Blinks will probably come for my throat lol but I'm enjoying NJ surpassing some of BP records
I don't stan NJ but I do think they're a worthy group of surpassing THE BP 😌
Having said that the reason I'm pleased with NJ performance is it's showing just how mismanaged BP career has been, in 7 years BP have only released 29 songs commissioned by their company not to mention the extremely lengthy hiatus
BP shouldn't be the #1 GG with that type of management but despite it they did become THAT group & as much as it did wonders for them it also made the ones responsible to be even more lax & greedier with the group
They got too fucking comfortable smh
Even the fans lmaoo hence the whole akgaes thing especially those c-bars 🤦
NJ showing off like that with just 1 year under their belt will hopefully send the right messages to both BP,their management & blinks WW
BP is currently in the midst of a career changing path so if they will ever adapt,it is now
I hope to see BP reach their full potential
BP full potential is not something that can be perceived yet but one can look at their touring stats & know this is a once in a generation GG
It's time for those stats to "converge"