Even though in my country, 67% has received one vaccine dose, and we are on route of being fully vaccinated by October, this won't be over until it's really over. I starting to think mask wearing, social distancing and hand-sanitzer will be with us for at least 5 years. Or in worst case scenario, a decade. This virus seems almost unstoppable. New variants are popping up when we thought we were done with the other ones.

I'm getting more pessimistic about the pandemic
Changed the title of the thread from “I'm getting more pessimistic of the pandemic” to “I'm getting more pessimistic about the pandemic”. -
Tell me about it. It’s chaos here in Australia. Only 30% are vaccinated and the slow rollout doesn’t help. Our country is run by incompetence and my state has been in lockdown for a month with experts saying it could go on till October. Those fwit protesters need locking up, they’re selfish and putting everyone’s life at risk. Those horrid masks are the new normal and it could take years to be fully rid of COVID. Australia used to be the envy of the world, now we’re an embarrassment.
I already consider mask part of life from now on. Some specialists say this sorta pandemic can occur every 5 years or so if proper measures aren't taken decades ago and their warnings were ignored. We know which departments tend to have cuts from the government, preventive ones tend to be the first to go if they get funds at all even thou it is a matter of national security. Weapons of war are just preferable investment than proper research facilities (which ironically can brew this sorta threats too if not properly regulated for lack of said funds).
I consider coronavirus just like the flu at this point (in a sense that it will not go away). I already see constant updated vaccines as part of our routine. If you are pessimist over this, climate change can bring more devastating plagues with failing ecosystems and migrations which will drastically reshape humanity like the Bronze Age Collapse x1000000.
Things are chaotic where I live, since the president here is antivaxx and corrupt (he's taking advantages of the Covid chaos here to commit crimes through sketchy negotiations involving overpriced vaccine contracts. Our politicians - a bunch of rich and entitled b*stards - want him in the power, so he's far from being impeached/punished).
I don't care about following the WHO recommendations, wearing masks and paying more attention to my environment, or taking as much shots as it's needed.
I just don't wanna watch one more loved one dying from this sickness. This is too much to handle.
The governor of my state won't be happy until everyone dies of Covid. He signed an order today saying that businesses can't enforce mask mandates or vaccine requirements.
To be honest, 67% sounds really great compared to the US, where we're holding up worldwide vaccine distribution for complete nutcases who are just letting the vaccines expire.
Social distancing probably won't hold up, but mask wearing some of the time sounds doable to me.
It's unfortunate and definitely won't get better with people refusing to take proper precautions. I had one coworker talking to me about going to a party the other day
Like I'm lonely too and miss going out with friends but now is still not the time. You can find ways to hang out that don't involve partying and clubbing and generally putting yourself and people around you at risk. Is it as fun? No. But whats even less fun is covid.
Until people are ready to think as a team and take this situation seriously, I don't see it ending anytime soon
In my country things are really bad every day the delta variante kills at least 50 people die a day from the shortage of oxygen and that's what's reported so God knows the real number, and even though the gouvernement brought the vaccine people are skeptical of the vaccine, the number of people getting the vaccine increased a bit since the numbers of infection grew but it's still not enough
Its hard to trust guidance or mandates motivated by politics. Pick n choose, playing the statistics game with studies to justify the desired result. Playing it up as an unknown new Pandemic. Completely ignoring centuries of experience with Flu and Viruses. For example people who caught Covid-19 will have a natural immunity as protective as vaccines.
I currently dropped any belief its a matter of everyone being vaccinated. Eventually those not vaccinated will catch Covid and develop a natural immunity. It is hopeful in a sense, everyone will get immunity protection.
Those not vaccinated have decided not to get vaccinated. Currently a segregated society is under development. The un-vaccinated will not be allowed in private events and businesses.
Acceptable is annual Covid-19 shot. Just add it to the mix of the annual flu shot.
The virus will never go away, it will always be here. But in one or two years people will not care much about it any more, it will just be like a bad flu. It's probably dangerous just the first time you get it, so after a couple of years when people have had it at least one time already it will just be like a bad cold or flu. Two years from now it will not it will not be a big deal.
- Near best case scenario is everything turns out well in 2-5 years with no serious long-term side effects discovered.
- Near worse case scenario is the FDA doesn't approve any of the vaccines, serious and irreversable long-term side effects are discovered sparking lawsuits, loss of faith in "traditional" western medicine, and increased interest in alternative medicine.
Tell me about it. It’s chaos here in Australia. Only 30% are vaccinated and the slow rollout doesn’t help. Our country is run by incompetence and my state has been in lockdown for a month with experts saying it could go on till October. Those fwit protesters need locking up, they’re selfish and putting everyone’s life at risk. Those horrid masks are the new normal and it could take years to be fully rid of COVID. Australia used to be the envy of the world, now we’re an embarrassment.
I agree with you, it's absolutely terrible. Those protestors really think they're going to stop the lockdown by doing that
I'm literally embarrassed by our government
I think this virus is here to stay. At least for the foreseeable future.
The current vaccines don't actually prevent infection / transmission and immunity from infections doesn't seem to last very long either. A colleague of mine caught covid back in January and when she got tested for antibodies again last week, there was barely anything left (and that's after an infection with fairly severe symptoms and one AZ jab).
Tell me about it. It’s chaos here in Australia. Only 30% are vaccinated and the slow rollout doesn’t help. Our country is run by incompetence and my state has been in lockdown for a month with experts saying it could go on till October. Those fwit protesters need locking up, they’re selfish and putting everyone’s life at risk. Those horrid masks are the new normal and it could take years to be fully rid of COVID. Australia used to be the envy of the world, now we’re an embarrassment.
Tell me about it. My state has had its 5th lockdown. Oh boy, I hope Australia can learn to live with this virus and not aim for elimination (Zero cases).
It is destroying businesses, mental health, families etc...
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