Giselle and NingNing deserve better f k media !

  • Korean media has been playing favorites with aespa now I understand and expected the 2 visual Korean members to get a lot of attention that's granted but then totally ignoring foreign line and cropping them out is no excuse !!!

    NingNing and especially Giselle have been mistreated by Korean press they get edited out pics or totally ignored especially Giselle she didn't even get to show off her talent on weekly idol which is partly owned by SM???

    I'm honestly so mad imagine leaving your home just to debut and be treated like 2nd class citizens this is only going to create solo stans like I'm tired of Giselle and NingNing being done dirty why are they on national TV and Ning's make up isn't done right and giving the effect of her having a beard?????

  • Sadly this is what it is many times... Because of the past they are always praising Koreans more than foreign members...

  • Not just kmedia. The Korean GP too. Look at their fan cams. Karina and winter generally get like 3 to 4 times the amount of views. It is what it is. Korean like their own better, not to mention they hate Japanese and Chinese. I believe they hate Japanese more. For twitter, the korean line generally doing better, but the gap is not as big as youtube because there are more international fans on Twitter. But yea Giselle usually last in social stats. I also notice this pattern for nct dream too. Chenle usually the last in social stats. So stop hating on foreign line especially Chinese and Japanese, and stop accuse them of not being loyal. I don't see they will have any career in korea after disbandment. The only saving grace for this is NingNing career will blossom in China after aespa disbanded. I don't know about Giselle future after aespa. Let see how Lisa doing on the chart in a couple of months.

  • I keep saying this over and over, the discrimination isn't limited to Media.

    I don't know if many of you read Naver or MelOn comments but racist remarks are made openly and there seems to be no condemnation at all. In fact, many discriminatory comments have high like to dislike ratio...

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    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • Unless what's written in this tweet happens, nothing will change. But at least foreign Kpop idols have us global fans to back them up.

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    This may sound harsh from me: I don't support the chinese govt in any shape or form. But sometimes when I read how they steal korean culture and technically, still bans Kpop, the evil part of me finds this satisfying....

    What do foreigners have to do with the Chinese government? You are so off-topic...

    Even if they are Chinese, why would you associate them with the government...

    This is the exact message I'm trying to convey...

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • What do foreigners have to do with the Chinese government? You are so off-topic...

    Even if they are Chinese, why would you associate them with the government...

    This is the exact message I'm trying to convey...

    Just forget what I said. Just wanna let off some steam because how Ninging and Giselle are treated, and the dark side of me wanna hurt the korean racists by using the example I brought up. I reported my post for deletion. Sorry.

  • Racism and SM isn’t helping

    A lot of people even espa Korean fans are complaining because SM seem to be media playing Karina while winter is a natural stan attractor because of her talent and sm “look” leaving giselle and Ning Ning behind, they should at least try to push these members too.

    The lack of care towards them from SM is what the Korean media is reflecting. When SM starts to treat their foreign artists well and not use them for recognition from their homeland. Life will be much better if



  • Korean media has been playing favorites with aespa now I understand and expected the 2 visual Korean members to get a lot of attention that's granted but then totally ignoring foreign line and cropping them out is no excuse !!!

    NingNing and especially Giselle have been mistreated by Korean press they get edited out pics or totally ignored especially Giselle she didn't even get to show off her talent on weekly idol which is partly owned by SM???

    I'm honestly so mad imagine leaving your home just to debut and be treated like 2nd class citizens this is only going to create solo stans like I'm tired of Giselle and NingNing being done dirty why are they on national TV and Ning's make up isn't done right and giving the effect of her having a beard?????

    Not just the media. I barely see people talking about Giselle, even aespa stans...

    What I have noticed is that they will only talk about Giselle when they are talking about all the members but praising and hyping Giselle separately? No I barely see it.

    At least theres some hype for Ningning due to her vocals but Giselle deserves much better.

    'I SEE THE NU EVO' is the most iconing line in next level but I dont see anyome talkimg about it :pepe-sad:

  • Not just kmedia. The Korean GP too. Look at their fan cams. Karina and winter generally get like 3 to 4 times the amount of views. It is what it is. Korean like their own better, not to mention they hate Japanese and Chinese. I believe they hate Japanese more. For twitter, the korean line generally doing better, but the gap is not as big as youtube because there are more international fans on Twitter. But yea Giselle usually last in social stats. I also notice this pattern for nct dream too. Chenle usually the last in social stats. So stop hating on foreign line especially Chinese and Japanese, and stop accuse them of not being loyal. I don't see they will have any career in korea after disbandment. The only saving grace for this is NingNing career will blossom in China after aespa disbanded. I don't know about Giselle future after aespa. Let see how Lisa doing on the chart in a couple of months.

    Except SM don't disband groups. They put their groups on Haitus

    OT: K-media has always been rats.

