I like the Brave Girls viral thing, but this "decade of hardship" narrative though...

  • I've seen several comments about this just today. I find it funny that they're being congratulated on achieving this after 10 years of struggle, when there isn't a single original member in the line-up!

    It looks like the current members have been in place since 2016 which makes them about as old as Blackpink. I don't think it's necessary to sympathize with them for a decade of hardship and all they have been through when it was some other girls who had five/six years of hardship and presumably still have nothing to show for it because they all got replaced.

    I also don't think this is a 'viral moment and then goodbye' kind of deal. It's more likely Korean fans realizing thanks to that YouTube video that the current line-up is appealing, so they'll probably stick around now. Rollin is fun and catchy, but it's not that good. The story went viral first, then the song, and now the members (mainly smiley Yujeong). But this length of time for a group from a small company to get popular isn't all that strange, it just isn't usually achieved via fan video!

  • I just love when someone tells their struggle and someone always have to do the “you can be sad but other people also have it hard,too!1!!!1”

    Also: the song is good. The Korean public really likes the song and it might not be the one for you but it seems that the song is more the reason right now or else the other songs would be charting as well

  • i can understand where you are coming from op...

    however the hard work of one group does not detract from the hard work of other groups...

    sometimes hard work is not enough and one just needs a bit of luck

    it will be interesting for someone to do an analysis of why this particular group and why this particular song and not fhe mirad of other gg songs who languish in nugudom

  • I understand your point about them not being the original line up, but I can't at you saying that it's not necessary this much pity?? Oh please. They were nugu from nugu to nugu. Of course they deserve every little praise for their hardwork! As someone said there was a member who were already on her 3° group. Imagine this?

    You are somewhat annoying with this bs of the music not being so good <X who are you to judge? Are you a blink? Bc we see this kind of comment when BP releases music and I don't like it.

    You are totally dismissing them and for what? Just to say: oh, they debuted the same year as BP so it's normal to just achieve success in 2021 :clown: oh please. Let people enjoy and appreciate them and their history and their songs!! Their music is good, the girls are awesome and I think you need a reality check and understand that 5 years of no recognition is the same as 5 years of hardships and being poor, but still fighting to achieve your dreams.

  • Op, Shit down.

    I know where are you coming from And why your tone Is like this like a tornpet.

    The song is good or not GP saw. You didn't like it. Hope your tastebud gets better, better luck next time.

    As you are rushing to latch your fav's debut time to BG's debut time. Ok.

    Still Brave Girl needed 5 years to get their 1st win. It is a long time.

    They got 6 wins till now. I hope they get more 6 wins next week, get triple crown & what not. Silver spooning is coming to see its death in kpop day by day, I appreciate it.

    Stream Baepse, yall....

  • Oh, boy. Don't come with the hardship Olympics argument. One person's suffering does not negate another person's suffering.

    It may not have been a decade, but they still struggled for at least 5 years. The members are reaching K-pop old (they are 27-30 years old) and were already thinking of disbanding before the viral breakthrough.

  • what?

  • what?

    Don't even bother with them. The things they say and how they say it, i would not be surprised if they are a 5 year old. The got embarrassed when they couldn't even read not to talk of understand what someone was saying in another thread and completely went on a tirade, when that person was basically giving a compliment to bts and twice

  • The way it’s described as if these groups from big3 had it easy without the need to put in effort at all to become successful or deserved them (note the negative connotation associated with “silver spoon”). They earned their right to enter, and put in efforts to succeed as well.

    “Big3 privilege” would have done it.

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • You are using too many big words, i doubt the user knows what the word connotation means, considering their blunder in the other thread.

    I’m sure user is able to understand though from his/her past posts. But the downplay isn’t right. Should we tell Harvard students that they have “silver spoon” since they earned their right to enter a school that gives them more privileges than community colleges? The whole “silver spoon” argument doesn’t make sense to me and it’s disrespectful to the idols that actually worked hard for it. They aren’t born into it, they earned it.

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • I’m sure user is able to understand though from his/her past posts. But the downplay isn’t right. Should we tell Harvard students that they have “silver spoon” since they earned their right to enter a school that gives them more privileges than community colleges? The whole “silver spoon” argument doesn’t make sense to me and it’s disrespectful to the idols that actually worked hard for it. They aren’t born into it, they earned it.

    All am saying is, that user always sounds unhinged everytime they reply to someone. Almost like you attacked ked them personally.

    They don't see reason.

  • Seeing fans of other ggs call Rollin "fun but not that good" after its broken so many GG records just makes me think they jelly their own favs didn't get the hit :wellr:

    Regardless of not being og members the girls likely struggled alot more then most groups due to the uncertain nature of the group, and they definitely struggled more then big3 GGs, so i see no point in trying to downplay their experiences.

  • Seeing fans of other ggs call Rollin "fun but not that good" after its broken so many GG records just makes me think they jelly their own favs didn't get the hit :wellr:

    Regardless of not being og members the girls likely struggled alot more then most groups due to the uncertain nature of the group, and they definitely struggled more then big3 GGs, so i see no point in trying to downplay their experiences.

    *fan. There’s only a user saying that.

    Also I don’t see any case of any blinks being jelly (even so it’s 1-2).

    OP wasn’t about comparing big3 ggs but unfair to the ones who didn’t get a chance to shine in the group. Strawmen.

