Can We Talk About How Horribly Netizens Treated TOP's Self Harm "Scandal"

  • Like How Was This An Scandal? I thought of this when talking about favorite BG rappers earlier, and how TOP is literally the only scandal-less member of Bigbang. Because I do not count this as an scandal. I think it is horrible that people considered this disgraceful for him to do and shamed him for being depressed. :ragec:

    If I see one person mentioning how he is a horrible person still for this when he comes back with BB I will go into an rant on educating people on how mental health works and how it is not equally shameful to someone harming someone else. He literally blames himself for not reaching out to Hara fast enough when he was dealing with his own depression and already struggles enough with this, I really wish Korea would stop shaming him for it. He has spent so much time in interviews trying to be reasonable with people when his members do stupid things to try to maintain his group's legacy. There is no reason for the hate he gets. :sadr:

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    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • not to mention the international cunts who mocked his suicide attempt with their "karma" bullcrap just because of fanwars, i hope they suffer the same

    Yes.... the toxic members of certain fanbases made me lose my chill for a minute....

    I fully understand when he said He don't want to make a comeback in Korea they are so mean :|:|:|

    He said that shortly after losing his friend I mentioned in the OP, and also said he feels the public has failed the idols who took their own lives... he seems like he needs a hug watching all his friends leave him. :pepe-sad: If he does comeback he better not get this all thrown in his face as being "what makes him a bad idol"

    K-netizens need to stop :pepe-sad: They think they're being amazing and kind when really all they're doing is making the situation worse

    I agree

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


    • Official Post

    I wasn't a fan back then, but I was legitimately shocked when I found out what all went down and the way he was treated. It's beyond disguising. I'm so thankful that he is still here with us. I hate that he is still so terrorized by these trash ass people.

  • I wasn't a fan back then, but I was legitimately shocked when I found out what all went down and the way he was treated. It's beyond disguising. I'm so thankful that he is still here with us. I hate that he is still so terrorized by these trash ass people.

    Agreed, the fact that people still bring it up and bring up him failing to speak to her fast enough, to taunt him on his social media makes me sad (from what I have seen when his posts pop into my feed when I log on), I just hope all the comments of support drown the negative out and he does not read the bad comments anymore.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • Not in a good way. Do you know the Tablo Scandal? Netziens always had it out for people they disliked, and poor TOP was no exception.

    Ahhh yes I remember that, it happened when I was a kid and was still mainly only in the J-Pop fandom but had listened to K-Pop for a couple years. They tried to say he never graduated from Stanford :sweatr1:

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • These people are one of the reasons idols try to take their own lifes puching them to their limits and when idols end up dying, they pretend they always cared about their mental health

    Exactly and when the idols take their life they pretend that they did nothing wrong and the worst are the people who say ohh no how could this happen even when they where the people who make the Idols do this.

  • Oh, I remember and it was soooooo sad how even int fans were mocking him and just joking with his life. Knetz were hell, but int kpop fans were too.

    He was being attacked by both sides with just vips trying to "defend" him and even then people showed no mercy. Till now he is named as a druggie when all of his problems come from mental problems. He was going through a lot, but almost nobody cheered up for him. He was literally treated as a criminal...

    I hope people stop attacking him and calling him names, even now he is still fighting his own fight. He is a survivor!

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