I thought bp is unstoppable? Their fans claiming they will beat bts and all ggs this year?
Are you shock that nj is still top1 despite of the queens of gg came back?
I'm pretty sure it took like 6 days for new jeans to get to number 1 right?
and I mean Blackpink took their number 1 spot on every other chart including flo which is supposed to be harder than melon.
blackpink is rising in unique listeners, all they need is time. and even if they don't get the number one on melon. is it that big of a deal? do we need to constantly compare new girl groups with Blackpink every time they get a little bit of success? bp really is the standard lmaoo
Twice didnt have a comeback yet wtf
Not that shocked, I predicted it. Newbeans kinda smashing in korea ✔️
It's okay tho, bp just topped spotify. They will survive
I mean we just did 100mil YT views pretty quick
I smell a potential zombie thread and the lysol's not working.
I smell a potential zombie thread and the lysol's not working.
I'm very tired and this sentence is confusing me beyond belief rn
I just realised it said zombie thread and not zombie threat, that makes more sense
LMAO, you obviously need to get some sleep!!! GO TO BED
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