Rank 4th gen Girl Groups and describe wayo this were your choices
Based solely on personal preference and the groups I follow (not much on achievements as I don't keep up with those) :
1. IZ*ONE : there's not much time left with them but I absolutely loved everything they put out. Their concept and aesthetics are eye candy, their titles are very good, strong vocal and visual lines + a lot of potential it girls.
2. Woo! Ah! : the best discovery I made last year. They have so much energy and stage presence, the members are all-rounders and distinctive + Bad Girl is an absolute bop. I can see them blowing up at some point
3. Maybe a place that would be shared between... StayC, Everglow and Itzy. The three have a lot of star quality and are entertaining + they embody their concepts well, but their songs, while good, aren't super hard hitting.
1. ITZY/Everglow/LOONA (crazy talented, love their music, love the members)
2. Aespa/Weeekly (I've enjoyed what they've released so far and love the members personalities its just that I need more content)
3. (G)I-DLE (mixed feelings all around)
4. Secret Number/StayC (potential but i haven't loved anything they've released so far)
5.IZ*ONE(good music but their abt to disband so thats why i put them last)
I dont stan: Woo!Ah!(i haven't heard any music from this group or watched any performances so i dont think i can rank them.
Not a fan of rankings but i'll separate into success and taste
4) StayC/Everglow (StayC in SK, Everglow internationally)
5) Weeekly/Secret Number/Woo!Ah (secret number has the upper hand internationally but weeekly and less so woo!ah! do better in sk)
Lol I can't truly rank by groups so I'll do with the songs I know and/or prefer but the more I look at it the less it's a ranking lol
1) Itzy's Wannabe, Surf, Cherry and Be in Love
2) Weeekly's Tag Me, Hello, My Earth
3) Everglow for a La Di Da, Moon and some other bsides (it's been a while)
4) Woo!Ah! their 5 songs are actually pretty good, I like I Don't Miss You, Payday and Bad Girl
5) I-dle's Uh-Oh, Hann, Latata
5) Loona's Star/Voice, Why Not and Butterfly
6) StayC's So Bad
7) Iz*one's Fiesta, Panorama
Secret Number's Who Dis
9) Aespa: sorry to them, but having one song + one cover and me not liking it. I hope SM delivers with their next releases because I know the members can.
In terms of potential, I-dle's was growing but the last news make everything pretty uncertain. Itzy maintains a high position but can't reach the Dalla peak so I'm curious to see what will happen, hopefully they won't fall and continue to grow. Iz*one certainly has a lot of impressive achievements but they are this close to the end of contract.
Aespa for now is the only one to have potential from the rest of those groups, well to chart somewhere, followed by StayC. I really hope the other girl groups will grow well, I really enjoy their songs and while not everybody can have a Brave Girls moment, it is always nice to see other ggs rise!
Also, anticipate Purple Kiss when they'll debute!
1. Aespa - Black Mamba is a massive banger, I love Karina and I like the other girls too, mindblowing vocals, I am intrigued about what they have to offer so I'm clearly biased.
2. StayC - currently it's my second favorite, I really like the girls especially J and Yoon. Hope the group will be very successful.
3.(G)I-DLE - great discography, interesting concepts
4. Woo!Ah! - they are interesting.
5. LOONA - Mmm i'm not that much into them which is odd cause i like their predebut stuff but all their title tracks are just what idc about. Butterfly have one of the best choreos that ever happened in kpop though. Good group with talented visuals.
6. Everglow - i like them. Fun music, amazing MVs, nice members but they're not my favorite
7. ITZY - the girls are lovely and their choreos are sick but i can't stand their music
8. Secret Number - i liked who dis but the group still seem too stereotypically girl crush, i want them to do something that feels like it's theirs, for them to find their own style
9. IZ*ONE - a good group but I'm not really into them at all, their music is simply not my type
10. Weeekly - they seem to be a quality group but I stay away from their type of concept so I don't really have much to say about them.
What Is this based on? Preference? success? talent?
Let's talk!
Add some if missing, rank them, or say who's nr 1.
Please discuss, but respect artists and don't start fanwars and bashing.
This is the best part of Kpop right now, so many great groups and great songs.
I think Itzy and Loona are the best dancing/performance groups.
Itzy, Everglow, Gidle, and Loona have the best songs. However the best song of 4th gen so far might actually be StayC's So Bad, it's THAT GOOD.
I think Izone has the best chemistry/offstage charisma/fanservice, which are huge parts of an idol's job. Aside from Twice, Izone is the only other group where i can binge watch non music content without getting bored.
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