I’m so scared about war in the rest of Europe

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  • Like do we prepare? Sell our houses, take money out of the banks?

    I’m scared. Where to go if Nato leaves us hanging? =O =O

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    Bullet resistant armour is probably a good place to start if you have time and a hardware store.

    it needs a few days, some fiberglass blankets and epoxy.

    ( I personally think that if you are going to make it, try not to cut it but instead fold it into a panel and leave it as is. for a handheld shield, you have to plan out your handles, and drill but if you are just planning to make body armor, just make sure to curve it enough to hug your body and figure out how to mount it (use some sort of clothes or drill holes for strings or straps)

    It depends if you are willing to stay and fight or retreat out of the country. either way, having some bullet resistant panels is a good choice; it could save you from pistol fire or shrapnel if you wear it over your torso. you can also use shields to help protect where you hold the shield to block.

    I would also say that if you can, probably try to contact overseas family and make plans for staying AND leaving so you'll have both choices if you decide to stay or leave.

    Everything depends on your situation but make sure to be able to stay for awhile but at the same time, able to pack out quickly. I'd start with sorting through to pack a bag with three days of food and a change of warm clothes. and a few bottles of water, like if you were to pack for a short campout. (hiking bags are good for hauling but they can be delicate so be careful of sharp corners of books and such.

    I've had no experience in a real emergency (thank lady luck for that) but generally the minimum for a emergency is I'd go for 3 days.

    oh and to estimate water usage, around 4 liters per person per day is my rule of thumb, discounting showering. (use dry shampoo if you can lol water is immediately going to be on a premium if you don't have a steady source)

    stuff like that. Stay calm and plan things out logically. If you are going to eat, what do you plan on eating? are you going to cook it or are you going to eat premade stuff? are you bringing drinks or drink mixes? if you are going to flee, how are you going to get your money out of the country? are you going to withdraw or transfer to overseas family? if you need to walk long distances, are you going to use sneakers or boots?

    Also if you plan to stay, start planning out places you can run to or places you can start hardening(like putting metal panels against walls to prevent shrapnel from ripping through and books behind that to catch the bits and pieces. (a book that is a couple hundred pages long like a normal college textbook is surprisingly bullet resistant btw.

    I'd rule out selling your house unless if you plan on moving out for a long time. Your house is shelter and even if you leave for a short while, you still have somewhere to come back to to easily restart your life.

    oh and get a hand crank generator if you can. something with a USB output. bonus points if you can get a generator that does wall output.(but fuels like petrol and diesel are going to be one more resource you have to consider.

    Prepare for the worst to live the best is a motto to go by.

    My thoughts go out to you.

    TL;DR this is a time to brainstorm what can go wrong and what can you do to fix it. Start small like food, water, shelter, clothes and then work your way up to what about bullets or running from bombs. take your time and keep your head clear.

  • Anywho youtube DIY is also your friend if you need to make things that you might need (like body armor)

    Edit: since I already posted the armour video: a trench club. Its brutal but if you land a hit on whoever's attacking you its gotta hurt.

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  • Also yes, I'm scared too, everything is messed up already and whichever way it'll go, it won't be good for us.

    But I'm still glad that I live in Europe, wouldn't want to live elswhere and not leaving.

  • I gotta admit. Even as an american sitting in the middle of socal, this is frightening. If russia suddenly grew so much hubris to start marching against alaska, and mobilizing their navy, this would be the end of my home as well. I doubt the US would allow that but to think if a war started like that this land would be dead and gone before I can move on from it.

  • I gotta admit. Even as an american sitting in the middle of socal, this is frightening. If russia suddenly grew so much hubris to start marching against alaska, and mobilizing their navy, this would be the end of my home as well. I doubt the US would allow that but to think if a war started like that this land would be dead and gone before I can move on from it.

    Nah, US wouldn't allow it, they would just push others into war ^^

    I really don't mean to be rude, have nothing against you of course and I hope you don't misunderstand me, but I have really enough of US and their solutions + them always acting as a saviour ^^

    (also promised myself I wouldn't debate anything war related on kpop forum, so I'll just stop) ^^

  • Nah, US wouldn't allow it, they would just push others into war ^^

    I really don't mean to be rude, have nothing against you of course and I hope you don't misunderstand me, but I have really enough of US and their solutions + them always acting as a saviour ^^

    (also promised myself I wouldn't debate anything war related on kpop forum, so I'll just stop) ^^

    Haha its no issue lol I'm just afraid of the higher tech quick strike stuff like hypersonic missiles.

    The US can't effectively defend against those aside from having an insider sabotage the thing but yea the US having a comically large defense budget is somewhat reassuring in this case.

    The US foreign policy is something I wish never existed honestly as well lmao its like that one edgy, idealistic rich kid teen that has too much power for their own good. Everything is facepalms and real damages all around lol I don't fault you for that.

