[BTS CONTENT] As consumers, let's talk about BigHit scams and greed

  • I've been saving this in the drafts since Dec 28th but something so OUTRAGEOUS happened yesterday that I'm compelled to talk about this subject now. Disclaimer; before any BigHit company stans come in and tell me the most famous of lines "no one is forcing you to buy" "you can simply ignore" "companies are here to make money", I will run you off my thread. It has come to my attention that BTS were making merch (again merch X/ ) and though their other merch was ignorable, this one piqued my interest because the members were the ones making it themselves. So I didn't mind this cash grab as much anymore and was even willing to buy pieces that I like. So what do I find when I decide to buy the blue PJ set Jin created on Weverse this morning?


    FOR PAJAMAS???????????????? Does BigHit think this is Gucci? LV? Dior? Versace? Not even the BT21 Cooky pajamas were that expensive (paid $60 when I went to the New York location in late 2018) It would be one thing if it was just ARMY baffled at how ridiculous those prices are but no, Jin also thinks this is over-expensive.

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    According to RM, they don't know what the end price tag will be so they are completely shocked when BigHit does stupid shit like this.

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    It's one thing to be like "oh don't buy it then" and set a horrible precedent that this is OKAY. No, it's not okay. Because if no one voices their complaints now, the next piece will be $250? $500? $1000? Because of ARMY who will pay for anything that has the smallest BTS attachment to it. No, their scams and greed has been grinding my gear since BE and then Butter and now this. It's to much. As a consumer before a fan, this is a pattern that if it isn't addressed, it will only get worse and BigHit facade "music for the healing" will be ever more apparent. I own two businesses my self but I always try to make my shit affordable for the masses. If more people can afford their products, their revenue can only go up. But if they start thinking that ARMY are LV consumers with LV money, then only a few will buy, and the profits they could have made wouldn't be nearly enough because of them overpricing their shit. I am primarily here for BTS and the music they put out, not sus webtoons that they bothered BTS a whole year with and all this extra merch that no one is even asking for. I'm just really livid, and most that have seen my rants over the years on BigHit, shouldn't be shocked to see this thread from me.

    As a consumer/human being first, what are your honest thoughts on the direction BigHit is going, AKP ARMY?

  • it's just lowkey stupid

    they should made two times more of those pajamas

    and sell them for 40-50 USD

    that will be already pricey but people would let it slide...

  • This is my exact rant i had this morning word for word :cryingr: .

    it's just so shameless atp.

    I remember how a good portion of users ganged up at people here who criticized BE's price saying that it's the boys decision. They look like clowns now cuz the boys are just as astonished by the prices and they logically have nothing to do with the pricing aspects only the creative part.

    Glad a good segment of the fandom is finally waking up :-)

  • For me BE was the last straw. They took advantage of the fact that the boys were involved in the making is the album and they made it extremely expensive. That left a bad taste in my mouth because they knew how much Armys wanted to support this personal album but it was hard for them to afford it during the pandemic.

    I was called a Manti by some people here and I , and some other fans who didn't like this, was told to suck it up and that nobody forced us to buy it. Some were even called poor!

    That made me feel like I can't in good conscience support this and it even affected my being a fan in general. It was completely off-putting. And I knew that they would keep doing it as they have.

    And now this. They know how to take advantage of the Army love for the boys and they are putting a high price on it. It's merch merch and more merch.

    Armys used to make fun of other companies for overdoing it like this but now a lot of them excuse this just because it's Bighit.

    It's a big irony if you think about it.

  • HYBE is sooo greedy.

    This is not even the only example of this

    The shipping cost too. They made sure you have to ship them separately and it is a well known fact that companies can get extra money from here too. They have no shame...

    They usually do this with projects that BTS designed themselves or put a lot of personal thought.

    Some delulus on twitter even used to think that BTS choose the price themselves, some delulus even throw BTS under the bus to justify this stupidity.

    I am happy we get a glimpse of how BTS sees it too.

    It's so disgusting

    I have no patience left for that company



  • Lmao, I was thinking I'm the poor one who found them expensive, good to see I'm not the only one.

    But why blame the ones who designed and produced the pajamas? He doesn't know that the company adds a markup to get profit in the end? His company is also good to be blamed, not only the ones who use "nice materials". Btw, what material did they use that became so expensive?

    I also saw that HYBE has big prices, it's pretty sad because most of the fandom are teenagers who don't have an income so they use their allowances. It's sad when you take advantage of someone's true love for an artist.

    But yeah, most probably HYBE will keep the silence because now the fans will still buy it under the excuse "oh, my fav didn't know, it's not his fault".

  • now we can expect anything that has more BTS personal input than usual to be expensive af first BE now this

  • You are so sexy omfg marry me pls :pepe-simp: :pepelove: :pepe-heart-eyes:

  • This is my exact rant i had this morning word for word :cryingr: .

    it's just so shameless atp.

    I remember how a good portion of users ganged up at people here who criticized BE's price saying that it's the boys decision. They look like clowns now cuz the boys are just as astonished by the prices and they logically have nothing to do with the pricing aspects only the creative part.

    Glad a good segment of the fandom is finally waking up :-)

    Nah I won't forget the select ARMY who thought they could drown me out when I was loud about BE. In hindsight, they are nowhere to be seen.

  • This is so sad :pepe-sad:

  • I honestly don't have any problems with 'BE' & 'Butter' CD's prices. I bought both the albums and I can understand why they were priced at that rate. So I won't call it a scam but HYBE has definitely gotten alot more greedy in last year or so.

