An update on Soojin case

  • saw this on theqoo, haven't seen a translation yet

    HOT - [단독] '학폭논란' 서수진 측 "최초 폭로자 혐의없음 결정..학폭 결코 없었다"
    그룹 (여자)아이들 출신 서수진(활동명 수진)이 자신을 학교폭력 가해자로 지목한 최초 폭로자와의 법적 다툼을 끝냈다. 학교폭력 논란으로 그룹을 탈퇴한지 1년 만이다. 서수진의 법률대리인 최승환 법무법인 바른 변호사는 8일 입장문을 내고 “서수진은 법적 절차를 통해 논란을 종식하고자…

    link to original article

    [단독] '학폭논란' 서수진 측 "최초 폭로자 혐의없음 결정..학폭 결코 없었다"
    그룹 (여자)아이들 출신 서수진(활동명 수진)이 자신을 학교폭력 가해자로 지목한 최초 폭로자와의 법적 다툼을 끝냈다. 학교폭력 논란으로 그룹을 탈퇴한지 1년 만이다. 서수진의 법률대리인 최승환 법무법인 바른 변호사는 8일 입장문을 내고 “서수진은 법적 절차를 통해 논란을 종식하고자…

  • TL;DR no charges stuck against false accuser, Ascertaining the truth was the only goal: Soojin didn't bully anyone.

  • so the title to article is clickbait, she just decided to drop the lawsuit, seems like she finally wants to end it and forget it

  • Here's the official statement made by Soojin's lawyer:

    My name is Choi Seung-Hwan, an attorney at Barun Law LLC in Seoul, South Korea, and legal representative of Ms Seo Soojin. I have been asked by Ms Seo to write this statement on her behalf.

    Early last year, a family member of Ms Seo's former classmate from middle school revealed on social media that Ms Seo allegedly bullied her classmates. Regarding such allegations, Ms Seo responded by saying that she had never committed any bullying act, although she admitted using brash words when

    she argued with the above-mentioned former classmate via phone call. When Ms Seo met with the former classmate, she even apologized for speaking so rashly during the argument.

    However, Ms Seo has never used any violence against or extorted money or goods from her classmates and thereby she is unable to acknowledge such allegations or offer apologies concerning the allegations. During her first year in middle school, which is the time Ms Seo allegedly bullied classmates according to the former classmate who made such allegations, Ms Seo was found "not guilty" by the school's Autonomous Committee for School Violence Countermeasures but rather discovered to be a victim of bullying perpetrated by her seniors.

    Back in middle school, Ms Seo showed great interest in singing and dancing but not in school work. She was involved in a school violence incident but was found not guilty (warning) as she was found to be a victim. Other than this incident, she was never subject to any disciplinary measure for school violence.

    Ms Seo is aware that never having been subject to disciplinary measures for school violence does not prove the fact that she had never committed any school violence. However, if Ms Seo had actually carried out such acts of violence, verbal abuse, extortion, etc. as argued by many people on social media and which all seem most unlikely to have been carried out by a middle school student, she would have been referred to the school's Autonomous Committee for School Violence Countermeasures and subjected to investigations and disciplinary measures.

    In other words, although discord had occurred between Ms Seo and other students due to Ms Seo's use of brash words, Ms Seo has never committed any acts of school violence.

    Ms Seo filed criminal charges against the former classmate who made the allegations on social media, seeking to put an end to this controversy through legal process, but the police cleared charges against the former student. The police rendered such non-prosecution decision stating that the allegations made by the former classmate can be true in that classmate's position and also because no intent for fraud was found.

    Concerning this case, there is no other evidence confirming the background facts other than the conflicting statements given by the relevant parties. Under such circumstances, Ms Seo has come to the conclusion that it is no longer possible for her to verify the allegations made on social media through legal procedures, after having several discussions with me, and she has decided not to proceed with any further legal procedures.

    Although Ms Seo finds herself in a delicate situation to clarify her position, she sees it necessary to take courage and explain her situation, no matter how much her words may seem like an excuse, for the sake of her fans, who have shown continuous support, as well as those who may have been hurt or offended by her past actions.

    Ms Seo strongly understands how emotionally hurt the former classmate must be, regardless of whether the allegations are true or not, and she sincerely apologizes to everyone who have been hurt from the brash words she used back in middle school, her supportive fans, as well as all others who have been disappointed.

    2022. 9. 8.

    Legal representative of Ms Seo Soojin

    Barun Law LLC in Seoul, South Korea

    Choi Seung-Hwan, an attorney


  • well maybe she can make a comeback as soloist then

    for example we can use April members who all either signed acting contracts or will be continuing music career in different labels

  • Doyouram didn't waste no time to cover the news.

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  • well, the thing is...

    after all this thing... does she want to comeback?

    she was forced off the stage, she didn't go out willingly. I don't know what she feels, but I think that she does feel a longing to stage, it was what she has been doing for years not just with idle even before that, so I wouldn't be surprised if she want to comeback..

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

    dbbc37ee9b34ecb400d4db7532da1d35482c7371.gifv 3923379cb0fbe44b64145967a41d9516e417f661.gifv 682caaf41fe5214856b2773b89e21a72d129a70d.gifv a5265df948bd48063ce07183be2c0b2db46f9bc7.gifv

  • thats sad

    do you think she has a chance of coming back?

    Hard to say. As an idol, it seems very far fetched for the moment. Something really big would need to happen on the actress side for most people to reconsider their stance. More than the official accusers, it's mostly Seo Shinae's insta posts than condemned Soojin.

    Now, I guess she should come back on youtube or something like that, by doing vlogs, dance covers... She wouldn't need an agency for this kind of stuff. But I don't know if she has the character or the will for solo ventures like this.

  • Hard to say. As an idol, it seems very far fetched for the moment. Something really big would need to happen on the actress side for most people to reconsider their stance. More than the official accusers, it's mostly Seo Shinae's insta posts than condemned Soojin.

    Now, I guess she should come back on youtube or something like that, by doing vlogs, dance covers... She wouldn't need an agency for this kind of stuff. But I don't know if she has the character or the will for solo ventures like this.

    True, the actress really did destroy her .

    YT and dance covers are a good way to start if she want to be back imo, pretty lowkey but she needs to be careful cause the public won't be kind to any risky statement

    ★*★*★*★*★ Fearless, say yes, we don't dress to impress ★*★*★*★*★

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