Everyone is confused about the "TripleS AAA disbanding since they didn't sell 100k units" headlines

  • The comments of AKP article about their disbanding if they don't sell 100k

    The comments of AKP article that they actually disbanded

    The comments of Korean forums' post about their disbandment

    Which shows a news headline calling it "regrettable news"

    But the thing is although "TripleS AAA disbanding since they didn't sell 100k units" is technically accurate, and there isn't much other ways to word this.

    It's people in the comments that are clarifying what it means

    Meanwhile THE ARTICLES are making it more confusing taking tweets and quotes from Nov. 16 (Their last Generation stage) out of context and inserting them as if these are the members' comments on their disbandment

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    So I don't think this is a media play, but rather the whole group system is confusing to everyone (probably only TripleS fans get it) and this led to misresearch/misunderstandings in the articles about it

  • Korea just doesn't have a lot of real experience with rotational groups.

  • honestly the system itself is a mess and as some people have mentioned it is laughable that they would set the sales goal at 100k... all they're doing is publicly humiliating the members and making them feel not good enough when they were just thrown to the wolves with microscopic hype. they did about as well as anyone would expect from a group from a no name company.

  • Korea just doesn't have a lot of real experience with rotational groups.

    yeah, neither do I

    I was thinking shouldn't the company make it better explained to the public and not just their fans who have the group's app and are super familiar with everything, but well, I guess this works out more positively for them if people are confused and more interested

  • honestly the system itself is a mess and as some people have mentioned it is laughable that they would set the sales goal at 100k... all they're doing is publicly humiliating the members and making them feel not good enough when they were just thrown to the wolves with microscopic hype. they did about as well as anyone would expect from a group from a no name company.

    yeah it is hard to sell that much, although I think their theory kind of makes sense. Only when they get a hit song and "hit" members, only then will they finally able to reach that sales goal, only then the (unit) group would be worthwhile enough to become permanent not just temporary

    (like I said I don't know how their system works but I assume that they are expecting lots of temporary groups and a parmeanent group is like the extra mile only if they have proven themselves to be worth making permanent)

  • honestly the system itself is a mess and as some people have mentioned it is laughable that they would set the sales goal at 100k... all they're doing is publicly humiliating the members and making them feel not good enough when they were just thrown to the wolves with microscopic hype. they did about as well as anyone would expect from a group from a no name company.

    So it's an already debuted survival show? :pepe-peek:

    There was someone who explained it more clearly and they said that they will be back in other units. It was always the plan to make temporary subunits. I believe it is if the members are rotational in subunits and it creates more concept changes and member interactions.

    One unit has to sell 100k total albums but if they don't, they'll go back into a pool of and they would be voted into another subunit. If they do reach that sales goal, they'll be a permanent subunit. Kind of like the NCT units. They're permanent and promoted as such.

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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  • yeah, neither do I

    I was thinking shouldn't the company make it better explained to the public and not just their fans who have the group's app and are super familiar with everything, but well, I guess this works out more positively for them if people are confused and more interested

    From what I understand the company was upfront about everything. It's just netizen posts and random kpop outlets that ran away with it. I follow someone who was keeping an eye on the group because they liked the group one of the members used to be in and so I knew about the voting everything before they debuted from their tweets. They will even get the opportunity to solo work as well.

    edit: the posts started popping up after people liked Generation so I think people just went looking for info and just didn't bother to really look

  • From what I understand the company was upfront about everything. It's just netizen posts and random kpop outlets that ran away with it. I follow someone who was keeping an eye on the group because they liked the group one of the members used to be in and so I knew about the voting everything before they debuted from their tweets. They will even get the opportunity to solo work as well.

    edit: the posts started popping up after people liked Generation so I think people just went looking for info and just didn't bother to really look

    Yeah ig the original clip about disbanding if we don't sell 100k was taken out of context

    and i agree the official accounts themselves were straightforward but since it's an unusual system it naturally became confusing and misunderstood for average non fans

  • So it's an already debuted survival show? :pepe-peek:

    24 members, name is tripleS

    ALL subunits are rotational, but if a subunit ends up selling 100K, then they will make that subunit stay

    so the girls are still in the group, there gonna release more members first I would imagine, then they will be back in some other subunit

  • 24 members, name is tripleS

    ALL subunits are rotational, but if a subunit ends up selling 100K, then they will make that subunit stay

    so the girls are still in the group, there gonna release more members first I would imagine, then they will be back in some other subunit

    do you know if they're only ever going to be promoting one subunit at a time? Or do they make sure to 'disband' the active unit before debuting the next one? Because that's a lot of idols not getting out there promoting if they do

    On the other hand, if they promote simultaneously then they're splitting attention and stoking competition in-house

  • I just can't imagine how competitive and jealous these girls with each other especially if any of them made it to the permanent units. You can't expect them to keep rotating like this and having that best buddy relationship with each other. Akb, Hkt system is not good especially for this fast and oversaturated market like kpop.

    It's not a healthy system and please no other company applying it into their groups. It will just waste the members potential. You only see these units for one period time then they will be disappeared, and new units come. How this good to build a fanbase especially for a group from a small company? No one like it if their faves is seasonal and missing for the rest of year while others will take their place.

  • I just can't imagine how competitive and jealous these girls with each other especially if any of them made it to the permanent units. You can't expect them to keep rotating like this and having that best buddy relationship with each other. Akb, Hkt system is not good especially for this fast and oversaturated market like kpop.

    It's not a healthy system and please no other company applying it into their groups. It will just waste the members potential. You only see these units for one period time then they will be disappeared, and new units come. How this good to build a fanbase especially for a group from a small company? No one like it if their faves is seasonal and missing for the rest of year while others will take their place.

    it's about building soloists fanbases i guess (and selling NFTs)

  • Basically one of the Billionaire Crypto Bros saw the exploitative Kpop Industry and these High pressure and inevitably Traumatic to their contestants Survival Shows and thought to himself

    "I know how to Bring together the Worst of both Worlds and maximize the theoretical profitability of this Industry and even incorporate Crypto NFT's and the only thing sacrificed is the Very Soul of the Kpop Industry"

    and thus we get TripleS

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