Did aespa fail to sell out their North America venues or touringdata reports were wrong?

  • Seems nobody has made a thread about it here so let's discuss. Lot of 4th gen girl groups fans with blinks and reveluvs are laughing about those results:


    Mys are desperately trying to prove aespa did actually sell out those venues

    •Caro• (@AespaRD) on X
    Can u read??? I was there and it was FULL

    Jazz (@mjkmwntr) on X
    Please stop reporting wrong data…

    I don't think touringdata numbers are wrong, and of course they have no reason to manipulate them, mys should just accept it.

    In words of the korean charts lovers of this forum aespa couldn't be better since they have a song on top of melon for months, but for actual smart people who know about charts like me aespa situation is not good right now, sales, streams, views and now touring numbers are lacking. Those results wouldn't be bad if they were never a group with the huge projection they had just 2 years ago, not selling a 4K capacity theater on atlanta, kpop 4th easiest city on US market after los angeles, new york and chicago is worrying.

  • SM just did not know how to play the capacity games.

    Twice and BP did a much better job at selling out 30K arenas by reducing capacity below that.

  • I mean, poor ODD EYE CIRCLE, they are about to perform in a half full venue in Austin Texas.

    So 80% full, is pretty good.


  • Also, my poor 4th generation faves Tri.Be, it was me and like 5 people when they came to my town ;(

  • Decided to choose violence today, huh? Pretty jobless behavior but maybe you'll get a hit thread this calendar year if you keep shitposting enough.

    Nobody made a thread about this, because nobody really cares. Most of us have better things to do than obsess over the touring numbers of acts we don't follow :boompepe:

  • SM just did not know how to play the capacity games.

    Twice and BP did a much better job at selling out 30K arenas by reducing capacity below that.

    The bad thing is that sm actually did it on some venues like barclay center that is a 13K-15K venue and aespa did less than 50% of the actual capacity, so I don't know what happened in the other cases or aespa couldn't either sell out the reduced capacity.

    As long as it’s over 70% full I don’t think it matters that much.

    Same, for me there is not really any difference between 95% to sold out but no matter what you will always have idiots in your ear telling you that 99.99% sold out is a disgrace, like blinks do.

  • 70% is still good

    It's not like it's 30% or 40%

  • The bad thing is that sm actually did it on some venues like barclay center that is a 13K-15K venue and aespa did less than 50% of the actual capacity, so I don't know what happened in the other cases or aespa couldn't either sell out the reduced capacity.

    Same, for me there is not really any difference between 95% to sold out but no matter what you will always have idiots in your ear telling you that 99.99% sold out is a disgrace, like blinks do.

    The blackpink concert I visited in Newark wasn’t even 70% full back in 2019 so why would blinks call out aespa. Everyone has to start somewhere. I’m sure aespa can build their fanbase over time.

  • They messed up the capacity

    They counted the full capacity of the arena and took into account the floor standing

    It would be 81% if aespa opened the floor area for their tour

    But aespa never sold the floor area they only used the seated area

    Even pollstar knew this and had the right numbers

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    Even touring data admitted that they have made a mistake and counted floor area

    That's why there was no reason to have a discussion when they admit to have messed up themselves about the numbers


  • Decided to choose violence today, huh? Pretty jobless behavior but maybe you'll get a hit thread this calendar year if you keep shitposting enough.

    Nobody made a thread about this, because nobody really cares. Most of us have better things to do than obsess over the touring numbers of acts we don't follow :boompepe:

    The singer who is most irrelevant outside of Korea has not provided data to touringdata. So it is unlikely that we will have any reliable info from her, for example

  • Those capacities are already so small to begin with, why does this even matter? Are we going to report on Dreamcatcher not selling out next? Aespa could've played to standing room at those venues and it still wouldn't be impressive. So who cares, really?

    SM just did not know how to play the capacity games.

    Twice and BP did a much better job at selling out 30K arenas by reducing capacity below that.

    What 30K arenas did they "sell out" by reducing capacity? And who even has an arena with a capacity of 30K, besides the Philippines? :/ American arenas only seat 15-20k, and those shows were all sold out (not to mention the stadiums.)

  • Those capacities are already so small to begin with, why does this even matter? Are we going to report on Dreamcatcher not selling out next? Aespa could've played to standing room at those venues and it still wouldn't be impressive. So who cares, really?

    What 30K arenas did they "sell out" by reducing capacity? And who even has an arena with a capacity of 30K, besides the Philippines? :/ American arenas only seat 15-20k, and those shows were all sold out (not to mention the stadiums.)

    For example

    O2 Arena in London is a music venue with a capacity for 20K.

    Both Twice and BP played the arena for 2 nights, so you would think if they sold out the arena they would report 40K tickets sold for both nights.

    But they both sold less than that and both reported sold out shows. Now, to get the 20K per night you have to set up the stage in the middle of the stadium, most artist do not do this, so they set up the stage on one side of the stadium reducing the number of available seats, so it is legit to have less than 20K available to sell, and the number could be much smaller depending on how you set the stage and how big the stage is and how many seats are blocked by the stage set up.

    #1. @BLACKPINK at The O2 Arena - 35,440 (2 shows )
    #2. TWICE at The O2 Arena - 28,148 (2 shows)

    At least BP got to 88% Capacity when they sold it out, but twice didn't even get to 75% capacity and still called it sold out.

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  • So there were no 30k arenas, and capacity wasn't reduced...


    You can't go by number of tickets sold alone. That doesn't tell you what the capacity was for each concert, as different stage setups allow for different capacities.

  • So there were no 30k arenas, and capacity wasn't reduced...


    You can't go by number of tickets sold alone. That doesn't tell you what the capacity was for each concert, as different stage setups allow for different capacities.

    No, capacity was reduced on a 20K arena, my apologies.

  • O2 Arena in London is a music venue with a capacity for 20K.

    Both Twice and BP played the arena for 2 nights, so you would think if they sold out the arena they would report 40K tickets sold for both nights.

    No. Not every concert has 20k capacity. It depends on the seating plan and stage size.

  • No. Not every concert has 20k capacity. It depends on the seating plan and stage size.

    Yes, and that was the original conversation, Aespa did adjust the seating capacity enough so they could say they sold out all their venues.

  • Yes, and that was the original conversation, Aespa did adjust the seating capacity enough so they could say they sold out all their venues.

    Blackpink (and i assume twice, lazy to check) didn't close section to brag about 100% sold out. Seating plan fitted their stage. Did Aespa close sections? I don't know. Perhaps.

    Regarding selling out venues; The weeknd broke Wembley tickets sales record, 87k sold tickets for a single concert. Bts also sold out their two dates but sold 114,5 tickets. Bts had floor seats and weeknd had floor standing tickets. You are obviously going to have more audience without seats. Like i said, capacity depends on stage size and seating plan.

    Btw, I've never been on a concert with floor seating. That sounds weird

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