  • Haha its no issue lol I'm just afraid of the higher tech quick strike stuff like hypersonic missiles.

    The US can't effectively defend against those aside from having an insider sabotage the thing but yea the US having a comically large defense budget is somewhat reassuring in this case.

    The US foreign policy is something I wish never existed honestly as well lmao its like that one edgy, idealistic rich kid teen that has too much power for their own good. Everything is facepalms and real damages all around lol I don't fault you for that.

    Yeah, no one can defend against those of course...


    And before someone misunderstands I blame Putin for the war.

    But I'm still fed up with US and would never move there even if someone offered me millions ^^

    Also don't know who that woman is, but :zipr:

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    Edited once, last by keaji ().

  • didn't the NATO specifically state that if Russia went into one inch of poland or something that there would be hell to pay

    yes they did

    personally I don't think Russia would dare step foot on Polish soil but then again Putin is a mad man

    Yeah Putin is a mad man anything can happen I understand why the people in European nations are terrified right now anything can happen hell can be broken at anytime all over Europe and perhaphs around the world as well

  • is there tension in your country my friend?

    Well there is tension everywhere in Europe right now, since this will surely affect us in one way or another. We're also a part of Nato.

    There is not military tension yet luckily, but even the best outcome is not good for us.

    The inflation is already crazy, some prices (food, gas) are already up for 100%, so life will become more difficult.

    Distribution of some goods is disturbed and some things already hard to get.

    And of course we're trying to help those that already lost their homes because they had to flee.

  • Honestly before Russia-Ukraine war, I was 100% sure that it's just media making mountain out of molehills and there will be no actual war but after seeing what happened to Ukraine, I fear for any news coming, like the tension between Australia and China and of course the rest of Europe is in danger too

  • It won't be a WW3 for the moment. The only way to happen is that Putin will attack NATO, but he does not have the willing to do so because he does not have enough troops nor money. Putin it's stuck in Ukraine (he wanted a blitzkrieg but ended in a long time war with a lot of dead troops) and it will take some time to win there. And, after that: Moldova, Georgia, Finland, Sweden and finally NATO.

  • @keaji gets it :yesr:

    i read today on twitter that biden said putin is a war criminal and the us only during obama presidency was bombing 6 countries :angryr: the same thing russia is now doing that's called invasion, nato/the us did to yugoslavia but then it was called intervention :pepewash:

    notice how ukrainians are called refugees and people from syria, afghanistan, and iraq were called migrants. think about it :pepe-use-head:

    americans pretending they care about people. what's new

    as for the war; politicians and rich people aren't even affected by it, innocent people always suffer... i hope it ends soon :(

  • There will not a continent wide conventional war. The Ukraine invasion has exposed Russia as a weak country. The illusion of them being a military juggernaut is over. They have a weak economy and their military can barely handle the invasion of a much smaller nation. That's the extent of their power unless Putin goes full mad man and decides to start dropping nukes. I'd like to think there would be some sort of revolt in this case. I don't think most people in Russia are looking to end the world.

  • There will not a continent wide conventional war. The Ukraine invasion has exposed Russia as a weak country. The illusion of them being a military juggernaut is over. They have a weak economy and their military can barely handle the invasion of a much smaller nation. That's the extent of their power unless Putin goes full mad man and decides to start dropping nukes. I'd like to think there would be some sort of revolt in this case. I don't think most people in Russia are looking to end the world.

    This might turn into another Russo-Japanese war instead of another WW2

  • Well there is tension everywhere in Europe right now, since this will surely affect us in one way or another. We're also a part of Nato.

    There is not military tension yet luckily, but even the best outcome is not good for us.

    The inflation is already crazy, some prices (food, gas) are already up for 100%, so life will become more difficult.

    Distribution of some goods is disturbed and some things already hard to get.

    And of course we're trying to help those that already lost their homes because they had to flee.

    I sympathize with your situation my friend...

    prices are going up and shortages of goods are also evident even here in oz...

  • This might turn into another Russo-Japanese war instead of another WW2

    Note --> I got a WARNING POINT (racism) on this below from a FORUMS MODERATOR.


    Click URL above for *real* RACISM that matters

    (Fake News) *Ghosts* of (ex-USA V.P) Spiro Agnew and (Yankee) Yogi Berra ...

    "It Ain't Over Until -->
    The *FAT JAP* kicks the butt of the *DRUNKEN RUSKIE* (PUTIN) ...

    While the *POLACKS* (Poland) are Cheering Loudly."


    *PUTIN* (TYRANT) strung up and hanging , via barbed wire ...

    like *MUSSOLINI* (Italy , WW2) --> MAKE MY DAY !!! ... :joy: :)

    *PUTIN* <-- The Sawdust Molotov ... :watt:

    Edited 9 times, last by krell ().

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