K-POP Guess the Girl Group Song
250 AKORN Prize Money
*Each Song = 5 Akorns
*Each Group/Artist = 5 Akorns
*There will be 25 Rounds
*Song snippets are around 5 seconds long on average (Some shorter, some longer)
*Will consist of Girl Groups as well as Female Soloists
*First 15 Rounds aren't too hard, after that it gets HARD
- Group/Artist and Song must both be named to continue unless 5 Hints given
- Minor Spelling Errors are OK
- If you got it right I'll react and quote
- I'll most likely give out Akorns each round
- Hints will be given if 5 people need one
- After 5 Hints the song will be revealed to continue the game
- If someone guesses the Group or Artist then I will quote, song name will still be up for grabs (and vice versa)
- Unlimited Guesses
I'll make a taglist so comment to be added, will start when 5+ wanna play. Can join at any time!