"Then in Ice Cream, oh she wanna write about rocking jeans, billie jean would be good??? Billie jean is a person who claimed Michael Jackson fathered her child. Like the double meaning input is just so... surface value. It is there so it rhymed and looked cool."
Actually the verse is a continuation from the word slurpee.. Snow cone chilly get it free like willy.. pardon the french ima be a little bit vulgar. it basically means u can get the vagina for free like freewilly(the movie), then transitioning from the word willy(now referred to as a penis) which is inside your jeans like billy(billyjean reference) you be poppin like a wheelie(penis inside ur pants going up a like a bike doing a wheelie).. word connect, fun stuff.
Is it tasteful? questionable, but is rap supposed to be tasteful? I think rap is whatever the lyricist wants it to be as long as it makes sense. It can be corny, it can be cringy, violent, sad etc.. fck it doesn't even have to rhyme. I suggest watching this rapper called Ez Mil. Check out his song called IDK.. it is a perfect song to showcase what a double, triple, fuck it quadruple entendre is.
I'm sorry if I derailed the thread, it just irks me when people bash a line without even getting the meaning.