My honest take on the news that IZONE is getting back together as a WIZONE.

  • Before I give my opinion on the rumors of IZONE getting back together. Let me tell you something about fromis_9. Because they are the reason I think this way.

    I started to stan fromis_9 like 2 weeks ago bcs my good friend recommended it to me. And when I was stanning IZONE, I didnt know that they are both (IZONE & Fromis_9) in the same company. Because I never pay attention to any company bcs I stan the group and not the company.

    And after I got into Fromis_9. My friend started to tell me everything that Flover(fromis_9 fans) has gone through throughout their career. And I was gutted to hear what OTR and SOME TOXIC IZONE fans have done to them. (I have never encoutered a Toxic IZONE fan) It was honestly heartbreaking to hear the stories. And my friend grew to hate WIZONE. And I honestly dont blame him. Im the only WIZONE that he is friend with.

    List of things OTR did to Fromis_9

    1. Not treating them equally

    2. After 4 years since debut not even a single full album has been released.

    3. No Lightstick

    4. No promotion

    5. A comeback every 1 and a half years

    6. They need to come up with ideas of their own to promote their current song WE GO because the company wasnt doing anything. They created WE GO Challenge. And it started trending in SK for a while and the song was doing numbers on Charts.

    The list goes on and on. If you compare this to what IZONE get every year. Its honetly disgusting the mistreatment they get from OTR. Its honestly devastating. After IZONE disbanded, OTR started to pay a little bit of attention to Fromis_9 and are starting to get a teensy bit of promotion. But they still needed to think on their own to promote their song. But now that theres rumors that IZONE is gonna come back, they will surely gonna go back to the old days. And its honestly sad. I dont know why is OTR even in charge of KPOP groups if they arent going to give equal treatment. And lets be honest, the company is thinking about it not because of the fans, its because of money..

    So, my take on this matter. If they are going to come back, I will still support them no matter what. But will it still be IZONE if some members are left out? But if they are not coming back, I honestly fine with it. Because, I already accepted the fact that they are no longer a group anymore.

    But if they are not going to treat them equally. Dont even bother.

    Anyways, thats enough of my long ass essay. NOW STREAM WE GO (aka SUMMER SOTY) my fellow WIZONE! :lover3:

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  • Yea, it all has to do with money. IZ*ONE is IZ*ONE there will never be another them. I would be glad if they got back together but its not sure if all 12 will come back. I havent heard fromis_9's music but I know how unfairly treated they are, their fans are really vocal about it. I agree that if they both wont be treated fairly then dont bring them back .

    In my opinion they knew IZ*ONE wouldnt get the extension and milked all the money they could out of them, including promotions right before disbandment. The announcement of disbandment and the date of the Concert were too close together for people not to notice how money and view thirsty these companies were.

  • Yea, it all has to do with money. IZ*ONE is IZ*ONE there will never be another them. I would be glad if they got back together but its not sure if all 12 will come back. I havent heard fromis_9's music but I know how unfairly treated they are, their fans are really vocal about it. I agree that if they both wont be treated fairly then dont bring them back .

    In my opinion they knew IZ*ONE wouldnt get the extension and milked all the money they could out of them, including promotions right before disbandment. The announcement of disbandment and the date of the Concert were too close together for people not to notice how money and view thirsty these companies were.

    Yes, exactly. I would be happy for them to make a return. But if the company is not going to treat them fairly and only think about money. I would rather not.

  • i think cj ent wish izone re-debut cause they need money so iz*one were money marker

    you're not wrong but then again if they were profitable then CJ wouldn't even consider the return of izone...

    I understand they are crazy for money. But CJ is a big ass company. They can make money anywhere. The amount of food products from CJ I have seen in my country is uncountable. Im sure they are making billions.

  • Yes, exactly. I would be happy for them to make a return. But if the company is not going to treat them fairly and only think about money. I would rather not.

    It would be better if CJ put them both under a better management company anyway. OTR showed their bias. Since both CJ and OTR lost their prestigious cash cow, they'll be paying a lot of attention to fromis_9. At least I hope so.


    Edited once, last by suavek ().

  • CJ has Enhypen now and they sold over 300,000 copies of their album in one day. And they don't need to share their profits with other 4-5 companies, but only with HYBE.

    It would be interesting to know how much CJ owned and how much the others owned. Because if CJ received 50% of the profits and the companies had to share the rest 50% (Woolim, HKT, 8D, YH, WM, etc., etc.) in the end the girls will not receive anything. Let's say one of them receive an opportunity to appear in an ad. Instead of sharing with their original company (50%-50%, let's say), they would have to share with their original company and CJ making it 33%-33%-33%. So let's not force the girls...

    Unless CJ will give more shares of the group to the companies, which is unlikely to happen, that's why the negotiations failed in the first place, well,,, there is no advantage for the girls.

    And yes, without some of them would be weird and not IZONE.

  • CJ has Enhypen now and they sold over 300,000 copies of their album in one day. And they don't need to share their profits with other 4-5 companies, but only with HYBE.

