Do you think BP solos are more successful than BigBang solos in Korea? 33
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Since K-pop hadn't gone global yet during the 2nd gen, it makes sense to focus on Korea only. Gd couldn’t dethrone Apt, and all Bp members' solo songs were and still are doing extremely well on Korean charts and have gone viral there, except for Lisa, for obvious reasons, unfortunately. Anyway, I didn’t follow BB members' solo activities back then, so I don’t really know much about their achievements as solo artists. However, I know that some of them, especially Gd solo, were very successful. What do you think?
Honestly, I think they've outperformed the other Bb members, but I'm not sure about Gd, since I didn’t follow how well he was doing in Korea before but even I know well how successful he is. Korea hype and adore him so much too.