It's been ten years since she was kicked out of SNSD. Are you Team Jessica or Team SNSD?
Team Jessica all the way, but I love SNSD even after all the shady moves from sme against Jessica...
Imagine my surprise to be a kpop fan in 2014/15, get into SNSD, choose Jessica as my bias and then
I literally stopped all my SNSD discovery hobby bc of heeeer kkkkk but I don't have hard feelings towards the girls, on contrary, I love what SNSD is for kpop
but I'll choose Jessica bc of that time
i will be lurking
Team SNSD all the way.
First cuz jessica getting kick out was horrible
But to have 8 people be ready to kick you out when you grew up with them, and for all these people to still be close years after
It also means that this person was probably not completely innocent
I think both part have their wrong & right and choosing a team is so stupid
Team SNSD cuz Jessica is part of SNSD
Until 2014
I'm an OT9.
but jessica anyday, was the main vocalist and second visual
her getting kicked out was so unexpected and what gets me is she got kicked out cause her fashion line would get involved with snsd brand deals... but 2 years after the group goes on haitus with barely any member getting any endorsements... like ot8 and there parents were fighting a hard case saying how jessica fashion bran would tarnish the ability to get brand deals which in actual fact it didn't, and ot8 going on haitus after 2 years ....
its funny cause snsd was going to hit it big in china, to the level of TARA and jessica was the most popular member, as soon as she left so did snsd career in china.
Jessica was the top 3 most popular in japan and once she left, snsd couldn't even hold concerts int he toyko dome or any dome concert.
Kicking out jessica did more bad then good 100 percent, esspcialt in the vocal line when jessica and taeyeon voice were the backbone of SNSD and once she left they stopped doing group chorus and did solo chorus (lion heart, party, you think).
harambelives please add on to this as a OT8 die hard through and through
even in the toyko dome concert/ post 9.30 concerts
they had to redo every single snsd song since Jessica voice was so prominent and dominant in all of there songs
kissing you, genie, mrmr those songs sound more rougher and less soft now with the absence of jessicas sweet voice to balance out tayeon
that's why Taengsic was such a powerful duo, jessica sweet high voice balanced out taeyeon strong loud voice
her voice is still in into the new world
to the point where her voice is everywhere in GEE that they simply couldn't change it
First cuz jessica getting kick out was horrible
But to have 8 people be ready to kick you out when you grew up with them, and for all these people to still be close years after
It also means that this person was probably not completely innocent
I think both part have their wrong & right and choosing a team is so stupid
I don't think one side is completely innocent in this, it was just outnumbered and therefore, easier to believe she was the target.
Until someone gets the record straight, I will support both.
Team Jessica all the way, but I love SNSD even after all the shady moves from sme against Jessica...
Imagine my surprise to be a kpop fan in 2014/15, get into SNSD, choose Jessica as my bias and then
I literally stopped all my SNSD discovery hobby bc of heeeer kkkkk but I don't have hard feelings towards the girls, on contrary, I love what SNSD is for kpop
but I'll choose Jessica bc of that time
These are my thoughts too.
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