money but lower classes are likely to be trapped.
I listen to both sides and every debate I have watched about this, one of the things Pro-Lifers were advocating for was better sex education, better access to contraceptives, a better adoption system, financial support for low income families, better or free daycare system at college and at work. And overall a better attitude towards mothers in the workforce. And this was something at least in most cases both sides were on one page with. I also thought that this whole Pro-Life thing was just lead by over privileged people who can afford taking care of a child while ignoring others who can’t… but being a parent isn’t what they say a women should become either, (hence better and easier adoption system and Foster Care) . So it was basically eliminate almost all the reasons why someone would decide to do an abortion, so there is no need for it. My first encounters with Pro-Lifers was this blonde who goes around telling people they are sinning and she was just being ignorant and doesn’t care about the mothers…. Until I found people who were sane and there seem to be more of them and many aren’t religious.
Anyway I don’t know if banning it completely is still the better option, I rather give it more restrictions. In Germany for example before your allowed to do an abortion, you will have to go to a 3 days Program called “Pro-Familia” where you will get to talk to social workers and therapists. The goal is to inform women about all the support that is available for them if they carry out the baby. There are even mother-child homes for those who don’t have a place to stay and our government already pays 200€ ($210) every month for every child regardless if you are a couple or single parent until they reach 18 and until 25 if they decide to study or become a trainee..( you also pay less taxes if you have a child)… So after this program you got 3 days to think about it again. And if you still want to do an abortion they will hand out papers you will have to take to your health insurance and they will pay the abortion for you. Without going to “Pro Familia” you are not allowed to do an abortion and if you do it will count as murder. So a better social system is the Key…. I know it won’t be possible for many developing countries, but in a country as rich as America it should be possible.
So, what exactly happened, did they ban abortion or not?
Nice question cause the answer can be purely about Laws.
Answer is No, abortion is legal in States that allow it. It will be up to the States to decide legality. The Answer - Abortion Bans will occur in States that Ban it.
Federal Abortion Law did cause a degree of uniformity in all States to make it Legal. Some States have already eroded much of full Abortion practices. No doubt will Ban the practice if the June decision is the same as this leaked draft.
It was destiny the Abortion law founded on Roe vs Wade was overturned. It's Federal authority over State's authority was at odds. Constitution did not Guarantee it, no legislation codified it. It is a Political Hot Potato no one wanted to handle.
Answer what will happen?
Note - more powerful than States authority is Individual Rights. A State that has banned abortion can't impose this ban on an State Resident who may seek it elsewhere.
For those seeking an abortion in States who ban it. A severe loss of convenience will occur. They will seek illegal operations or seek Legal Abortion in another State.
My State of California even before this news is pushing to become an Abortion Tourism State. Legal Abortion to Out Of State'rs. Including help financing travel and lodging expenses.
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