It's okay for some members to get 0 lines, they most likely can't sing or are boring.

  • there are a lot of excuses about why x member gets 0 seconds in every comeback, and fans say that it's bull because said member is a good singer, but said member sounds like every other rookie girl group filler member. it's not mean to say, it's really not. A lot of the members that get the most lines know how to sing the line right, if you put x member they will ruin the song with their no emotion lack luster singing. People bring up the same 2-3 members but they don't bring anything to the song. Like with everglow, Mia gets all the lines because she pulls off girl crush way better than the rest of the members, the rest of the members don't except maybe aisha. I'm not saying this to be rude, your probably like "well why would the company debut them if they had no singing talent" because the rest of the trainees dipped and they work good in the group as a whole. Like shuhua is a nice girl and I like her but I'm not interested in hearing her sing at all I'd rather hear yuqi and her cher remake voice sing a high note. Same with twice, nayeon can sing any song very well, she captures the emotion and vibe of a song, yeah she may not be the best technical singer but I'm way more interested in her vocals over a really good singer that can't captivate the summer vibe of a song. sorry not sorry. same goes with visuals, I'd rather see a hot person than a average joe off the street. maybe said member can pull off a cute add in, like momo in alcohol free, that line tequila mimosa or whatever fits her well because she doesn't have to belt high notes.


  • I have never understood the complaints about lines. Especially from Forevers on YT, omg every comment section is about Onda not getting lines. Mia is an all around beast, an ace, the reason why she gets all the lines is that she's the best vocalist in the group by far and the best dancer to boot. It's a travesty that she gets the lowest amount of fancam views and the most dislikes.

    The only time i ever start side eying line distribution or center time is when Mina gets shafted. I hate when she gets pushed to the edges, like she did during ICSM and AF choreos.

    Look what happens when she gets center time like in Twice's best recent Japanese song, Better. This song is lit thanks to her.

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  • I agree with Mina, I didn't even know she was a main dancer until a while ago because JYP never lets her have her moment to shine.


  • tbh tldr but I agree, at least we don't have a PCD situation so I'm all fine. Back in a day when a member didn't get lines they got more spotlight in the MV etc but nowadays sometimes the company forgets that said member exists

    sometimes members in groups are added last minute. Nowadays in bigger groups companies have to focus on maybe 4 members that can sing and carry a song well.


  • Tbh it's one thing for the weaker singers to get the fewest lines but it's unfair of they get nothing at all. Like what's the point of keeping them in the group if there not even allowed a single line?

    Because they don't capture the emotion of a song well. Filler members are added to either serve as comedy or just a backup dancer. It's not mean tbh because some members just don't have what it takes and it really is companies fault for putting people that can't sing and capture emotions well in a group. That's why the same 3 members get most of the lines.


  • sometimes members in groups are added last minute. Nowadays in bigger groups companies have to focus on maybe 4 members that can sing and carry a song well.

    yeah but sometimes I wonder why somebody was added, sudden adding means they are supposed to be either a visual stunner or talented. So if they're gorgeous why not capitalize on their pretty face at least

    The last option would be something along the lines that someone fits the team, acts like a glue to the whole group so they're basically working backstage.

    What annoys me is when people complain about a member not getting lines but company sure knows what they're doing like WinWin in 127 it must have been planned that he'd leave or Lay in EXO. Why make active members suffer with suddenly added lines

  • yeah but sometimes I wonder why somebody was added, sudden adding means they are supposed to be either a visual stunner or talented. So if they're gorgeous why not capitalize on their pretty face at least

    The last option would be something along the lines that someone fits the team, acts like a glue to the whole group so they're basically working backstage.