    It would be interesting to know how much CJ owned and how much the others owned. Because if CJ received 50% of the profits and the companies had to share the rest 50% (Woolim, HKT, 8D, YH, WM, etc., etc.) in the end the girls will not receive anything. Let's say one of them receive an opportunity to appear in an ad. Instead of sharing with their original company (50%-50%, let's say), they would have to share with their original company and CJ making it 33%-33%-33%. So let's not force the girls...

    Unless CJ will give more shares of the group to the companies, which is unlikely to happen, that's why the negotiations failed in the first place, well,,, there is no advantage for the girls.

    And yes, without some of them would be weird and not IZONE.

    Yes. Theres no advantage to the girls except for them being together again. At least some of them. And it will be weird for some of them not to be in the group. Will it even be IZONE anymore.

  • A pet peeve of mine is when people never consider the business side of Kpop.

    First of all, I very much dislike the word mistreatment. It's a poor word usage... Use the word mismanaged instead...

    Fromis_9 gets a comeback more frequently than every 1.5 years... Not sure where you got this information.

    Full albums are expensive and not every group can afford them. There is a misconception where full albums will sell much better than single or mini albums... That's just not true at all.

    Light sticks are expensive to manufacture for small quantities because of the injection molding process. If not enough lightsticks are manufactured, it'll just be debt for the artists.

    Also claiming no promotions is far fetched... Fromis9 definitely gets promotions but if you are comparing Fromis9's promotions to Izone's promotions then I'm afraid you are making the wrong comparison.

    If fromis_9 didn't have the scandal of theirs, I'm sure they would be much more popular. But given the circumstances, I would say they are doing well.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

  • Sorry for not using the "correct" word.

    Yeah I know that they comeback more frequently than every 1.5 years. But the fact that theres one period of time where they comebcak after 1 year and 3 months when IZONE is coming back 2 or 3 times a year is a bit mad isnt it?

    Fair point about the full album. Im not concern about not having a full album, its just thats what my friend has been ranting about and most flover.

    About the lightstick, how many is small quantities? If we look at the sales of albums and be realistic, the amount of lightsticks they would sell would be around 60,000. because generally, lightsticks sales are more higher than album sales.

    And if we look at groups like OMG and Lovelyz, their sales are similar or (fromis_9) even better. But they all have lightsticks. Yes, because they have held concerts before. But, fromis_9 can hold a concert if they want to. Hell they would easily fill in 20,000 attendance concerts. You might say concerts are generally expensive. Like, I dont see any of this company going bankrupt? OMG held a 3000 attendance concert in a couple of occasion. They are doing just fine now.

    About promotions, of course I am comparing to IZONE. They are under the same company. Generally, promotions are what makes idol gain more fans.

    Whats with the scandal? If Im comparing their scandal to IZONE, I would say IZONE's scandal is far more worse.

    Lets be honest, if the company managed them well, they would be flying right now. They would be popular, because they are generally entertaining, talented and full of visuals. The most entertaining groups Ive encountered tbh.




  • CJ has Enhypen now and they sold over 300,000 copies of their album in one day. And they don't need to share their profits with other 4-5 companies, but only with HYBE.

    It would be interesting to know how much CJ owned and how much the others owned. Because if CJ received 50% of the profits and the companies had to share the rest 50% (Woolim, HKT, 8D, YH, WM, etc., etc.) in the end the girls will not receive anything. Let's say one of them receive an opportunity to appear in an ad. Instead of sharing with their original company (50%-50%, let's say), they would have to share with their original company and CJ making it 33%-33%-33%. So let's not force the girls...

    Unless CJ will give more shares of the group to the companies, which is unlikely to happen, that's why the negotiations failed in the first place, well,,, there is no advantage for the girls.

    And yes, without some of them would be weird and not IZONE.

    cj enm actually gets around the same percentage of izone as of enhypen. Bighit gets 49% of the profit and cj enm 51, so only 1% difference. Cj enm gets 50% profit from izone, but with enhypen I feel like bighit helps a lot, like making the music and creative process. Not sure what cj enm even does. But izone the other companies barely get anything so I also understand why some of the bigger companies like starship that have a lot of resources want their trainees back. For the smaller companies where their groups would flop, it may benefit them since they basically don't have to spend money that they don't have and gain only a little bit back

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    Edited 3 times, last by lialve ().

  • cj enm actually gets around the same percentage of izone as of enhypen. Bighit gets 49% of the profit and cj enm 51, so only 1% difference. Cj enm gets 50% profit from izone, but with enhypen I feel like bighit helps a lot, like making the music and creative process. Not sure what cj enm even does. But izone the other companies barely get anything so I also understand why some of the bigger companies that have a lot of resources want their trainees back. For the smaller companies where their groups would flop, it may benefit them since they basically don't have to do anything

    CJ has the promotion and advertisement power. They can put the group's imagine everywhere, from food products to big panels in malls, and MNET, TvN, and other television companies are under them, which might give them some future opportunities in acting. Also, they have to cover their investments in the production of the Produce show. so it's understandable why they ask so much, since without them their popularity and basically, the group, wouldn't exist.

