TW!!! So actor Jisoo confirmed he was a school bully....

  • And the accusations are so extreme. Verbal and physical violence, sexual harassment, secretly filming him having sex with his girlfriend and sharing it with his friends, making people pay for his and his friends things etc.

    Just a trash, beyond trash.

    Imagine being this shit since young and the worse is that after fame he saw one of the victims by coincidence and he didn't apologize.. nothing, zero. No reaction.

    He is just apologizing now bc he got caught. Totally a trash.

    I congratulate the victims who had the courage to come forward and share their truly sad history. It's not easy to call out your bully in public, even more a famous one. But I'm glad they were able to get their revenge. And yes, it was for revenge as they said they didn't want apologies, just him being know for what he is, a trash.

    Anyways, I hope the victims can heal and find comfort in knowing that people are on their sides!

    Here is where I saw the news and tbh it's a TW as explicitly says what he did so read with conscience that it could trigger you.





  • the worse is that after fame he saw one of the victims by coincidence and he didn't apologize.. nothing, zero. No reaction.

    He is just apologizing now bc he got caught

    I didn't know that part. So his apology is really full of lies, cause he said he's been regreting what he did for a long time to the point it gave him anxiety. But he had the opportunity to talk to one of the victims and did nothing? It doesnt make sense.

  • that's disappointing.. his acting career is pretty much over now. no one's gonna cast a bully.

  • monalisalove

    Changed the title of the thread from “So actor Jisoo confirmed he was a school bully....” to “TW!!! So actor Jisoo confirmed he was a school bully....”.
  • He always came across like such a nice person to me. Would never have guessed he was a bully, nevermind a full on thug and a sexual abuser. Just shows you never know who celebrities really are in private.

  • He even said that the past gave him anxiety... incredible. He was anxious only because he was scared that one day, people will find out about his actions, and I'm so happy that this day came. He doesn't deserve the support and money that his fans invested in him.

    If he was so anxious, he should have apologized before his debut, or after 1,2,3 years. But he didn't even after 16-17 years because he was scared that this will trigger the victim and they will talk.

    It is amazing, to have such bravery to write an apology letter about how hurt HE was... wow. I can't wait to see more victims sharing their stories, they deserve inner peace.

    He even participated in all my favorite dramas,,, what I will do now? lol

  • He even said that the past gave him anxiety... incredible. He was anxious only because he was scared that one day, people will find out about his actions, and I'm so happy that this day came. He doesn't deserve the support and money that his fans invested in him.

    If he was so anxious, he should have apologized before his debut, or after 1,2,3 years. But he didn't even after 16-17 years because he was scared that this will trigger the victim and they will talk.

    It is amazing, to have such bravery to write an apology letter about how hurt HE was... wow. I can't wait to see more victims sharing their stories, they deserve inner peace.

    He even participated in all my favorite dramas,,, what I will do now? lol

    Yes, even in his apology when knowing the victims part we could see how evil he is. Talking about his anxiety and whatever when he was the reason of so much suffering. Really brazen.

  • Yeah, he doesn't get a pass on this. The Hyunjin thing, his apology seemed sincere. This Ji Soo thing? Go screw yourself, you did things that are actual crimes no matter what age you are. There's a difference between "he said mean things" and "he did criminal things", and this is it.

  • Yeah, he doesn't get a pass on this. The Hyunjin thing, his apology seemed sincere. This Ji Soo thing? Go screw yourself, you did things that are actual crimes no matter what age you are. There's a difference between "he said mean things" and "he did criminal things", and this is it.

    Tbh neither of these bully scandals apologies seem sincere with me as they just apologized after being caught. But Jisoo were really a criminal while the other was a bully, but to me I won't compare the cases. I'll just say both deserve criticism as both cases the victims were hurt.

  • Right. I wonder what the production crew of River Where The Moon Rises will do now, filming is 95% done, redoing everything is gonna cost them a lot and 6 eps already aired.

    I can't even imagine how much trouble he caused. Imagine being a criminal to this extend, promote shameless and still act sorry when caught. And tbh I think he wanted to continue the drama .. really shameless.

