Opinion: KPOP is overrated and failed as Asian representation.

  • The only reason why westerners accept kpop better than Chinese media (I am ethnic chinese) is because of political reasons. But as any East Asian should know, bowing down and expecting approval from the WS westerners while insulting China means East-Asian looking people are always going to get attacked in the US nevertheless.

    In my honest opinion, kpop is by no means a good representation for Asian masculinity at all. KPOP singers, actors, literally everyone are getting plastic surgery to look like the SAME person. If the world gets KPOP fever, then it would be a rather scary future with everyone barely recognizable from each other. It looks like straight out of a horror movie.

    I am not saying I am any better looking than these celebrities you see on korean media. But a simple google search will immediately tell you a lot of things. Just type in google search "korean celebrities" and you will see their faces and hair are almost identical, just with different clothes. People are getting a little too perfectionist nowadays. Now contrast it with search results in "chinese celebrities" and note how the actors actually have originality and their own personalities for which they are loved.

    Another clear reason why KPOP is more of an insult to Asian representation rather than a step up is the dark, dark system they have put in place. First of all, why would getting your men to look like women earn the attraction of western audiences, in particular women? The irony is hilarious. Essentially this media is just there to say that you are not attractive enough as an Asian man/woman unless you starve yourself to death, deprive yourself of sleep, and prohibit yourself from having a partner. Torturing yourself to gain the liking of others. I do not know which is worse, N .korean media or S korean media.

  • When did Korean say they want represent all Asians?

    did we all sleep through that episode?


    kpop is by no means a good representation for Asian masculinity at all


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  • If you think kpop is overrated then a kpop forum is not really a good place for this... 2x

    but where they brag about being the superior Asian masculinity representation? LMAO

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  • First of all, why would getting your men to look like women earn the attraction of western audiences, in particular women? The irony is hilarious. Essentially this media is just there to say that you are not attractive enough as an Asian man/woman unless you starve yourself to death, deprive yourself of sleep, and prohibit yourself from having a partner. Torturing yourself to gain the liking of others. I do not know which is worse, N .korean media or S korean media.

    Actually, idk how a guy aiming to make themselves look more feminine is gonna attract the ladies. Don't westerners prefer more masculine features? I think what they're doing is trying to make themselves look more conventionally attractive or improving upon what the current society deems as not attractive. Also, you'll find that the 'feminine' look or metrosexual look is catching on in Cpop as well.

    Plus, the toxic side to Kpop can be found in most entertainment circles. S. Koreans tend to be perfectionists, they like to take everything to the extreme and are very competitive, hence why you see them push themselves so hard to be the best in everything they do. It's a product of their history. Though I'm not saying that I support working yourself to death.

    I will admit that K<i>Pop</i> is not a comprehensive representation of East Asia, it's a little too western but it's just the one that caught people's attention.

    Also, people are ignorant if they automatically assume Kpop represents the whole of East Asia 😒

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