    I mean they could release 'BE' essential edition with essential items from that box set but they waited for 4 months to do that. It is very much visible what their aim was there. I think they could have done the same for 'Butter' CD as well. I mean release an edition with only 1 set of concept photos at regular album price.

    The thing is they do these things with Japanese albums. 'BTS, The Best' had multiple versions. Some expensive. Some at regular prices. So why not do the same for regular releases? That will get you profit as well as will be easier for the fans.... for those who cannot afford these expensive albums. Coz some of us buy these albums mainly to support the artist who give us high quality stuff and work hard to create the art. Some of us also like to collect these things. If people cannot afford these things when they really want to buy this stuff, it takes some joy out of the experience.

  • Thing is that hybe has been getting greedier and greedier lately & they have been getting away with it because people attack anyone who has any sort of criticism towards them. They price their bts merch and content a lot higher than other groups/companies bc they know many armys will buy it & even defend them.

    I dont think this situation needs to lead to a witch hunt of hybe, but hopefully people learn that, although the boys are full grown adults who don't need random people to be their manager, bts doesn't decide/agree to EVERYTHING hybe does or choses. They have a company to handle certain parts of their carreer for a reason (they can't do everything themselves). There should be a healthy balance between both extremes.

    Hope this will be a wake up call for hybe & people who seem to think a billion dollar company needs defenders.

  • Just wanted to clarify. Bighit is just the music label. Hybe is the one in charge of merchandise.

    I thought they will even listen to Jin after he said he wants more armys to wear it but then to disregard his words and jump up those prices was fcked up. Whoever is heading their merch team needs to change.

    I hope the guys voicing these out will bring this to light. Because I’ll rather have Hybe pumping out affordable merch 24/7 than to be releasing overpriced merchandise.

    These prices are just ridiculous. Even for the Be album you can make a point that it was deluxe. This is just a scam in broad daylight

  • pajamas here are like 20-30 dollars, i've seen some fancy ones that are 50-60 and even a 100, but with shipping it'd be like 180 for me and that's crazy

    i wouldn't pay that much for it even if jin came along with it and planted a kiss on my forehead, and i freaking love jin

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
    Flower field, that's where I'm at. Open land, that's where I'm at.
    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

  • I don't even know what to say anymore cause Hybe criticism is just a no go in many spaces including on here and I am just tired of it.

    I am just glad the boys dissociated themselves from the pricing mess.

    My biggest fear is that the next album might be as over-priced as BE.

  • I just became an army last year and I wanted to buy my first merch. I was surprise when I saw the cost of the shipping. Even though I could afford it, I felt it wasn't worth it especially with how hard I worked to earn that money. i hope that they fix whatever issues they have in order to not discourage future customers/consumers.


  • I honestly don't have any problems with 'BE' & 'Butter' CD's prices. I bought both the albums and I can understand why they were priced at that rate. So I won't call it a scam but HYBE has definitely gotten alot more greedy in last year or so.

    I mean they could release 'BE' essential edition with essential items from that box set but they waited for 4 months to do that. It is very much visible what their aim was there. I think they could have done the same for 'Butter' CD as well. I mean release an edition with only 1 set of concept photos at regular album price.

    The thing is they do these things with Japanese albums. 'BTS, The Best' had multiple versions. Some expensive. Some at regular prices. So why not do the same for regular releases? That will get you profit as well as will be easier for the fans.... for those who cannot afford these expensive albums. Coz some of us buy these albums mainly to support the artist who give us high quality stuff and work hard to create the art. Some of us also like to collect these things. If people cannot afford these things when they really want to buy this stuff, it takes some joy out of the experience.

    True. I thought the deluxe was a great idea for army collectors who bulkbuy for photocards. Because all the photocards came with one album, compared to buying multiple copies just to collect them.

    The only thing shit about all this was the rollout which was so fucked. The deluxe and essential should have been released at the same time, giving armys the options to save money and choose what they want to work it. It’s stupid how it damaged BTS on the charts

  • I just became an army last year and I wanted to buy my first merch. I was surprise when I saw the cost of the shipping. Even though I could afford it, I felt it wasn't worth it especially with how hard I worked to earn that money. i hope that they fixed whatever issues they have in order to not discouraged future customers/consumers.


    Hey baby army, don’t feel bad about not being able to own their merch/albums that doesn’t make you any less of a fan. There are many ways to support artists that don’t require monetary means and if you indeed want to own their merch, just wait for their less priced items or when they have like Black Friday sales.

  • OP is brave to do this cause I know the attacks are coming and if not here then in other spaces where she will be bashed like hell. Sigh, good luck my love.

  • I don't even know what to say anymore cause Hybe criticism is just a no go in many spaces including on here and I am just tired of it.

    I am just glad the boys dissociated themselves from the pricing mess.

    My biggest fear is that the next album might be as over-priced as BE.

    Seeing how things are going i am keeping my expectations very low.

    To think we can 100% aim for 10 million albums sold if normally priced with like 4 versions but that's clearly not hybe's priority when they can get the same money for less production costs. That much was apparent from BE's rollout strategy or they would have released deluxe and essential at the same time.

  • OP is brave to do this cause I know the attacks are coming and if not here then in other spaces where she will be bashed like hell. Sigh, good luck my love.

    I'm not even trying to say what BTS can and cannot do. My whole beef is with BigHit and how they are sucking the fun of being an ARMY since the pandemic started. I know their bottom line has to be made but at some point, I keep reiterating that I miss pre-2017 BTS the most because now all I see is corporate greed that I used to drag other companies for.

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