Can you stand summer heat where you at?
Nope because when its hot, its hot
Almost nobody owns a fan or similiar items so you are forced to die
if you are going to say "Why the fuck do people not own this, this is bullshit, pls you should all buy this!"
First of all: A cooling mashine is too expensive for most people, especially cause there are max. 2 hot weeks so it would be useless to buy them for that much money and same goes to owning fans cause if they get broken/dusty over the years and you barly needed them, its useless for most people to own them and so most people do not own a fan or cooling mashine cause its not really needed. Also we don't have cooling mashines build in houses like Asia or America does and cause they are not build in most people do not buy them cause buying them extra is more expensive than if you would build a house and install them directly while building and since most homes never needed them people nowadays don't really buy them/install them so...
Often not even offices and stores have such things. It'smore likly to have a fan or cooling mashine at a store or the doctor but not everyone has it since as I said before most people never bought them so nowadays people still don't really buy them
I have no problems with heat. I don't feel bad, just a bit more lazy than usual. No AC, just a fan and cold shower. Or I can go to my parents apartment with AC or a shopping mall which are usually well conditioned.
This summer we have abnormal heat, all the records from the very beginning of the observation were broken so eldery people really suffer because it's not a common thing to have an AC at home, the normal summer temperature in Moscow is 18-25C so we don't really need it here when the weather do not go crazy. Last month it was up to +37C. I know that in some countries it's nothing but we're not used to in Central Russia.
If you can't stand the heat, it's not like you have that many options here
37°C in the Central Europe where almost nobody owns AC isn't very nice. I usually go by pool if I can, if I can't then just drinking cold water, showering a lot and that's it. If it's by 32, it's still tolerable somehow but more than that, you're just waiting for the end to come
I think more and more people are getting ACs to their homes these days, it's still rare tho.
It's personally very hard for me because heat gives me really really bad migraines, and I live in Texas so it's constantly hot in the summer, that's why I'm a winter girl lol, Texas is bipolar so in the winter it rains and snows and then gets super cold and id much rather go through that than have daily migraines. But where I live (near Corpus Christi) we had over 20 inches of rain over the course of last week and weekend, so it hasn't been hot at all which I'm very grateful for. I stay inside most of the time during summer, since I'm Irish and Scottish and burn from even being out in the sun for 5 mins... and I hate the sticky feeling of sunscreen.
summers here can get unbearable sometimes but i can handle it as long as i'm not out in it for too long.
being indoors with the air on best for me when dealing with extreme heat.
take a towel, make it damp, swing it around in the air for a few swings and boom, cool towel. (in theory. it works most of the time)
depends on the day and how much sun
where I am, never stay under the sun for a long time. sunburns aplenty
shade is good because at least the breeze is cool but if its humid then im f-ed because the breeze would not only be hot, it will be hard to breathe as well.
Always run a dehumidifier indoors, dry heat is way more bearable than wet heat.
(been able to wear jeans and longsleeve outside when the air was ~5% humidity and 112*F but I can't stand over 80*F if the humidity is anywhere over 20%, regardless of clothing choice)
We have a constant 70-80% humidity throughout the country all year round ><.
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