Do you think Bang Si-Hyuk is going to jail?

  • Will Bang Si-Hyuk go to jail? 34

    1. No (24) 71%
    2. Yes (10) 29%

    He's being formally investigated for financial fraud over 400 billion won acquired by way of very suspicious manipulation of private equity funds with his partners prior to HYBE's IPO

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    Just to add some more context to this

    LSM aka selfmate got 2 years in jail for embezzling around 2 billion won

    BSH is on the hook right now for potentially pocketing 400 billion won after lying to shareholders about HYBE going public

  • I'll just say that if he's found guilty of financial fraud at this scale, especially if said fraud was used to fund an IPO while also deceiving individual investors, that is a HUGE deal.

    The only reason I'm not 100% confident is because it's Korea, and I don't know what their investor protecion, rules, regulations and penalties look like.

    In the U.S., he would be cooked alive for this. Martha Stewart did prison time just for insider trading, and this is MUCH worse.

  • It says nothing about any "embezzlement". Embezzlement is whey you steal from the company and this is about earing money from a IPO. And it's not illegal to earn money.....

    ...What? You do understand that when you operate as a publicly traded company, which HYBE did the moment they made their IPO, you have a fiduciary responsibility to all your shareholders. It is absolutely illegal to lie to your shareholders about your intent to go public, only to realize profits between you and your institutional partners, and going public right after

    In other words, stealing money from investors is even WORSE than embezzlement, so I agree with you there.

    You think the FSS is launching an investigation because doing that would be legal?

    You think a company can tell individual investors they aren't going public, with the full intention to go public and then profit on that deception?

    Yeah, I bet you wouldn't feel that way if it was YOUR opportunity costs soaring through the roof and your potential profits getting erased by a bunch of rich crooks

    This is getting a lot of attention on every finance news outlet in Korea, even from media that has always been pro big business, because IF all this is true, it would be a huge crime.

  • It's still not "Embezzlement", so you should not use word and accusations that is not true.

  • I hope so, but unlikely.

    I wonder how this will play out since BSH is still in the USA. And WHY is he still there? There's so many things going on with his company, and I haven't heard from him. It feels like someone is advising him to lay low in LA until this passes.

    To be rich

  • It depends on how the law is interpreted and whether the government wants to pursue this.

    If we are being generous, BSH has done nothing wrong since there is no law mandating that a shareholder's agreement be revealed to fellow shareholders. It is also revealed which PEFs decided to lock up or not lock up their shares. Therefore, the public knows how much stock can be potentially be dumped/locked/traded by these PEFs at IPO.

    If we aren't being generous, the majority shareholders unloaded on retail. Regular investors were hurt and the deal between BSH and PEFs was one of the main reason. The big boys slaughtered the small time retail investors, and it was all planned beforehand. This should have been all revealed for transparency sake, so other investors could make an informed decision.

  • It depends on how the law is interpreted and whether the government wants to pursue this.

    If we are being generous, BSH has done nothing wrong since there is no law mandating that a shareholder's agreement be revealed to fellow shareholders. It is also revealed which PEFs decided to lock up or not lock up their shares. Therefore, the public knows how much stock can be potentially be dumped/locked/traded by these PEFs at IPO.

    If we aren't being generous, the majority shareholders unloaded on retail. Regular investors were hurt and the deal between BSH and PEFs was one of the main reason. The big boys slaughtered the small time retail investors, and it was all planned beforehand. This should have been all revealed for transparency sake, so other investors could make an informed decision.

    He violated the Capital Markets Act. They purposely misled investors by saying the company was struggling and had no plans of going public and then recommended they sell their shares to 3 private equity funds...all of which had connections with senior HYBE officials. Less than a year after the funds acquired the shares, HYBE announced that they were going public.

  • in the end that man is utterly irrelevent without bts and hybe money. scooter and others only ever care for his dollars. so just strip him of that and send him into a self inflicted exile and kpop will be free again from this demon :pepe-tea: .

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    Aoparently the authorities have declined to pursue?

    Under the reasoning that the authorities should have caught it before it happened but since they didn't they can't do anything? The hell?

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  • Hi,

    He should if found he committed a crime, but he might not. BSH has enablers.

    Likelier scenario? He gets a fine, and someone takes the fall for him.


  • indeed, it's not embezzlement, it's fraud.

    It's not "fraud" either, but maybe missleading and lack of information. The whole point of IPO is to give the owners a chance to sell and "off load" their shares and the what they did. It's pretty common for shares to go down after the IPO.

    And all this is pretty stupid, because the IPO price was 135,000 KRW in okt 2020, debuted at 270 000 KRW it went down to around a lowest price of 140 000 KRW two week later, so even if you bought at the IPO price you still have made a profit. If you bought it at the highest price the first to week, yes you made a lost if you sold them. But in june 2021 it was back up to 270 000 KRW again.

    When you accuse people of serious crimes you at least should be a bit careful.

  • It's not "fraud" either, but maybe missleading and lack of information. The whole point of IPO is to give the owners a chance to sell and "off load" their shares and the what they did. It's pretty common for shares to go down after the IPO.

    And all this is pretty stupid, because the IPO price was 135,000 KRW in okt 2020, debuted at 270 000 KRW it went down to around a lowest price of 140 000 KRW two week later, so even if you bought at the IPO price you still have made a profit. If you bought it at the highest price the first to week, yes you made a lost if you sold them. But in june 2021 it was back up to 270 000 KRW again.

    When you accuse people of serious crimes you at least should be a bit careful.

    That's not the issue. The issue was HYBE repeated telling the original investors that HYBE had no plans on going public and that the company was struggling. HYBE then suggested that they offload their shares to 3 private equity firms (which, unknown at the time, were linked to several senior HYBE executives, including BSH himself). Less than a year after the shares were sold, HYBE announced they were proceeding with an IPO.

  • It's a classic pump and dump strategy, and the biggest losers were the retail investors who had no idea the IPO was coming, after being told it wasn't going to happen.

    Again, I wonder how many people defending this would preach about how legal it is if it was THEIR money.

    Somehow I doubt they'd be singing that same song

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