    What annoys me is when people complain about a member not getting lines but company sure knows what they're doing like WinWin in 127 it must have been planned that he'd leave or Lay in EXO. Why make active members suffer with suddenly added lines

    Companies have a problem with adding members they know can't fit the group, WinWin's case is different, I don't think he fits NCT's concept at ALL, and it was stupid to add him because it's obvious there are a lot of members that can sing, dance (kpop dancing), rap, better than him. This is not to bash win win but SM made a mistake in adding him because he can't contribute anything to NCT, they don't promote him as comedy relief, they don't promote even in his dancing, they promote Ten's dancing skill more than his, the thing with Ten is that he can dance hip hop better than Win Win so it's easier to promote him.

    Companies like to add filler members but not do anything with them after. Just leave them and not give them lines, then why did you add them in if their talent is not up to par? It's bad for the idol and the group because now people complain about said idol getting no lines or screen time because the company made a poor choice.


  • Companies have a problem with adding members they know can't fit the group, WinWin's case is different, I don't think he fits NCT's concept at ALL, and it was stupid to add him because it's obvious there are a lot of members that can sing, dance (kpop dancing), rap, better than him. This is not to bash win win but SM made a mistake in adding him because he can't contribute anything to NCT, they don't promote him as comedy relief, they don't promote even in his dancing, they promote Ten's dancing skill more than his, the thing with Ten is that he can dance hip hop better than Win Win so it's easier to promote him.

    Companies like to add filler members but not do anything with them after. Just leave them and not give them lines, then why did you add them in if their talent is not up to par? It's bad for the idol and the group because now people complain about said idol getting no lines or screen time because the company made a poor choice.

    very harsh... but true.

    I especially find everglow's fandom bashing of Mia extremely irritating.

  • I agree with what you're saying sometimes it's better to give all the lines to the members that can handle them, and like mentioned it previously Mia from Everglow is the best suited to sing their songs, and fans got that proof when the demo version of adios came out we could clearly see that other members had a hard time pulling off the song and caring certain notes. But in some cases the company just prefers certain members over others and an example for that is Loona's Haseul is the member with the fewest lines yet she's one of the best vocalist in the group and it's not like she can't handle the notes just that BBC prefer other members over her.

  • i think that everyone is capable of holding a note when practicing well and it's the company responsibility to make sure all the members can at least sing a line or two

    if the company is totally shit then i believe that most idols have enough money to hire vocal coaches if they really want to improve, if not then yes they better not get any lines if they just gonna ruin the song

  • there are a lot of excuses about why x member gets 0 seconds in every comeback, and fans say that it's bull because said member is a good singer, but said member sounds like every other rookie girl group filler member. it's not mean to say, it's really not. A lot of the members that get the most lines know how to sing the line right, if you put x member they will ruin the song with their no emotion lack luster singing. People bring up the same 2-3 members but they don't bring anything to the song. Like with everglow, Mia gets all the lines because she pulls off girl crush way better than the rest of the members, the rest of the members don't except maybe aisha. I'm not saying this to be rude, your probably like "well why would the company debut them if they had no singing talent" because the rest of the trainees dipped and they work good in the group as a whole. Like shuhua is a nice girl and I like her but I'm not interested in hearing her sing at all I'd rather hear yuqi and her cher remake voice sing a high note. Same with twice, nayeon can sing any song very well, she captures the emotion and vibe of a song, yeah she may not be the best technical singer but I'm way more interested in her vocals over a really good singer that can't captivate the summer vibe of a song. sorry not sorry. same goes with visuals, I'd rather see a hot person than a average joe off the street. maybe said member can pull off a cute add in, like momo in alcohol free, that line tequila mimosa or whatever fits her well because she doesn't have to belt high notes.

    when X group is 4 years old and we don t know what Y idol's voice sounds like(winwin when he wasn t in wayv )

    there are no excuses

  • Tbh it's one thing for the weaker singers to get the fewest lines but it's unfair of they get nothing at all. Like what's the point of keeping them in the group if there not even allowed a single line?

    I agree with this...lines are a very strategic thing. I think it has to do with the most technically best singer...

    I think that it's unfair to give someone almost no lines though.

    I also think it has to do with vocal color.

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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