How do you feel about kpop growing globally?

  • People like Bang PD want kpop to remain competitive on the global market, sitting alongside afrobeat, reggaeton, and other non-"Western" genres. Some people argue that this is ruining kpop, or that it is an unnatural desire. What do you think?

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  • i like it. Easier to buy albums and go to conserts. I do hope that they will keep the kpop in them and not try to bend their backs too much when trying to please global audience

  • People like Bang PD want kpop to remain competitive on the global market, sitting alongside afrobeat, reggaeton, and other non-"Western" genres. Some people argue that this is ruining kpop, or that it is an unnatural desire. What do you think?

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    Kpop needs to stop with the inflated numbers and delude themselves that they are growing when they are not.

    At the rate kpop is going, I don’t see how they can grow any further. It doesn’t help that compared to kpop, reggaeton and afrobeats have more people each year breaking through globally whiles kpop still just have one or two big groups that are making waves on the global scene or being taken seriously

    Bang PD isn’t the kpop savior he thinks he is. Just because he lucked out in assembling the biggest group in kpop history, doesn’t mean he has the ability to replicate that. They can’t even promote the artistes on their roster properly and this is what they are worrying about :suure:

  • I think it's a good thing. It helps give the music and groups more exposure and fan following. It's certainly more listenable than the mainstream rubbish imo. It's a win win situation on both sides.

  • Firstly the tweet reeks of racism. Why put down Asian music like that? What’s wrong with wanting Asian music to make waves in charts and platforms? It sounds like fans like the op in twt want kpop to remain a niche, secret little market only a small community gets on.

    Bang Pd knows Kpop isn’t growing and I agree it is not. It won’t either with using gimmicks on album sales and streams to show that it is. Bang Pd should ask Hybe themselves what they are doing to grow “kpop “ other than pulling down their biggest artist, the frontrunner of putting kpop in the scene for their newbies.

    When the kpop industry places more importance in growing their company using gimmicks rather than the musical aspects of kpop. Kpop won’t grow

  • it depends on what they mean by it

    Kpop growing naturally bc more people are exposed to it and they like it?


    Kpop mimicking the sounds that are already popular in global market and just become the kpop version of it?

    If it's the first one it's good, if it's the second one, it doesn't fulfill any purpose aside from filling up some pockets.

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  • As an example, Asian movies and dramas are all naturally becoming more popular without mimicking western shows trends. Specially Chinese cusotm dramas are becoming sorta of household thing.

    That's a good growth. They are still authentic and represents the unique values of their people.

    If kpop could do the same, it's good.

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  • Korea is too tiny tbh and kpop is not a “genre” as such. It’s exclusively people from Korea or east asia performing a variety of pop inspired music.

    Now will kpop lead to more groups like XG or more idol type GGs and BGs from various countries but based out of Korean companies? That’s the true way to stay relevant. But not sure if it’ll sell.

  • When I was 14, I knew there was no hope in hell of ever seeing my faves live. There was no chance of SNSD or Girl's Day or T-ara ever coming to the US outside of LA.

    I'm 22 now and will have been to 3 groups concerts within less than a year. It's not a matter of if but when I'll get to see the others.

    Fucking amazing

    Love to know why it's more expensive to buy the albums here over abroad but that's another thing



  • I think it's gotta be a little of both being in dialogue with global trends but also not forgetting to innovate. Contrary to what twt op thinks, growing financial security actually allows for more risky sounds to be explored. If anything, boring and safe sounds can be expected from a desperate company just trying to remain solvent

  • ummm...companies care about one thing and that's $$$$

    the more global a product is the more they can sell and kpop groups themselves are the product so...

  • When I was 14, I knew there was no hope in hell of ever seeing my faves live. There was no chance of SNSD or Girl's Day or T-ara ever coming to the US outside of LA.

    I'm 22 now and will have been to 3 groups concerts within less than a year. It's not a matter of if but when I'll get to see the others.

    Fucking amazing

    Love to know why it's more expensive to buy the albums here over abroad but that's another thing


    No matter what other say kpop has never been this accessible for international fans. Before it was hard to buy album let alone go on kpop concert.

    ~ Retired exol, don't ask me about that group. ~

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