    But after all these years, I'm pretty sure the girls paid their debts and want to gain a little bit more. I can't blame them at all, because, at the end of the day, nor the friendship between them of their fans' love, will pay their bills.

    Also, would be interesting to know if the companies share the rest of the profits equally. Some of them might be greedy and want more if their idol is more popular than the others.

  • There are numbers they know and we don't.

    Woodz has sold over 300K+ albums in the past couple of years but he only sold around 2k lightsticks. What people need to realize is, although 300k albums were sold, the number of unique buyers is a few folds less. Buying albums is not the same as buying lightsticks. Purchase of albums gives collectible photo cards and a chance for fan meet, so generally, people will purchase multiple albums. For example, I bought over 20+ Last Melody albums from Everglow, but if they come out with a lightstick, I'll only purchase 1.

    "Lets be honest, if the company managed them well, they would be flying right now. They would be popular, because they are generally entertaining, talented and full of visuals. The most entertaining groups Ive encountered tbh."

    If every group was managed well they'd all be in the same shoe. Also, your last sentence is your perception. I've watched many Fromis_9 videos, from vlogs to stages, and they are entertaining but in my opinion, they are not the most entertaining group. For me, the most entertaining and genuine female kpop groups are Dreamcatcher and Everglow. I'm sure many would disagree with me, but my point is, you can make that assumption and factor it into how popular they can be.

    ✧ "Got no time for haters 모두 다 집어치워 버려" ✧

    Edited 2 times, last by winniethepb ().

  • Yea, it all has to do with money. IZ*ONE is IZ*ONE there will never be another them. I would be glad if they got back together but its not sure if all 12 will come back. I havent heard fromis_9's music but I know how unfairly treated they are, their fans are really vocal about it. I agree that if they both wont be treated fairly then dont bring them back .

    In my opinion they knew IZ*ONE wouldnt get the extension and milked all the money they could out of them, including promotions right before disbandment. The announcement of disbandment and the date of the Concert were too close together for people not to notice how money and view thirsty these companies were.

    You and op forgot the fact that the rigged scandal is about both shows but only izone got labeled as rigged by the public .

    Coz while izone push through with the promotion.

    Fromis going low .

    In the beginning they even promote together, like around love bomb, even go into each other content(fromis in enozi , izone on fromis yt series, izone member on fromis vlive, )

    But after the scandal they went low.

    I understand that u want them to be more active but I'm gonna tell u it's not a pretty road for izone in those promotion.

    People call them rigged,shameless left and right, alot of sponsor pulled out of izone, get edited out off variety show, get their face blurred out.

    The only reason izone push through is coz of their limited times .

    If u want fromis girls goes through that then idk what to say.

    What I'm trying to say is there's a pros and cons in this .

    In the news of fromis comeback with we go u don't see the majority of the comment is about them being rigged.

    While the news about Izone reform is filled with comment calling them rigged and shameless .

    If u want fromis to get treated like that than , I don't even want to think about it.

    I wish izone would just lay low back then, but they can't coz of the limited time.

    By the time public begin to forget about it fromis release we go but at that time izone contract already over.

    So they can't stay lay low coz they have to stay lay low until the contract is over.

    I just want to know what u want.


    Edited once, last by Rozysebelas: Added quotes ().

  • I should said fromis_9 is underrated group like nobody care the real winner of idol school isn't member of group cause they re irrevelant in korea and international

  • I never mentioned the rigging scandal, the girls didnt participate in the rigging. The producers and companies did. They didnt ask to be rigged in, the producers basically decided who was gonna be in the group beforehand. I dont stan fromis_9, but the scandal shouldnt be put on them. Its not their fault, @@@7ee8a7da-cbc9-4b1e-abcd-8f4c45828896@@@ does that have to with them not fairly managing them ?

  • I never mentioned the rigging scandal, the girls didnt participate in the rigging. The producers and companies did. They didnt ask to be rigged in, the producers basically decided who was gonna be in the group beforehand. I dont stan fromis_9, but the scandal shouldnt be put on them. Its not their fault, so what does that have to with them not fairly managing them ?

    What I mean is the reason why they laying low in the first place is coz of the scandal.

    So by saying u want them have the same promotion post scandal(Q4 of 2019 - Q1 2021) there's a BIG chance their gonna got called out by the public too.

    They are a big company, they're not stupid and gonna risk it hence they choose to stay low while izone got no choice coz of their limited contract coz they don't know when the public gonna cool down.

    Coz pre scandal I do think they promote the same , kcon2019,etc

  • Yea, I get it. But they should at least say something, unless they cant because of legal reasons.

  • Yea, I get it. But they should at least say something, unless they cant because of legal reasons.

    Even tho the scandal hit both shows,

    The public focus are on the produce.

    If they say something , the public might bat their eyes .

    Sometimes stay silent is the best way.

    Some statement only cause more fire.

    Like what happen with alot of scandal happened rn.

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