    Twice also constitutes of big3 as well.

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • The first statement is general, OP isn't the only gg stan I've seen whose comments about brave girls have an undertone of jealousy but dont let that stop you from being a white knight for blinks when i was generalizing all gg fans lmao.

    Twice are big3?!?! I would of never guessed i didn't know JYP was a big3 company :pepe-hype::pepe-hype: good for them

    • Official Post

    What....... Just because they weren't struggling for a decade, doesn't mean they didn't struggle at all. Brave Girls were virtually unknown before all of this, their company was(and still is) shit and were actually going to disband(and were actually moving out of their dorms before all this). 5 years or 10 years, they still struggled.

    Also if the song wasn't good then why is it charting so well? Where's the logic? You can have your own opinions of the song, but to think that other people aren't actually enjoying the song and it's only successful because of the 'rags to riches' story is a bit... :confused::confused::confused::confused:


  • So you are pressed because people sympathize with these girls?

    They said in an interview that they were ready to call it a quit one week before the song got viral and one member had already returned living with her parents. They may not have struggled 10 years together as Brave Girls but that does not mean they "only" struggled 4 years. They are all between 28 and 31 years old meaning their career will end soon based on GG standards. They probably already struggled a lot before debuting with Brave Girls and then they are only finding success now after 4 years including a hiatus of 3 years. They completly deserve the sympathy they are receiving.

  • The first statement is general, OP isn't the only gg stan I've seen whose comments about brave girls have an undertone of jealousy but dont let that stop you from being a white knight for blinks when i was generalizing all gg fans lmao.

    Twice are big3?!?! I would of never guessed i didn't know JYP was a big3 company :pepe-hype::pepe-hype: good for them

    True you win on the “generalising”. I misread that bit :*.

    Thanks sis for letting me be the whitest knight I should ever be. It’s just my nature to keep a lookout for certain users knowing their history of shady posts toward blackpink or sad generalisations ;(  :*.

    I’m glad you are realising Twice is part of big3 :love:. It’s a step to acknowledge privileges that also applies to your own faves as well so you’ll bear in mind before using this to hold it against another group :*

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • if you don’t want to sympathise for 10 years then sympathise for their 5 years of hardships since 2016 if you want to be really technical.

    Song is good and catchy basically like any gg hit in Korea.. this is what Koreans want from kpop

    Your average ggs enthusiast...

  • True you win on the “generalising”. I misread that bit :*.

    Thanks sis for letting me be the whitest knight I should ever be. It’s just my nature to keep a lookout for certain users knowing their history of shady posts toward blackpink or sad generalisations ;(  :*.

    I’m glad you are realising Twice is part of big3 :love:. It’s a step to acknowledge privileges that also applies to your own faves as well so you’ll bear in mind before using this to hold it against another group :*

    Lmao that user knows of Twices big3 privileges, what part of their post says otherwise? You know people can acknowledge big3/4 privilege while stanning those groups and seeing how its unfair for others right? Their post implies so.

    Im a once (and a stay, moa, shawol, Meu, & midzy - just to get all the privileged groups I stan out of the way), who is aware of Twice privileges coming from JYP - not that big since they rebuilt JYPs brand buy still, they had it - that wont stop me from pointing out Big4 privileges, in fact, as a fan of a big3/4 group I (and you for Blackpink) should be even more aware of it and talk about it.

  • You are using too many big words, i doubt the user knows what the word connotation means, considering their blunder in the other thread.

    Don't even bother with them. The things they say and how they say it, i would not be surprised if they are a 5 year old. The got embarrassed when they couldn't even read not to talk of understand what someone was saying in another thread and completely went on a tirade, when that person was basically giving a compliment to bts and twice

    You can disagree with what that user is saying however constantly coming for their language skills is not on!

    Stop bullying her because English is not her first language.

  • True you win on the “generalising”. I misread that bit :*.

    Thanks sis for letting me be the whitest knight I should ever be. It’s just my nature to keep a lookout for certain users knowing their history of shady posts toward blackpink or sad generalisations ;(  :*.

    I’m glad you are realising Twice is part of big3 :love:. It’s a step to acknowledge privileges that also applies to your own faves as well so you’ll bear in mind before using this to hold it against another group :*

    I like this secret code thing you are doing with underlining random words so i also did it to uncover your super secret response that you were too shy to originally type:cutes::cutes:

  • Lmao that user knows of Twices big3 privileges, what part of their post says otherwise? You know people can acknowledge big3/4 privilege while stanning those groups and seeing how its unfair for others right? Their post implies so.

    Im a once (and a stay, moa, shawol, Meu, & midzy - just to get all the privileged groups I stan out of the way), who is aware of Twice privileges coming from JYP - not that big since they rebuilt JYPs brand buy still, they had it - that wont stop me from pointing out Big4 privileges, in fact, as a fan of a big3/4 group I (and you for Blackpink) should be even more aware of it and talk about it.

    Hey kiwi, who you do how you be :danceb::danceb: getting in on that underlining action i see

  • Is it so hard to be happy for Brave Girls and use their story as an inspiration that anything can happen. Like the tide can turn quickly, and your hard work and talents can be recognised and appreciated.

    This can also be a story of girl power, imagine how hard it would be for a GG from a small company, struggling with normal gender bias on top of trying to make ends meet.

    I only see good things coming out of this story. And this is the story about Brave Girls, no one else.

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