  • Wait what? Is this true? Well, that makes no sense. Honestly I feel like knetz are just toxic. Pretty sure that normal Koreans don't find a problem with any foreign idols.

    If you worked in the industry you would know it's not just Knetz.

    My former boss was Chinese but ethnically Korean. He told me when he was interviewed by two of the largest Korean Conglomerates, the Korean hiring managers were extremely rude to him...

    Racial prejudice exists and It's quite extreme when it comes to some Koreans, particularly the ones from Korea that have not lived in a foreign country.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • Even tho Giselle was born in korea and her mother is Korean they still hate her I even came across racist xenophobic knetz on one of these aespa videos person saying Giselle has evil Japanese slanted eyes and I'm like dude you're Asian too how can you even hate slanted eyes??? People proudly saying they solo Stan Karina and or Winter ignoring ningning and Giselle it's tiring and SM doesn't care literally knowing bros and weekly idol Giselle didn't get to say or do much and with Ning Ning it felt like they didn't take her position as main vocal serious like Winter and Karina are amazing singers but the way they tried to make Ning look like she lacked confidence in her voice like now I'm seeing people want winter to be main vocal but Ning sung 2 vocally hard songs compared to what winter and Karina did...

  • Even tho Giselle was born in korea and her mother is Korean they still hate her I even came across racist xenophobic knetz on one of these aespa videos person saying Giselle has evil Japanese slanted eyes and I'm like dude you're Asian too how can you even hate slanted eyes??? People proudly saying they solo Stan Karina and or Winter ignoring ningning and Giselle it's tiring and SM doesn't care literally knowing bros and weekly idol Giselle didn't get to say or do much and with Ning Ning it felt like they didn't take her position as main vocal serious like Winter and Karina are amazing singers but the way they tried to make Ning look like she lacked confidence in her voice like now I'm seeing people want winter to be main vocal but Ning sung 2 vocally hard songs compared to what winter and Karina did...

    I'm not surprised. The extent that they go is beyond unbelievable... Seeing those comments is like going back in time.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • I'm triggered by this events because Everglow has been through hell since their debut and I know how some Giselle fans are taking in this situation... the sheer amount of hate and disgusting comments from Knetz is absolutely unacceptable in this day in age not saying that it was acceptable before... I encourage you guys to see Everglow Album reviews on MelOn... It'll show you how nasty the other side of Kpop is.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

    Edited 2 times, last by winniethepb ().

  • I'm trigger by this events because Everglow has been through hell since their debut and I know how some Giselle fans are taking in this situation... the sheer amount of hate and disgusting comments from Knetz is absolutely unacceptable in this day in age not saying that it was acceptable before... I encourage you guys to see Everglow Album reviews on MelOn... It'll show you how nasty the other side of Kpop is.

    The crazy thing is everglow is all Korean minus Yiren so knetz are bullying their own over a company???

  • The crazy thing is everglow is all Korean minus Yiren so knetz are bullying their own over a company???

    It doesn't matter to them... Even if their company was Korean and all members are Korea, and let just say one of there manager is Chinese, Koreans would respond similarly.

    Even though Yuehua have investments from CJ ENM, they'd act the same.

    There is a reason why CJ and Yuehua never publicly announced their partnership on YH KR because anticipated such events would Happen.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

    Edited once, last by winniethepb ().

  • yep, but experience unless both of them get stupidly more popular than winter and karina in other countries kmedia will keep doing that

    and they are very specific with this, bc ningnig being chinese and trending in weibo could led u to think that that would help but knetz resent china idols and are very western driven so by other countries I mean the western ones

    Specially with sm being biases themselves, like the likeness of them milking ningning is china is very high but giving it back it very shorts, for giselle well...she is in trouble bc sm seem to have forget japan

  • yep, but experience unless both of them get stupidly more popular than winter and karina in other countries kmedia will keep doing that

    and they are very specific with this, bc ningnig being chinese and trending in weibo could led u to think that that would help but knetz resent china idols and are very western driven so by other countries I mean the western ones

    Lisa is like global and k media still shades her I even remember them hating on Sana for celebrating a Japanese holiday.. Like knetz only tolerate twice j line and Tzuyu because they aren't as loud about their heritage? Is that true Armedryu

  • Lisa is like global and k media still shades her I even remember them hating on Sana for celebrating a Japanese holiday.. Like knetz only tolerate twice j line and Tzuyu because they aren't as loud about their heritage? Is that true Armedryu

    yep, that's the experience I mean as a bp fan

    it has gotten better, but its still not the best

    like its half half with lisa bc yg has let her do many things but people can also think its bc they want to cash out from her, like thanks to herself and her popularity yg decide to let her do she all doing now like cf, brands but if she wasn't as popular idk if yg would have even care

    now, sm is worst, they are super blatant when they don't care for a member specially a foreign one

