sexual harassment and hateful comments on networks on the one hand, people who go directly to Idols account are the worst

  • Don't think this needed a thread. It's common knowledge world wide that the unfiltered internet can be used for bad just as it can for good. This is the unfortunate reality of us having freedom of speech at any point in time be it in public or private or online someone can say something inappropriate or uncomfortable to you. There's already steps in place for this socially economically and punitively

  • To be honest, I don't get why ultra famous celebs NEED to have comments turned on on their profile.

    It's not like it's meaningful, two sided interaction going on. It's fans posting comments that the idols MIGHT read if they are bored, mixed with hateful abuse from trolls and nutters.

    It's probably better all around for celebs and idols to turn comments off or only allow comments from mutual follows etc

  • To be honest, I don't get why ultra famous celebs NEED to have comments turned on on their profile.

    It's not like it's meaningful, two sided interaction going on. It's fans posting comments that the idols MIGHT read if they are bored, mixed with hateful abuse from trolls and nutters.

    It's probably better all around for celebs and idols to turn comments off or only allow comments from mutual follows etc

    you know, sometimes they want to laugh at funny comments that fans left... it relaxes

    One take One shot 🍻

  • Drake's had his comments locked for years now after the whole Pusha T beef happened, if memory serves. Kendrick and Cole don't even use social media like that. Many of the bigger artists don't have their accounts open to comments/DMs and have their teams handling their social medias. And you know what, I would do the same.

    People tend to forget that just because a person has notoriety and a very large wallet, it doesn't mean that they aren't human too and don't see the nasty things that people say about them. Celebrities aren't living in some ivory tower in the sky, above it all. No, they're on the internet just like us, and there's been plenty of instances in which kpop idols in particular have lurked and seen fan content on social media.

    It's wild because those same people who spend their time spreading negativity would fold immediately if they received 1/10th of the hate they project. And it weakens the connection between an artist/content creator and a fan base, because now that person has to put even MORE boundaries up. Some people don't know how to act and lack basic home training. But what else can the celebrity do, make themselves vulnerable and put their mental (and sometimes even physical) health at risk?

    I often think about Blackpink in particular and just how much slander they get, to the point where even people in their own fan base attack the other members. The solo stan phenomenon regarding Blackpink is interesting, and I think there's many reasons as to why they in particular have so many solo stans compared to other groups -- although that's for another topic. And it also doesn't mean being a solo stan = automatically toxic either. But man, if all of them decided to permanently lock their IG comments (Jennie especially), I'd understand completely.

    For Kpop, the reason it probably doesn't happen often (if I were to guess) is because of how massive the focus on para-social relationships are. You have so much content the companies provide, and you even have specialized platforms where you can send messages directly to them (for a fee). Fans will generate more fan-related content, which brings in even more fans. In the west, particularly for rappers, you almost never see that happening. Western artists tend to have a different approach when dealing with fans, with some exceptions of course. But every industry has its flaws, and every celebrity without exception is subjected to criticism (warranted or not).

    In the end, people should understand that being a celebrity is a job, and that boundaries exist to protect BOTH sides. It's a beautiful thing to connect with the people who support your work, but sometimes, some distance is necessary -- and it's not always a bad thing.

  • Don't think this needed a thread. It's common knowledge world wide that the unfiltered internet can be used for bad just as it can for good. This is the unfortunate reality of us having freedom of speech at any point in time be it in public or private or online someone can say something inappropriate or uncomfortable to you. There's already steps in place for this socially economically and punitively


    We should never stop talking about this. This is topic which should be revisited often.

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

  • ????

    We should never stop talking about this. This is topic which should be revisited often.

    Reason I said this is because further discussion just becomes redundant. What else can be done about this situation?. We already have a social set by our society and culture that makes saying and doing bad stuff socially unacceptable. We have measures legally that punish you financially or even jail for this. Yet people still do it Despite the consequences even on places like Facebook where your identity isn't hidden.So what can we do about it? Beyond gestapo lock you in a cage for eternity for saying something or a bullet to head. So what other steps can we take to discourage this?

  • Reason I said this is because further discussion just becomes redundant. What else can be done about this situation?. We already have a social set by our society and culture that makes saying and doing bad stuff socially unacceptable. We have measures legally that punish you financially or even jail for this. Yet people still do it Despite the consequences even on places like Facebook where your identity isn't hidden.So what can we do about it? Beyond gestapo lock you in a cage for eternity for saying something or a bullet to head. So what other steps can we take to discourage this?

    Let's not compare Nazism with the fact that people like to be anon and shit on others.

  • Key screen shot some of the hate comments 5 years ago and posted on his insta

    those users were torn apart and people watch their mouth now

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  • i agree.

    it's sad that they have to take these measurements, but being a celebrity in an era of fast internet and anonimity has its consequences. Take precautions to protect yourself if you think it's needed.

    i think not wanting to close comments might have to do with engagment.

    you lose a bunch of engagement when you close off your comment section and when you're having brands to advertise, cbs to promote,... it's probably a conscientious decision: leave comment section open, but ignore it.

  • Reason I said this is because further discussion just becomes redundant. What else can be done about this situation?. We already have a social set by our society and culture that makes saying and doing bad stuff socially unacceptable. We have measures legally that punish you financially or even jail for this. Yet people still do it Despite the consequences even on places like Facebook where your identity isn't hidden.So what can we do about it? Beyond gestapo lock you in a cage for eternity for saying something or a bullet to head. So what other steps can we take to discourage this?

    Are you serious right now? If we don't discuss sexual harassment and online bullying nothing will ever be done. It's very important for these topics to be talked about.

    If you can't contribute to discussion at least don't discourage it. :skull:

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

  • Let's not compare Nazism with the fact that people like to be anon and shit on others.

    We can talk about this until the cows come home. I'm trying to figure out what the solutions are or arebwe just beating the proverbial dead horse for the 9 millionth time?

    Like what other solutions are there besides extreme options? Even with the removal of anonymity you still see this crap happening Facebook is an example, people are still nasty af on there and that place has likely the best censorship there is yet it still happens .

    Do we fix it by making everything like Facebook? Do we fix it with overbearing censorship and monitoring of everything people are doing? What's the real solutions

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