Me trying to find my Day6 and Xdinary Heroes Big4 privilege
Big4 groups will always get more buzz, attention, etc, etc, etc
Me trying to find my Day6 and Xdinary Heroes Big4 privilege
B... I should do a thread telling others to stop calling big4 groups "golden spoon" when we have Day6 and Xdinary Heroes in the house kkkkkkk
stan Ive and lets make it big 5
Good point.
Ive is part of Kakao, literally the biggest Kpop company in Korea. Big 5 is the best way to describe Kpop tbh.
Yeah...shut up
You said it perfectly!
TWICE debut numbers
You’re a legend
You’re a legend
me? nooo...I don't know how i keep up lol
they are sadly a nugu gg but with really good music for just being nugu
Elementary, my dear Watson!
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