  • Tbh neither of these bully scandals seem sincere with me as they just apologized after being caught. But Jisoo were really a criminal while the other was a bully, but to me I won't compare the cases. I'll just say both deserve criticism as both cases the victims were hurt.

    I mean, one victim had been hurt by words, and I don't want to downplay that. It's important, and words can be hurtful to the point where it's absolutely not acceptable. But with the other, the allegation is actual physical or sexual crimes. Things that if they're proven would mean criminal charges. Big, big difference.

    We can condemn both while understanding that the difference is huge.

  • Wow, only 6 eps (I waited because I wanted to binge it hehe)? They already filmed 18 episodes with him, so that means he will appear in the other 12,,,

    So they have 2 options: 1. to air it and change the lead for the last eps, 2. to start recording again from ep 7,,,

    The costs will be overwhelming for the staff, but it will be better for them to record from ep 7 again, who will watch the drama with him? People will go crazy if there will be a kissing scene including him.

    Considering the actors already had other schedules after filming the drama, it will be so hard to convince them to re-record. I mean, they have to be paid again, because they already did their jobs, even tho it will not be aired.

    I hope he will have to pay for everything, not his company. He has to pay from his own pocket.

  • I mean, one victim had been hurt by words, and I don't want to downplay that. It's important, and words can be hurtful to the point where it's absolutely not acceptable. But with the other, the allegation is actual physical or sexual crimes. Things that if they're proven would mean criminal charges. Big, big difference.

    We can condemn both while understanding that the difference is huge.

    We can condemn both while understanding that the victims of both are not fighting each other to show who suffered more. They just came out in public to reveal they were bullied by them. But in these cases we shouldn't even compare just to make one better than the other.

    We shouldn't compare bc it seems you (not you directly) are using another scandal to make your "fave" look better bc his accusations were "light". Understood?

    Both are completely different, but a comparison and a "at least the other was just words" is not necessary neither right in this type of situation.

    My opinion.

  • We can condemn both while understanding that the victims of both are not fighting each other to show who suffered more. They just came out in public to reveal they were bullied by them. But in these cases we shouldn't even compare just to make one better than the other.

    We shouldn't compare bc it seems you (not you directly) are using another scandal to make your "fave" look better bc his accusations were "light". Understood?

    Both are completely different, but a comparison and a "at least the other was just words" is not necessary neither right in this type of situation.

    My opinion.

    Exactly! Oppression Olympics shouldn't be a thing.

  • Wow, only 6 eps (I waited because I wanted to binge it hehe)? They already filmed 18 episodes with him, so that means he will appear in the other 12,,,

    So they have 2 options: 1. to air it and change the lead for the last eps, 2. to start recording again from ep 7,,,

    The costs will be overwhelming for the staff, but it will be better for them to record from ep 7 again, who will watch the drama with him? People will go crazy if there will be a kissing scene including him.

    Considering the actors already had other schedules after filming the drama, it will be so hard to convince them to re-record. I mean, they have to be paid again, because they already did their jobs, even tho it will not be aired.

    I hope he will have to pay for everything, not his company. He has to pay from his own pocket.

    They do need to re-shoot but like you said its going to cost them a lot, one thing they can also do is make another actor do his part and then edit him out and replace him with the new actor but I don't know if it can be done.

  • We can condemn both while understanding that the victims of both are not fighting each other to show who suffered more. They just came out in public to reveal they were bullied by them. But in these cases we shouldn't even compare just to make one better than the other.

    We shouldn't compare bc it seems you (not you directly) are using another scandal to make your "fave" look better bc his accusations were "light". Understood?

    Both are completely different, but a comparison and a "at least the other was just words" is not necessary neither right in this type of situation.

    My opinion.

    I was one of them who compared the accusations, and after reading your post, you're so right, all victims suffered and I shouldn't compare them. It's like telling depressed people that they shouldn't be depressed as others are suffering 10x more than them.

  • This is really disappointing. I was looking forward to him finally getting a main lead role in k-dramas only for him to turn out like this. We’ve all made mistakes and hurt others’ feelings before, either accidentally or out of pettiness or immaturity but the things he’s admitted to doing here are horrific. Please tell me people like this aren’t the majority.

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