I curently have no pets but the pets I had in the past:
My dogs
- Rieke
- Bobby
- Bea
- Casey
My bunnys
- Glöckchen ( = Little bell)
- Schneeweißchen (A character of a german fairytale called "Schneeweißchen & Rosenrot" about 2 sisters getting lost and find the house of a demon... I forgot the rest of that fairytale)
My guniea pigs
- Fleckie (= Spot/stain, but in a cuter version xD)
- Domino
- Krümmel ( = crumble)
- Maya
- Brownie
- Popcorn
- Popcorn 2
- Betty
- Myv (I mostly called him Myvi and as he became old I only called him "kleiner Opa" wich means "Little grandpa")
- Vanilla
- Klecks (= Blob)
- Rei
- Karamell ( = Caramel)
- Flocke (= Flake ... mostly in term of snowflake)
My budgies
- Hansi (= cuter version of the German name "Hans")
- Blue
- Feder ( = feather)
- Leuchti ( = cuter version of the word "Leuchten" wich means "glow")
- Grüni (= cuter form of "Grün" wich means "green")
- Glitzer (=Glitter)
- Gelbi (= cuter version of "Gelb" wich mans "yellow")
I forgot how I named my other bugies
-Before anyone asks: I don't had all pets at the same time
Pet's who were not really mine but I almost considered them mine cause I spend too much time as a kid at my grandma:
My grandma's dogs
- Saya
- Rick
My grandma's cat
- Minka
My grandma's Canary