The weird trend where kpop stans assign sexualities to idols

  • There are so many hit tweets with thousands of likes on the Karina situation, and they would be funny if they didnt reflect this weird belief that some people have about idols.

    A long time ago when I first got into kpop I thought that dating scandals were ridiculous. I mean how can people be THIS mentally unhinged right? These idols will never sleep with you. And these days those types of scandals arent life ruining... in place of them is this weird culture of claiming idols as a specific sexuality and feeling betrayed when they break that delusion.

    Karina never said she was gay. Skinship and saying she likes other women is literally standard hetero behavior, yet people are appalled she's dating a man specifically. Its very odd, and its spreading fast. I saw a tweet from a minji stan who was getting dogpiled by other tokkis for saying that if Minji dated a man she'd kill her. Like... guys these are human beings not characters you can headcanon as gay or bi or anything.

    I wonder if this will happen again (I know it will) but anyways, have you noticed this issue as well?

    Oh my baby sweet like bubble gum!


  • its the sad byproduct of the parasocial thing that kpop perfected + kpop's popularity in a lot of repressed countries. you get absolute fanaticism, like it's normal to have a post of an idol and then some deranged social/political take next to it

    it paints a picture of the person/upbringing behind the screen and it's never pretty

  • its the sad byproduct of the parasocial thing that kpop perfected + kpop's popularity in a lot of repressed countries. you get absolute fanaticism, like it's normal to have a post of an idol and then some deranged social/political take next to it

    it paints a picture of the person/upbringing behind the screen and it's never pretty

    I definitely understand and its not bad to jokingly call them gay and use that to cope with stuff, its just that... when it bleeds into reality it gets sooooo weird and fanatic like you said. I cant believe the essays some stans were writing. Karina is literally a stranger omg ;(

    Oh my baby sweet like bubble gum!


  • No fr bc why do ppl keep thinking any idol would openly come out dating the same gender when that would ruin their entire career

    They use that as an argument that they're secretly gay and will never come out and disagreeing makes you homophobic lmao

    Oh my baby sweet like bubble gum!


  • This is seriously stupid and wrong

    I even saw someone writing some bullshit like "don't worry Ryujin you still have Isa"

    It was written in such context suggesting thar Karina and Ryujin were dating

    I guess some people don't get that friends can hug each other or sit comfy together + give some cute fanservice...

    Here in Europe I often see middle school or high school female classmates chilling during break in park, eating together, watching something on phones, sharing a blanket if it's cold. But it's what friends do...

    I'm curious how do some kpop fans react if Idols would greet each other when they met same way that people do in France, Spain in Italy, with two kisses to the cheek lol pretty sure twitter would explode xD

  • I feel like the sexuality-assigning trend started as a joke based on wishful thinking (and that's fine), but some unhinged people took it as truth and ran with it. A lot of K-pop fans have their issues and it shows in the way they talk about these idols. I'll say that being obsessed with charts to the point where you hate on other groups is on the same level as this. Toxic mindsets are everywhere among K-pop fans; they just manifest differently.

  • the silent majority is often drowned out by the vocal minority

    I'm an aespa fan

    I couldn't give two hoots who karina dates or her sexuality - in fact I don't comment on it at all since it doesn't concern me lol

    I choose to enjoy my fav's music, their content etc in the peace and quiet...I don't need to make a grand showing or claim that my favs are certain things...and I'm pretty sure most fans are like me...

    it's only the minority that need to be loud on social media or whatever spewing their nonsense but it's always those voices are that heard since they are controversial and

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  • I also have to mention... Girl groups really upped their fan service catering towards women. They play along with it. Whether it's an interaction between members during a concert or an idol-to-fan interaction, these moments go viral.

    I don't think it was nearly as common during the previous gens. It was always towards the fanboys prior to this.

    This is inherently harmless on the idols' part, so I'm not blaming them. They're just trying to relate to the fans based on current trends, and that's always been the nature of fan service.

    But in the minds of some fans, these moments become solidified as proof of whatever they project onto idols.

  • It would be nice if K pop Stan's can just enjoy their Idols respectively. Sadly some K pop stans are a little too much. Ex: Inappropriate Fancalls with the Idols. Those need to stop. And why does it always have to target the nice kind hearted Idols like Felix or Vernon. Why aren't their companies doing anything about this.

  • Oh God, I wanted to make this thread. I've been meaning to for weeks, but this Karina thing has really brought it forward.

    This whole behavior is so psychotic.

    When I first started seeing it, mainly done as "XXXXXX is for the girls," I thought it was all just lighthearted joking. But they are so serious about it.

    For a while, when I saw it, I would reply with "she's also for the boys," but some people would be so abusive in their replies.

    It's also hilarious that they seem to think assigning gay to an idol or saying they are for the girls is somehow protecting them from men... somehow... I don't even get how that works.

    And I've seen literally every female idol declared gay or FoR tHe GiRlS at some point or another. Somehow, every female idol is a lesbian.

    This Karina stuff is such delicious, deep-fried karma for them.

  • It is insane. People literally act like they aren't real people. You can't decide what their sexuality is and then get angry at them when you are proved wrong.

    Every single time.. Karina, Momo, Jisoo, Kai, Chaeyoung,Tae etc. It is always "but they are clearly gay". No, they aren't. You decided they are.

    The way people actually get angry as if they were misled or betrayed.. messed up.

  • It’s not a trend that’s what people have done since forever. Everyone is just ok with assuming everyone is straight lol.

    Since the dawn of time a question people ask idols and celebrities and anyone at all : who is your ideal wife/GF etc and no one has a problem with any of it.

    It’s just some random tweets online in this case imagine if your favs actually came out as gay lol. Entire fandoms and countries would lose their shit because hetero normalcy is inbuilt in the way we think.

    So no some hyper active tweets and posts is the least of anyone’s worries. And if you believe something as trivial as that is worth calling out reevaluate what you consider important because you aren’t helping anyone.

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