    I think nn will be fine in the long run thanks to China support, but it won't be the same for giselle unless she gets big ass support internationally which doesn't seem the case so far bc even ifans seem to like winter and karina more

  • Not sure if it is SM's fault, I just think they are just doing what the Korean public wants and accepts. YG does the same for BP. Same for JPY with Twice. Foreign idols will not have a long term future in SK, it's just too big of a barrier. They can only sustain if they are part of a group with mostly Koreans. My mother is Korean who was born in the west, but worked in Korea for a few years and she absolutely detests Korean culture because of how women are treated. So being women and a foreigner must make it extra tough for them. I've read some those comments on kmedia and they are horrible. Good news is based on what I hear from my family members in SK who are big aespa fans, all 4 girls are loved by their fandom. Typically the ones throwing these horrible comments never spend $$ on kpop anyways.. they are just looking at ways to spread their hate.

    In the end though it will all work out for all 4 members. All 4 girls are way too likeable/talented/beautiful to not be big time stars and they all will be popular globally. Ning's popularity is growing outside of SK.. going viral regularly on twitter.. and in China she is starting to get huge.. (her ending fairy fancam hashtag has over 50M views already, and her leg shaking video with over 130M views on weibo) Giselle's popularity outside of SK is also growing, but more slowly. I think once the pandemic is over and they can start promoting in the west, that's Giselle's time to shine.

  • I'm triggered by this events because Everglow has been through hell since their debut and I know how some Giselle fans are taking in this situation... the sheer amount of hate and disgusting comments from Knetz is absolutely unacceptable in this day in age not saying that it was acceptable before... I encourage you guys to see Everglow Album reviews on MelOn... It'll show you how nasty the other side of Kpop is.

    Can you give me a link?

  • Can you give me a link?

    I tweeted this a few weeks ago...

    My tweet has pictures of some of the comments.

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    If you want to see the melOn comments just go to MelOn and look up Everglow's albums and then click on reviews.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • Honestly.. these are ppl who would never spend any money on any group anyways... and if they aren't hating on foreign members.. they will hate on their own. Just bully mentality. Not worth our time.

  • Lisa is like global and k media still shades her I even remember them hating on Sana for celebrating a Japanese holiday.. Like knetz only tolerate twice j line and Tzuyu because they aren't as loud about their heritage? Is that true Armedryu

    I am probably the worst Once to answer this question




    What the lesser denizens of the knetz community think of the foreign idols in general and the Twice foreign line in particular can be placed in a dumpster and have that dumpster yeeted into the sun for all I care. We only see the worst parts of them, since the vocal minority on the internet is always the loudest.

    So I don't think it's true that knetz tolerate them because they're not loud, but because there's so little that they can pick apart since the J-line and Tzuyu are such good people. You only have to look at the Tzuyu flag incident and the Sana Instagram "scandal" to see that the knetz are just waiting for something to latch onto. They will completely ignore things like Tzuyu donating medical equipment to Taiwan or Mina knitting hats for cancer survivors.

    I left my heart in LA again. Please continue taking good care of it.

  • ok

    • Official Post

    Honestly yes. I know that when Next Level went #1, antis started making racist comments against Giselle and Ningning for no reason. It's like Koreans are allergic to anyone who isn't Korean ddd, I know national pride is a huge thing there but this is kind of taking it too far. Usually over there, the members that aren't Korean are treated the worst. I have a theory that this is one of the reasons Brave Girls and OH MY GIRL are so successful over there, because every member in born & raised in Korea.

    Even in companies this unequal treatment is rampant. I remember an idol(she was from CLC? idk) saying she and another member get paid less compared to their Korean counterparts because they're foreigners. It's all so.... :confused:

  • Honestly yes. I know that when Next Level went #1, antis started making racist comments against Giselle and Ningning for no reason. It's like Koreans are allergic to anyone who isn't Korean ddd, I know national pride is a huge thing there but this is kind of taking it too far. Usually over there, the members that aren't Korean are treated the worst. I have a theory that this is one of the reasons Brave Girls and OH MY GIRL are so successful over there, because every member in born & raised in Korea.

    Even in companies this unequal treatment is rampant. I remember an idol(I think it was CLC? idk) saying she and another member get paid less because they're foreigners. It's all so.... :confused:

    I believe that was Sorn that said that. That was when she complained that she hadn't gotten all her money owed because Cube used some third party group to pay her. I don't know why.

    Please cry more.

  • I believe that was Sorn that said that. That was when she complained that she hadn't gotten all her money owed because Cube used some third party group to pay her. I don't know why.

    Oh that really sucks. I wonder if that's the same with Gidle foreign members. I heard that it wasn't until a year/two later after Gidle debut did they let the foreign members of the group live with the korean members.

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