I really hope YG does not push Rami to the side

  • And I mean in performances, she always has alot of lines I do not mean that

    She is a killer performer, I actually put her at no. 3 in the performance ranking.

    The problem is Baby Monster has many key members, all of them deserve to shine so I really hope she is not neglicted

    In Batter Up, she was given two killing parts in the chorus and dance break but in Sheesh she was more just a vocal member I barely saw her in the performance video so I hope this does not become the trend ;(

    Also Rora needs more attention girlie is a killer visual, vocal and performer and surprisingly, she suits Sheesh the most imo!!

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

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  • Rami is easily the best vocalist in the group and has the best range between low and high, unlike Aheyeon, so far she's more like a one tone girl, but she is the face and YG is all about visuals anyway, not talent, so I'm 98% sure they will push Rami to the side.

    With 7 members they won't succeed as they could with 4 or 5 especially at YG.

    Rora is good too, but she's not a vocal powerhouse, she's a typical R&B vocalists, but she has good range, too.

    Now, I'm waiting... 😅

    YARN | Brace for impact. | Sully (2016) | Video gifs by quotes | 04cb0657 |  紗

  • Imagine saying ahyeon is only visual no talent. Bruh, she's considered the ace :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

    :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
    ✴✴✴✴✴ KIM JISOO'S HUSBANDO ✴✴✴✴✴

  • that's the hard thing of having a lot of members being all-rounders.

    Ahyeon, ruka, and chiquita could be the center of the group. I'm glad rami had her spotlight on batter up having the center time on chorus and outro.

    Rora not having many lines is due to them having 5 vocalists in the group. I'm gladrlra had her spotlight on the intro and the bridge. But it's stillsad to think that rora doesn't have much line in like that.

  • that's the hard thing of having a lot of members being all-rounders.

    Ahyeon, ruka, and chiquita could be the center of the group. I'm glad rami had her spotlight on batter up having the center time on chorus and outro.

    Rora not having many lines is due to them having 5 vocalists in the group. I'm gladrlra had her spotlight on the intro and the bridge. But it's stillsad to think that rora doesn't have much line in like that.

    Rora and Rami are the best vocalists from baemon objectively speaking and when I watched all these vocal coach reactors it confirmes it. I mean I'm not saying they others aren't good all of them are but Rora actually besides technique gives some different vocal color There are some parts when I think her voice would have made more sense. I feel it's because she has a deeper voice but she can sing actually with good support. I guess it's a matter of preference of the producers but hope they can learn how to utilize her talent. The girls deserves more lines for sure

  • man, I agree Rami and Rora have the best vocals imo but sometimes I feel they get less lines especially Rora. I don't get i why, when I watch vocal coach reactors they have nothing but positive things to say about her and her vocals. I hope the girls get more r&b kind of songs in the future.

    the way YG is not focusing on Rora is killing me. Like the girl has both the visuals and talent and she is treated like a sub vocal/sub dancer...

    Its difficult to balance the attention on the 7 girls though So one has to take the short stick ;(

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

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  • This comeback was all about Ahyeon, and she was given the killing parts, highlights and more time to shine.

    It doesn't seem like she is taking off IT girl-wise, so YG will reassess who gets the killing parts and more time to shine in the future.

  • that's the hard thing of having a lot of members being all-rounders.

    Ahyeon, ruka, and chiquita could be the center of the group. I'm glad rami had her spotlight on batter up having the center time on chorus and outro.

    Rora not having many lines is due to them having 5 vocalists in the group. I'm gladrlra had her spotlight on the intro and the bridge. But it's stillsad to think that rora doesn't have much line in like that.

    I know one has to take short stick, I just don't want it to be Rami, she is too good of a performer to be pushed aside,

    but really I would feel sad for each one because all the girls deserve the attention :oops: we need them to balance it out in the albums

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

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  • This comeback was all about Ahyeon, and she was given the killing parts, highlights and more time to shine.

    It doesn't seem like she is taking off IT girl-wise, so YG will reassess who gets the killing parts and more time to shine in the future.

    Ahyeon makes sense tbh because she was added and they need to highlight her.

    But I think she &chiquita will keep getting the killing parts cause they are the face for bm based on everything i saw.

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

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  • As a non-fan, they need to push Asa and Chiquita, and maybe Ahyeon.

    The first two easily have the most star power and charisma in the group. Ahyeon, she was kind of invisible in Sheesh IMO but as far as I'm aware she's the most popular.

    YG is not even pushing Asa but she is just too good in getting the attention lol.

    Agree about Chiquita though

    My issue is not pushing, cause objectively, Their focus should be on Ahyeon & Chiquita as they are the stan attractors, but what I mean is giving Rami a shot at the performance part of the song, as she kills it as seen in Batter Up, and to promote Rora from being a sub because she is a hidden gem

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

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  • Imagine saying ahyeon is only visual no talent. Bruh, she's considered the ace :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:

    For the love of God, how many times do I have to tell you to learn to read? Where did I say Ahyeon is only visual?

    She's no ACE, pal. Do you even know what ACE means? It means, the person EXCELS in EVERYTHING they do. Vocals, rapping, dancing. I'm sorry to say this, but she's not excelling in every position, YET!!!!

    That's why I said Rami is the ACE of the group, actually. I don't want to use this comparison, but I have to, maybe it helps you to understand better what I'm saying.

    Rami is like Wheein in Mamamoo. Best vocalist, because she has the best range, she can sing high and low notes at least in an average level. So far, it looks like she's not average, she's above average, btw.

    I've seen Ahyeon sing live, and she's like Solar in Mamamoo, a BELTER, and that's a HUGE compliment, BUT her vocal range is not as good as Solar's or Rami's. She needs vocal training to be someone like Solar, and you know why Wheein is better than Solar, because she has better range. That's why Rami is better than Ahyeon.

    People love Ahyeon more because she's the face of the group, and most Kpop fans are crazy about high notes. If you're a trained singer, it's not that hard to sing high notes, what hard is to do it in a right way. When she sings high notes, it sounds more like a scream. I'm not saying she's bad, she's an average belter, BUT she's only 16!

    Also, like it or not YG is not about vocals, it's all about visuals! Ahyeon is only considered ACE in the BM fandom! THIS is one of the reason I don't want to be part of this fandom. The same happened with Blackpink too, both fandom is toxic and crazy and most fans can't handle different opinions. Even if you praise them, some idiot fans still find the ONE negative and start a war!

    You need medical help, mate!

  • "unlike Aheyeon, so far she's more like a one tone girl, but she is the face and YG is all about visuals anyway, not talent" You literally said this bruh :cursing:

    Oh my goodness bruh, this is what happens when you don't even stan a group and you say anything you wanna say without knowing anything. bruh, ahyeon was introduced as the multi-talented in the group by the company. You're making yourself a fool here brother. I bet even one second you didn't watch their videos cuz it shows how clueless you are. It is rare to see a female idol to be part of the rap line and vocal line at the same time. That is ahyeon. Her dancing is good, the only reason she's not the main dancer cuz ruka and asa exists :cursing: :cursing:

    "Also, like it or not YG is not about vocals" Could be before baemon debuts but baemon is literally full of vocal singers even their rap line :cursing:

    Naah I'd believe their vocal trainers in YG and vocal reactors in yt than a random fan here :cursing:

    :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
    ✴✴✴✴✴ KIM JISOO'S HUSBANDO ✴✴✴✴✴

  • "unlike Aheyeon, so far she's more like a one tone girl, but she is the face and YG is all about visuals anyway, not talent" You literally said this bruh :cursing:

    Where did I lie? She IS the face of the group! Never said she's not talented! When I said: "YG is not about talent" it was an overall opinion, it wasn't about Ahyeon, you dumbass! This is why Kpop fans consider YG stans the dumbest.


    Ahyeon was introduced as the multi-talented in the group by the company. You're making yourself a fool here brother

    I don't give a damn about how YG promoted them! I worked with singers and dancers, my mother is a vocal coach. A company will say many things, doesn't mean it's true. Do you think they will say: "Oh, Ahyeon is only the face of the group, she can't sing or dance." Dude, that's not how this works.

    She's multitalented, that's true, BUT there's a HUGE difference between multitalented and being an ACE! I already analyzed her vocals for you, I don't care if you believe me or not. It's not a simple opinion, it's a fact based on my knowledge about vocals, dancing and rapping. Just because I say she's not an ACE, doesn't mean she's bad! Stop acting like a child.


    "Also, like it or not YG is not about vocals" Could be before baemon debuts but baemon is literally full of vocal singers even their rap line

    Naah I'd believe their vocal trainers in YG and vocal reactors in yt than a random fan here

    They won't be a vocal group like Mamamoo or EXID, because YG doesn't care about that. If they want a vocal group, they would give them better songs. None of their songs are vocal heavy. That's my point. I don't see that's happening later, because the typical YG stans don't care about that either. They will sing high notes once in a while but that's all.

    So, if I create a Youtube channel, you're going to believe me, too?🤣 Funny how you don't see the nonsense in what you're saying. 🤣

  • "I don't give a damn about how YG promoted them!" Lmao you said she was only considered an ace among the fandom but when I say that's not the case, the company actually did. The company that produced a lot of talented artist that knows their talent better than us :cursing:

    "She's multitalented, that's true, BUT there's a HUGE difference between multitalented and being an ACE!" You are contradicting yourself brother. You said an ace excels in every category. When I say she's really good at every category now you make it to your "expert analysis", you say she's not the ace cuz you don't think she's good. :cursing:

    They are following a concept in their music but given a vocal song, they'd kill it. Best example is their bside Like That.

    If you create a youtube channel with the knowledge in technicalities you have, I'd report you. There are some decent vocal coach reactors that knows what they're saying. There are some bad and cringe ones, but there are credible too :cursing:

    :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
    ✴✴✴✴✴ KIM JISOO'S HUSBANDO ✴✴✴✴✴

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